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Keys to Effective Fasting

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Next Part Fast in Secret

Back to By David C. Pack

FAST OFTEN: Read II Corinthians 11:27. The more you fast, the easier it will be. Your body will grow accustomed to it. In one sense, practice makes perfect. The more you fast, the more effective it will be. But keep in mind that attitude, not frequency, is what really counts.

TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME: An effective fast should continue for at least 24 hours, causing you to miss at least three meals. Sometimes, however, a longer fast—2 or 3 days—may be necessary. If this is the case, don’t focus on the length of the fast—it will only make it seem longer. And use wisdom. Only fast beyond a three-day period if it follows sound professional advice. Your fast may start at any time, but it is more natural to go from sunset to sunset. Also, remember that fasting for a week does not necessarily make you more spiritual than someone who only fasted for one day.

MAKE THE TIME: Fasting is rarely convenient. You must set aside the time to do it. At times, it may be necessary to perform your daily duties. You may have to work. But the most profitable fast would occur during free time. Occasionally, the Sabbath may be used as a fast day. But this is not ideal, because the Sabbath is a feast day.

USE THE OTHER TOOLS WITH FASTING: Wasting the time you spend fasting—by not studying, praying or meditating—reduces the fast to a mere hunger strike. Remember to at least double the amount of prayer, Bible study and meditation normally done. Tripling them can be better. If fasting for a particular reason, be sure to review all scriptures that apply.

PREPARE PROPERLY: A day or so before beginning your fast, cut back on the amount of food you eat. Gorging yourself before a fast is unwise. You may experience headaches, due to a lack of caffeine (especially if you are a heavy coffee or soda drinker). Cut back on these beverages ahead of time. You may also experience light-headedness and bad breath. Keep in mind that your body will be eliminating built-up poisons; drinking plenty of water before beginning will help. When you resume eating, start with light foods. Don’t eat heavily right away.

HAVE THE PROPER APPEARANCE: Remember what Christ said in Matthew 6:16-18. Bathe or shower as you would normally do. Comb your hair. Dress and act normally. Brushing teeth is permissible. No one should be able to tell by your appearance that you are fasting—only God should know.