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Responsible for Knowledge Given

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Back to The Awesome Potential of Man

Back to By David C. Pack

Babies are born knowing nothing. They do not know even the basics of right and wrong. They have to be taught virtually everything. Similarly, the world does not know the things of God—spiritual right from spiritual wrong. But with the knowledge of these things comes the responsibility to act on them.

Two Bible passages demonstrate that God holds people accountable for what they understand. Notice James 4:17: “Therefore to him that knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin.” Now read Hebrews 10:26: “For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins.”

Let’s understand. Each time you learn more of God’s truth (what is “good”), and it makes sense to you—you at least generally understand it—you are being given extraordinary spiritual knowledge for which God holds you accountable. You have seen in a previous chapter why others not drawn by God’s Spirit have no chance—none!—to understand what they read. But you must ask if you are understanding what you are learning.

Comprehending—grasping the meaning of—knowledge is central to the calling process. Further, seeing that you are being given special knowledge makes understanding how God calls one much more serious than most have believed. Recognize that God will only call each human being once. Therefore, you are responsible now for the knowledge that you are being given. If one does not act on what he is learning, God will take that understanding away (Rom. 2:13; Ps. 111:10), and such a person is in a grave spiritual condition.

The Greatest Freedom

God’s truth is most exciting to understand. It is the path to all the wonderful, good things in life—things God wants you to have. It is also the path to the greatest freedom that there is! Christ told certain Jews professing to believe on Him: “If you continue in My word [the truth –John 17:17], then are you My disciples indeed; and you shall know the truth, and THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE” (John 8:31-32). You must be willing to “continue” in your studies of God’s Word, learning ever more of His truth, which Christ explains will “make you free” from a world cut off from God and held captive by Satan. Even this understanding is precious knowledge.

Your associates in the world probably understand none of these things. Neither do your relatives. Without God’s calling, they have no possible way of enjoying now what is being offered to YOU—if you are understanding and acting upon God’s truth.

It is also vital that you make certain in your mind the things you are learning. You should find yourself wanting to PROVE the doctrines of God. Paul also told the Thessalonians to “PROVE all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Thes. 5:21). If you know God is calling you, take time to prove that He exists. Then prove that the Bible is truly His inspired Word for mankind.

Finally, prove the identity of God’s Church. Remove all doubt, leaving no room for confusion. We saw there are many counterfeit churches—many spiritual “look-alikes” in the world. Do not be fooled by any of them. Since Christ promised, “I will build My Church,” determine to know for certain if you have come in contact with it.

At the same time you are proving these things, pray fervently about what you are learning. When you are unclear on a matter, remember that Christ taught, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matt. 7:7).

John 14:17 explains how those coming toward conversion begin to find that they can see clearly the things of God. Notice what Christ said when speaking to His disciples about the Holy Spirit they were soon to receive: “Even the Spirit of truth; [which] the world cannot receive, because it sees [it] not, neither knows [it]: but you know [it]; for [it] dwells with you, and shall be in you” (John 14:17).

At this point, the disciples were much like many today—perhaps like you, too. They were seeing many spiritual truths in part, but did not yet fully grasp the enormous importance of learning God’s Plan and way of life. Through the Holy Spirit working with them, God was revealing certain things that they would only understand in a greater way once it was in them, beginning at conversion. Ultimately, to fully understand all the things of God—all the mysteries of the kingdom of God—one must be begotten of the Holy Spirit. This occurs when it enters directly into the mind! Lacking baptism and the vital receiving of God’s Spirit, it is completely impossible for anyone to truly understand even a single biblical truth!

Remember. Satan is a MASTER DECEIVER. He has proliferated many forms of false religion all over the earth. He counterfeits the truth in endless ways, and God’s calling process is no exception.

Be certain of whether you are being called at this time. You must decide whether you grasp the truths of this book—whether you are being given your opportunity for salvation now!

Understanding Conversion

To be called out of the world—Babylon—leads directly to the subject of conversion—REAL CONVERSION! What is true conversion? Is it merely “professing Christ as Lord and Saviour”? How and when is one converted? Is it sudden—immediate? Or a gradual process, lasting a lifetime?

So many struggle with problems, weaknesses, and sins. Does God expect overcoming—growth? What does this mean? How is it done? What role does the Holy Spirit play? And what about faith and repentance?

Many assume that they must be perfect. Others judge God’s Way by the conduct of Christians. Can one sin and remain a Christian? What about forgiveness?

Millions seek answers to these questions, yet settle for a false conversion. In the next chapter, the subject of Christian conversion is finally made plain!

Back to The Awesome Potential of Man

Back to By David C. Pack

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