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Actual Righteousness 13

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For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. (Matthew 25:29-NIV)

Not all are given ten talents. If the person who has been entrusted with little makes the most of it, he will be entrusted with more at the coming of the Lord. But the lazy servant will be sent to the outer darkness. Grace and mercy will not save him in that day.

The mighty men of Israel .

These are the names of David's mighty men: Josheb Basshebeth, a Tahkemonite, was chief of the Three; he raised his spear against eight hundred men, whom he killed in one encounter. (2 Samuel 23:8-NIV)

The emphasis placed on David's mighty men, in the Old Testament, is significant. It is significant because this special group was not composed of musicians or business men or teachers or artists or some other profession at which Jewish people are adept. Rather the men thus singled out were all noted for their ability in warfare.

So it is true that the remnant God is calling from the churches will be noted for their ability in spiritual warfare. They will be the first to overcome the enemy that has the Church and the world bound in the chains of sin.

The reason why war is emphasized in the Bible is that while the price of our redemption was paid by the blood of the Lord Jesus, Satan is unwilling to let us go free. The only answer is force, and this God is prepared to exercise. But before Divine force is administered, God is using this wicked world as a training ground for His future kings.

God's kings overcome Satan by trusting in the blood of the Lamb; by the Word of their testimony; that is, their consistent "Amen" to the Word of God; and by loving not their lives to the point of death. It is this last criterion, loving not their lives to the point of death, that is at issue today. As soon as God has victorious saints who proceed to the point of consecration of loving not their lives to the point of death, the overthrow of Satan will be at hand.

This is the beginning of the change from imputed to actual righteousness.

The three who stood with the Lord on the Mount of Transfiguration .

About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. (Luke 9:28-NIV)

I imagine the remaining disciples were very disappointed when they learned that Jesus chose only three of the group to go up on the mountain and see Moses and Elijah. How would you have felt?

The Kingdom of God is not a democracy. God calls to Himself whom He will, He exalts whom He will, and He puts down whom He will.

All any person can do is to press toward the mark set before him as an individual; to grasp that for which he has been grasped.

Those who have been given the opportunity to sit on a high throne will be judged accordingly. God does not play favourites. All serve Him and one is as important as the other.

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