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The Resurrection

Revision as of 20:48, 26 January 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (The "house which is from heaven.)

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1.Read John 3:16. 

2.Toward what is John 3:16 directed?
The restoration of what was lost in Eden—especially access to the tree of life.

3.What is the hope of the Gospel of Christ?
That we shall live and not die. Not just our spirit, not just our spirit and soul, but our whole personality—spirit, soul, and body—is destined to receive eternal life.

4.What is the greatest hope in all of life?
That cherished relationships will be restored.

5.What are the consequences of rebellion against God?
Spiritual and physical death.

Making alive the mortal body.

6.Read Romans 8:11. 

7.When will our salvation be complete?
When our body has been redeemed.

8.When will the redemption of our body occur?
At the next coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

9.Who performs the daily work of sanctification in us?
The Holy Spirit.

10.What will need changing when Jesus comes, if we have been successful in the program of sanctification?
Only the physical body.

11.What is the climax of the life of victorious living in Christ?
The resurrection from the dead.

Victorious Christian living is related to the resurrection.

12.What will happen to our spirit and our soul at the coming of the Lord?
Our spirit and our soul will be revealed as to what they have become during our pilgrimage in the world.

13.Read Phil 3:10-11. 

14.How are Christians to regard the first resurrection from the dead?
The first resurrection from the dead is a goal, a mark, a prize, that inspires the disciple of the Lord Jesus to continue pressing day after day from the state of imputed (ascribed) righteousness into complete sanctification and consecration of life.

15.Read Phil 3:20-21; Rev 20:6. 

16.What was Paul anticipating?
The fashioning of his corruptible body into the image of the glorified Body of Christ, this being accomplished by the energy with which Christ is able to subdue all things to His own will.

17.Read 2 Corinthians 4:10, 2 Cor 4:17. 

18.What is our "light affliction" producing for us?
An exceedingly great weight of glory.

19.Why did Paul offer up to God everything of seeming value in the world?
So he would come to know in actual experience the power of Christ's resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering.

20.How will our "former enemy" (our body) be brought over to the side of righteousness?
By being transformed, by Christ's almighty power, into incorruptible, eternal life.

21.Read Hebrews 3:14. 

22.What is the letter to the Hebrew Christians?
An exhortation to the saints to press forward to the "rest" of God—to rest in the resurrection life that flows from God through Christ. The contrast is made that we either "draw back unto perdition," or else "believe to the saving of the soul" (Hebrews 10:39).

23.What may happen if we neglect any aspect of the Divine redemption?
We may seriously jeopardize the quality of our resurrection.

24.Read Hebrews 2:3. 

25.On what does our capability of being resurrected to eternal life depends?
Our experiencing daily the liberating force of resurrection power that raises us from His suffering and death, into which we are being pressed.

26.Read Romans 8:2, Rom 8:4, Rom 8:6. 

27.Into what must we be pressed anew each day?
The death and resurrection of Christ.

28.At what point is the fullness of the goal of eternal life attained?
At the point in which our physical body is redeemed and we become clothed with our body from Heaven—a body fashioned from the substance of eternal life.

The role of the physical body in the resurrection from the dead.

29.Read Hebrews 1:5. 

30.What three phases were included in the "day" on which Christ was "begotten"?
His birth in a manger; the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Him; His resurrection from the dead.

31.What is one particular way in which Christ is different from all other heavenly beings?
He possesses a physical body.

32.What is the destiny of every member of the Body of Christ?
To be born of a woman and then of God, anointed with the Spirit of God, and then raised from the dead to occupy a position of honour in the Kingdom of God.

33.What is the Christian's task?
To cooperate with the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit and, by the grace that God gives, to bring the rebellious flesh into submission to God and to keep it there.

34.Read 1 Corinthians 9:27. 

35.What will the Holy Spirit do for us in the days to come?
He will make alive our body so that the power of death can be broken completely.

36.Read 1 Corinthians 15:54. 

37.What is the message of Easter morning?
The tomb is empty.

38.What is the Christian Good News?
The believers in Christ will not perish in the grave but will come back to life in their bodies.

39.What is redemption , in scriptural terms?
The destroying of the power of sin and death over the physical body.

40.Read Luke 21:28; Romans 8:23; 2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:14; Eph 4:30; 1 Peter 1:5. 

41.What is the fullest expression of Calvary?
The release of the created universe, including the making alive of the bodies of the believers.

42. 1 Corinthians 15:54-56. 

43.Read Romans 8:24. 

44.What is the hope that saves us?
The hope that one day the sin and death in our body will be removed and we, as a result, will enter the Divine rest, which consists of righteousness, holiness, and obedience to God.

Experiencing His death and His resurrection.

45.Why is our flesh being brought low continually?
So we may experience the power of Christ's resurrection.

46.Read 2 Corinthians 4:12. 

47.How are we being prepared and strengthened for the putting on of the body of resurrection life?
By first learning, during our experiences now, how to walk and live in the Spirit of God.

48.What is necessary for the development of the inner man?
The death of the outward man.

49.Read Hebrews 12:11. 

The "house which is from heaven.

50.What is the "far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory"?
The eternal "house" with which our mortal body will be clothed at the Presence of Christ, who will bring our rewards with Him at His coming.

51.Read 2 Corinthians 5:1. 

52.Where is our spiritual body now?
In Heaven with God.

53.Is the purpose of the resurrection that we may go to Heaven?
The purpose of the resurrection from the dead is not that we may go to Heaven, for we already are in Heaven in our spiritual nature.

54.Read 1 Corinthians 15:53-54. 

55.How is the "swallowing up" of the corruptible mortal body typified in the Old Testament?
By the refined gold that "swallowed up" various parts of the Tabernacle of the Congregation.

56.Read 1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Cor 6:19. 

57.How do we gain eternal resurrection life?
By eating the Body of Christ, the incarnate Word, and drinking His blood.

58.What is the "robe" of salvation?
Our house from Heaven, that is, our glorified body.

59.Read 2 Corinthians 5:2. 

60.Read Joel 2:6-8. 

61.For what did the Apostle Paul groan?
That he would be clothed with his house from Heaven.

62.Read 2 Corinthians 5:3-5. 

63.In what way will we be declared to be a son of God ?
By the redemption of our body from the hand of the enemy.

64.What are Christians doing who are living in the flesh?
Slaying their own resurrection.

65.Read 2 Corinthians 5:6-10. 

66.What may well be the most misunderstood aspect of all Christian doctrine?
The fact that the body of incorruptible eternal life, the attainment to the first resurrection from among the dead, is a direct result of the manner in which we live the Christian discipleship.

67.When the Scriptures speak of faith , to what are they referring?
Our trust in God, our grip on God and faith in His Character, not belief in the virgin birth of Christ or even in the fact that Christ shed His blood for our sins, except as such belief in doctrine directly affects how we behave.

68.What is the meaning of the term appear , in "we must all appear before the Judgement Seat of Christ?
It means we will be revealed there.

69.What is one of the most important aspects of the Day of Christ?
The Rev of what we have become as we have followed Christ with more or less diligence.

70.Read Rev 22:12.