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The Church in Pergamos

Revision as of 00:19, 27 January 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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1.What does Pergamos mean?
Marriage, and elevation.

2.With whom is the conqueror to become united?

3.From what is the conqueror to turn away?
Life lived in the flesh and soul. He is to turn away from all relationships with demon gods, from all physical and spiritual fornication, and to live and move and have his being in Christ at the right hand of God in the highest heaven.

4.Why does Christ appear to the church in Pergamos as the One who has the sharp sword with two edges?
Because the church in Pergamos was dwelling where Satan's throne was, at the center of Satan's place of rulership, Christ appeared as the One having the sharp sword with two edges—the most powerful weapon in the universe.

5.What penetrates the joints and marrow of the frame of the Christian person until all is re-created and is of Christ and in Christ.
The Word of God.

6.Read Revelation 2:13

7.Can the saint serve Christ perfectly in the center of demon activity?
Yes, if that is where Christ has placed him.

8.Are there seasons when we are so pressed that all we can do is wait patiently for the Lord to lift the darkness?
There certainly are!

9.Is Christ the victory in every situation?

10.What shall every tongue confess?
Jesus is Lord!

11.Read Psalms 91:13,14; Ephesians 2:6; Luke 10:19.

12.What happened when the Ark of God and Dagon, the god of the Philistines, were brought face to face?
Dagon bowed in worship.

13.Read I Samuel 5:4.

14.What will take place in the end-time?
The enemy of God will be forced into a confrontation with the "Ark of the Covenant."

15.What does the "Ark of the Covenant" represent?
Christ and those in whom Christ has come to maturity.

16.What three elements must be fully formed in each saint who is to be used of God to destroy the enemy?
Righteous and holy personality and behavior—the Ten Commandments; life lived by continual dependence on the Word of God—the memorial jar of manna; the power of the endless and indestructible resurrection life of the Holy Spirit that is given to the elect royal priesthood of God—Aaron's rod that budded.

17.What will happen when the god of this world is forced to face Christ in the saints?
He will bow in worship of Christ.

18.Read Revelation 12:11; Romans 16:20.

19.What power will cut off Satan's wisdom and control, and his power and ability to act?
The Word of God.

20.What satanic power is greater than the power of the Word of God spoken in the Spirit in Jesus' name?
There is none. Every satanic power, no matter how great, must give way in obedience.

21.Read Revelation 12:13.

22.What does the name Antipas mean?
Against all.

23.How did Antipas become one of Christ's conquerors?
By loving not his life to the point of death.

24.Why can we say that the martyr, Antipas, was never overcome?
Antipas will be wielding the sword of the Spirit in the Day of the Lord and will be rejoicing in Christ with the rest of the saints.

25.What may happen at some point in the life of the Christian saint?
He or she may be required to stand "against all," to stand alone.

26.Whom are Christ and His "Antipases" against?
Against all who will not yield to Jesus as Lord.

27.Read Psalms 149:5-9; Revelation 2:14.

28.What is the doctrine of Balaam?
God's people should eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication.

29.Read Numbers 25:1-2; 31:16.

30.What was Balaam unable to do?
Curse Israel.

31.What did Balaam counsel Balak to do?
Balaam counseled Balak, the king of the Moabites, to provoke God's anger against Israel by sending out the Moabite girls to lure the Israelite warriors into fornication and into the worship of the demons that the Moabites worshiped.

32.What did Balaam hope to accomplish by this?
To remove the Lord's protection from Israel so Balaam could curse the people.

33.Can all the forces of Hell break through the Angel of the Lord and harm one of Christ's soldiers?

34.What must Satan do in order to harm one of Christ's soldiers?
He must lure the Lord's soldier into sexual lust or into other forms of demonic activity and worship. Then the judgment of God will fall on the saint.

35.What happens when one of Christ's soldiers practices in sin?
He or she can be overcome easily by Satan.

36.What caused Balaam to destroy himself?
The love of money.

37.What is one of the snares that the saint must diligently avoid?
Mixing religion and money in such a manner that monetary profit occurs.

38.Can an individual serve both Christ and money?

39.What will happen to the Christian who becomes entangled in the pursuit of money?
He surely will fall.

40.What happens when Christians pursue money?
The believers begin to partake of the idols of the world around them and give themselves to fornication—both physically and spiritually.

41.Name five of the chief demon gods of this world?
Fleshly lust, murder and violence, material gain, occult practices, revelry and drunkenness.

42.What are the church people doing today?
The church people are partaking of these filthy spirits, worshiping them and committing fornication with them.

43.What does the conqueror do to these five demon gods?
Through the power of the Spirit of God the saint casts off fleshly lust. He casts off anger and violence. He casts off the desire for material gain.
He casts off all attempts to control or engage in the spirit realm other than in the manner assigned to him by Jesus.
He casts off the practice of revelry and riotous indulgence in food, drink, and entertainment.

44.How does the conqueror overcome the devil?
By the blood of the Lamb, by the word of his Spirit-empowered testimony, and by loving not his life to the point of death.

45.Read Revelation 2:15.

46.From what is the conqueror to flee?
From idols and fornication. The conqueror is to flee from all attempts to blend gracefully with the ways of the world.

47.Read Revelation 2:16.

48.What will happen to those of the church who do not turn away from their idols, their fornication, their love of the world?
They will be stripped of all their accomplishments and be in danger of losing their souls, if they do not repent and turn to Christ for forgiveness and cleansing.

49.Read Revelation 2:17.

50.What two aspects of the first resurrection are given to the conqueror in Pergamos?
He is fed with hidden manna and is given a white stone in which has been written a new name known only to the one receiving it.

51.What is the manna of the conqueror?
Christ's body and blood are our manna from Heaven.

52.To whom is the hidden manna given?
Those who faithfully perform the will of God; the soldiers of Christ.

53.Read I Samuel 21:6.

54.What did David receive after he had been given the showbread, the "hidden manna"?
The sword of Goliath, the Philistine.

55.From what source does the Lord nourish His exhausted warrior?
From the Substance and Virtue of Christ.

56.How nourishing was the "hidden manna" that Elijah received?
In the strength of such "hidden manna" Elijah traveled on foot forty days and forty nights.

57.What is the meaning of the word stone ?
Voting pebble.

58.What does the giving of the white pebble signify?
We have been voted into the elect, the chosen, the pure and spotless Bride of the Lamb.

59.How many are "chosen"?
A few.

60.To whom is the overcoming grace of God given?
Each person who requests it.

61.What happens as we progress through the rewards assigned to the conquerors.
Our eternal standing before God is established.

62.What is the point at which we are settled securely for eternity in the Presence of God and the Lamb?
When we have become established as a pillar in the Temple of God.

63.What is the supreme goal of the disciple?
To be ever with the Lord.

64.Read Isaiah 62:2.

65.When is the saint to reveal what God has spoken to him in secret?
Only when he is guided to do so by the Holy Spirit.

The Church in Thyatira