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Delivered From Death Penalty

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Back to A World in Captivity

Back to By David C. Pack

Man is not naturally headed toward eternal life. He is headed toward DEATH! Human beings live approximately 70-80 years, and in some parts of the world much less. A few manage to live longer, but all eventually die. Yet, this was never God’s original purpose. God wants everyone to experience life for all eternity.

God intends that all human beings ultimately receive His Holy Spirit. He wants it to eventually enter all minds. Let’s learn what role this SECOND spirit component plays, and how it works with the spirit in man. Notice what Paul wrote: “The Spirit [the Holy Spirit] itself bears witness with our spirit [spirit in man], that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” (Rom. 8:16-17). Two spirits are described here. Notice that God’s Spirit works “with” the human spirit to bring human beings to salvation as “joint-heirs with Christ.” It is this Spirit that Adam was offered and would have received had he eaten of the Tree of Life!

In I Corinthians 2:1-16, Paul also said, “But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (I Cor 2:14). This is an enormously important verse. It is not possible for human beings to understand spiritual knowledge—spiritual understanding. Such things can only seem “foolish” to a mind that cannot “spiritually discern.” No matter how intelligent or talented a person may be, without the Spirit of God, it can be said that they have a spiritual I.Q. of zero!

None of the problems common to individuals or nations can be properly addressed and resolved without the involvement of the Holy Spirit at work in minds. Human intelligence and ingenuity are insufficient.

Even attempting to tell people that they do not have this spiritual component is a useless exercise, if God is not opening their minds (John 6:44, 65). It will seem foolish to them because even this information is “spiritually discerned.” The more intelligent, self-reliant and accomplished the person is, the more foolish it will probably seem to him to be told that his mind is incomplete.

If Adam had eaten of the Tree of Life, he would have received the Spirit of God. He would have learned the way of love—the “give” way instead of the “get” way of life practiced by this world. The Bible says that “love is the fulfilling of the law” (Rom. 13:10), and that the “love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy [Spirit]” (Rom. 5:5).

Romans 8:6 states, “For to be carnally [physically] minded is death; but to be SPIRITUALLY MINDED is LIFE and PEACE.” If Adam had received the Spirit of God, he would have had life inherent within him. He would have been an “inheritor” with Christ as much as any true Christian today. He would have also known the way to peace. This is absolutely remarkable understanding—unknown to all but a scattered few on earth today. It has not been understood until our time!

Great Confusion

Paul wrote, in I Corinthians 14:33, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” In I Cor 14:40, he added, “Let all things be done decently and in order.” It is God’s will that there be order and structure instead of disorder, peace instead of war, decency instead of indecency and clear understanding instead of confusion.

Now we ask crucial questions: Why is this world filled with confusion? Why is it in such a terrible state of disorder? Why do disorder and confusion permeate religion, education, values, morals, ethics, philosophy, politics and government? Why have men not been able to answer life’s most important questions?

This world is filled with disease, war, famine, ignorance, poverty, pollution, hatred, crime, immorality, corruption, misery and unhappiness! Why can world leaders not solve these problems? Is it because they do not know the One who has the solutions? Is it because they do not know where to find the answers?

Is it because the devil is playing a far greater role than realized?

These are vital questions. They require straightforward, plain truth answers. You will hear us say, “Blow the dust off your Bible! Examine it carefully and see the real truth that has always been on its pages.” You will hear us repeat, “Don’t believe us just because we say something, but rather believe it if you see it proven in your Bible.”

The plain truth is that the Bible contains the answers to these towering questions! However, none are what is commonly taught. From as early as Sunday school, most have been taught to believe ideas that everyone assumes are in the Bible. Prepare to be surprised—shocked—at what it really has to say about this fallen angel of whom so much is said but so little is correctly known and understood!

Paul wrote, “PROVE all things; hold fast that which is good” (I Thes. 5:21) and “PROVE what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Rom. 12:2).

Will you do this?

We will examine the above questions and how they relate to the devil by looking at the basic, important verses that describe him—who he is—what he is—what his role is. To do this, we must leave behind the ideas of men.


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