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Titus Foreword

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Back to Through The Bible New Testament

Back to Through The Bible

v.2 "Eternal life" also means "age-abiding life." Ephesians 1:4.
v.4 Paul also considered Titus as his son. Paul led Titus to Christ.
Paul once again adds "mercy" to the salutation. When we realize the mercy and grace of God toward us, the result is peace.
The day Jesus becomes the Lord of our lives is as important as the day He became our Savior.
v.5 The elders, or overseers, were to guard the churches against doctrinal impurity and to oversee the business of the church.
v.7 Bishop means "overseer."
A self-willed person always wants to have his own way.
A person "given to filthy lucre" is money-hungry.
v.9 The overseers need to be doctrinally sound, so they can detect and correct even the slightest deviation from the truth.
v.16 Many people profess to know God, but their lives deny Him.

v.1 Truth never lies in the extreme position. It's always balanced.
v.2 The "aged men" are to be sober as opposed to drunken. "Grave" means serious. "Temperate" means moderate. "Charity" means love.
v.4-5 The older women are to teach the younger women about family relations and good housekeeping.
v.7 Titus was to set the pattern for the Christians in good works, sincere doctrine, and sound speech.
v.10 "Purloining" is stealing.
v.12 The grace of God teaches us to: 1. deny ungodliness and worldly desires, and 2. live soberly, righteously, and godly in the world.
v.13 This verse declares that Christ is God, for the Scriptures never refer to an "appearing" of God.
v.14 We're to be peculiar people, because we have peace during a storm and answer with love, not because we're odd or strange.

v.2 The world is telling people to be strong and assertive, but Paul tells us to be gentle and meek.
v.3-5 God delivered us from our former way of life by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit.
v.6-8 God imputes the righteousness of Christ to us through faith. Our grateful response is to be careful to maintain good works.
v.9 Many people who like to argue about Scriptures aren't seriously seeking the truth. It's a waste of time to debate with them.
v.10-11 A man involved in a heresy condemns himself.