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Understanding Tied to Obedience

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Back to The Antichrist.

Back to By David C. Pack

Most today do not—and will not!—UNDERSTAND the shocking crush of events soon to smash into civilization. Here is why. God’s servants obey Him (recall Acts 5:32). The Bible shows that understanding flows directly from obedience to God. Notice: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do His commandments” (Psa. 111:10).

All who yield themselves in obedience to God, striving to be His servants, striving to grow and overcome in every way, will understand these great prophecies (Rev. 1:1-3) and ESCAPE this worst time of trouble ever!

The masses of professing Christianity reject God’s authority, they refuse to obey Him—and remain blind as a result. No amount of trying to understand will unlock God’s Purpose to those who will not keep His Law. Stuck in confusion, they mangle and misunderstand the prophecies concerning virtually all of the terrible, civilization-shattering events to soon impact every human being on this planet!

The scriptures about protection from end-time calamities will only be understood by God’s true people. An example is in Isaiah, where it speaks of those whom God will protect from Satan’s army: “Let MY OUTCASTS dwell with you, Moab; be you a covert to them from the face of the spoiler” (Isa 16:4).

While the “last days” certainly are “perilous”—or dangerous (II Tim. 3:1)—this is just the run-up period prior to the infinitely worse final 3½ years to follow before the GOOD NEWS of the gospel is fulfilled in Christ’s Coming. I repeat: the Bible promises that those who are faithful and obedient will be protected through the worst calamities that could fall upon an unsuspecting world.

You need not fear the future—any part of it. Nor should you listen to people who do not understand either events that are playing out now, or how God will protect His people from this greatest time of world trouble.

The serious Bible student will want to learn more details about the so-called rapture, as well as the details about the truth of how God promises a place of protection for His Church. Since scores of millions of people have fallen for the false “7-year reign” version of the antichrist, with the accompanying rapture idea, the truth of how God protects His servants requires its own thorough booklet—Promised Protection – Secret Rapture or Place of Safety? Also read the book Where Is the True Church? – and Its Incredible History! to learn more about the Church that God will protect.

What Will You Do?

The spirit of antichrist already blankets the world as mankind continues to rely on itself to bring world peace, justice and prosperity—denying the power of Christ and rejecting His help and rule in their lives. Paul wrote that in the perilous last days many would have “a form of godliness, but denying the POWER thereof” (II Tim. 3:1, 5).

As the end of Satan’s reign draws near, the power of HIS spirit will culminate in two men. Neither will be the antichrist, but both will embody and represent the ultimate spirit or attitude of antichrist!

Jesus warned that the horrific conditions just preceding His Return would be “as the days of Noah were” (Matt. 24:36-39). People will rely on themselves instead of looking toward God. They will continue to follow their own ideas. Genesis 6:1-22 records that in Noah’s time, in the context of “all flesh [not just some or even most] had corrupted His way” (Gen 6:12), “the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his [man’s] heart was only evil continually” (Gen 6:5). One look around thunders that this rotten, awful, degenerate, disobedient time has almost come to the full!

More religious deceivers will arrive throughout Christendom. Some will perform miracles. We saw how one, the final mesmerizing False Prophet, will use great miracles (Rev. 13:13-14) to lead the world to worship the Beast as god (recall II Thes. 2:3; Rev. 16:13; 19:20)! The deception of the Beast and the False Prophet will be so seductive, so persuasive, so widespread, and so great, that this evil duo will even deceive mankind into fighting Jesus Christ at His Second Coming. (So say Revelation 13:4;16:9, 13-16 and 17:13-14.)

The seventh plague (or vial) of the book of Revelation is commonly referred to as the Battle of Armageddon. We saw this is a misnomer. Revelation 16:16 records that opposing armies gather at Armageddon. At this time, the Beast and False Prophet are feverishly working their final miracles to delude the masses. The “battle” will be one-sided. Christ and the resurrected, spirit-born saints will destroy this army right where it stands, before it can even think about fighting. Read Zechariah 14:1-3.

There is no coming “clash between good and evil,” as so many envision about what lies ahead. The WHOLE WORLD is foretold in Revelation 16:14 to sell out to the antichrist, and only Christ’s “little flock”—His true Church—the one you have come in contact with—will not be deceived, and will be protected. I repeat yet again: There is a way of escape for those who diligently seek Him (Rev. 12:7-9, 13-16).

Like players on a stage, personalities are quietly moving into position. The seeds of events that will stagger all nations have been planted. They will soon sprout! Will you act on what you know?

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