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Ezekiel Foreword

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Back to Through The Bible


I. EZEKIEL'S CALL TO THE MINISTRY. VS.11 A. The importance of the call of God. 1. Jesus said to His disciples, "You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should be My disciples." 2. Paul wrote, "Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God." 3. The ministry is not an easy task, there will be...

Sermon on Ezekiel 3:17-21

"DELIVERING OUR SOULS" I. GOD'S CALL. vs. 17. A. Ezekiel called as a watchman to Israel. 1. He had a two-fold responsibility. a. To hear the word from God. b. To give that word to the people. c. God's method has always been to use those who are in touch with Him, to reach those out of touch with Him. d. Through wickedness, people get out of touch with God. 2. Notice, he was ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 6:9

"GOD'S BROKEN HEART" Intro. There used to be a song that became quite popular whose lyrics went, "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return." One of the saddest things you can ever experience is to love and not be loved in return. God loves you, and he desires to be loved in return. I. GOD SPEAKS OF BEING BROKEN WITH THE WHORISH HEART OF THE PEOPLE OF ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 8

"TO EACH HIS OWN" I. THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR GUILT. A. Always seek to blame someone else. 1. "Adam, where art thou?"..."I heard You coming and I hid myself..." "Have you eaten of the tree?"..."The woman that Thou gavest me..." a. Not sure if he is trying to blame Eve or God. 2. Land of Judah fast becoming desolate. a. "The fathers ate sour grapes." 3. God is not fair - ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 8:7-12

"REDECORATING" Intro: Jerusalem must fall - she has forsaken God, the fountain of living water. Judgment is a difficult process - question of fairness. Especially to captives, hundreds of miles away in Babylon. So God took Ezekiel by the Spirit back to Jerusalem, to behold the abominations done in the open. I. "DIG A HOLE IN THE WALL." A. Here as he looked around, he saw worse ab...

Sermon on Ezekiel 8:7

"THE ALL SEEING GOD" Intro. Ezekiel has been taken by God in a vision back to Jerusalem where he is allowed to see the abominations that are bringing the judgment upon the people. He sees a hole in the wall and is commanded to dig through the wall. Once inside he is horrified by all of the pornography that is painted upon the walls inside of the room. He is then informed by God tha...

Sermon on Ezekiel 9

"THE JUDGMENT OF THE LORD" I. THE CERTAINTY OF THE JUDGMENT. A. The wheels of justice grind slowly but exceedingly fine. 1. One of the characteristics of God is His patience or long-suffering. 2. James exhorts us to have patience as we wait for the coming of the Lord, for the Lord is waiting for the complete fruit of harvest, and has long patience for it. 3. Some have mistakenl...

Sermon on Ezekiel 9:8

Intro: Ezekiel's vision of slaughter in Jerusalem - "...and I was left." We have all had close brushes with death - another inch, a few more seconds. I. HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY YOU WERE LEFT? A. If you are not a Christian. 1. Could it be that God in His goodness is giving you another chance? a. How long do you think God will forbear? 1. "My Spirit will not always strive with...

Sermon on Ezekiel 9:8

"I WAS LEFT" Intro: All of us have had experiences where death passed close by. We realize how easily it could have caught us, but I was left. Tony Fontaine. I. WHY WERE YOU LEFT? (IT COULD AS EASILY BEEN YOU). A. If you as yet have not given your life to Christ - 1. Could it be God's grace giving you another chance? a. But how long will God forbear? b. How many more opportuni...

Sermon on Ezekiel 11:19

"A NEW HEART" Intro. In the first part of the chapter Ezekiel is prophesying of the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the scattering of the people into all of the world. He then addresses his message to those who have been scattered abroad. I. GOD'S PROMISE TO HIS REMNANT. A. I will be as a little sanctuary unto them, in the lands where they had been scattered. 1. He would wat...

Sermon on Ezekiel 13:10

"FALSE PROPHETS" I. THE MARKS OF A FALSE PROPHET. A. They lead people into a false sense of security. 1. Here they were saying peace, when war and desolation had been determined by the Lord. 2. The people had only one hope, and that is to repent and seek the mercy of the Lord. 3. Because of the false prophets they were going on in their iniquity down the path of destruction, no...

Sermon on Ezekiel 14:1-6

"IDOLATRY" Intro: An idol is a representative of an ideal or master passion which, when possessed or worshipped, shows acknowledgment as that person's god. I. "THESE MEN HAVE SET UP IDOLS IN THEIR HEARTS." A. This is where idolatry begins. 1. Most people would deny vehemently the accusation of idolatry. a. We live in an enlightened age. b. No man burns candles before a statue....

Sermon on Ezekiel 14:1-6

"IDOLATRY" I. "THESE MEN HAVE SET UP IDOLS IN THEIR HEART." A. I don't believe that any of you would be guilty of worshipping or praying to an image. 1. For this reason, idolatry seems like an unnecessary subject to warn against in our enlightened age. 2. These men being, Jews and under the law, would no doubt have recoiled at the accusation of idolatry. B. Yet God said "they h...

Sermon on Ezekiel 14:1-6

"IDOLATRY" I. TRUE IDOLATRY IS OF THE HEART. vs. 3 A. This is where it all begins. 1. Long before a man attempts to carve a representative figure, he has had his idol. B. An idol is an object of worship and love. 1. God wants first place in our devotion. a. "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." b. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul, strength, and might."...

Sermon on Ezekiel 16:8-14

"PERFECTION OF BEAUTY" Intro: In this chapter, God speaks of how He took an outcast Bedouin family and made them a strong, beautiful nation. It was just a foreshadow of what He was to do for His church. I. REMEMBER HOW WE WERE WHEN GOD FIRST CAME TO US. "And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted..." A. "Dead in trespasses and sins." 1. Spiritually dead. 2. "The wages of ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 16:14

"THE BEAUTY OF THE LORD" Intro. God is tracing His work on the nation of Israel. He took her from nothing and made of her a beautiful and strong nation. His complaint is that when she became beautiful, others began to court her, and she turned from Him, to follow after other lovers. She began to worship other gods. Tragically we are following the same pattern. America, America, God...

Sermon on Ezekiel 16:49

"THE SIN OF SODOM" Intro: Our minds recall the two angels who came to Lot - the actions of the men of the city and the subsequent judgment of God. The word "sodomy" stems from this. I. SODOMY WAS NOT THE BASIC SIN. A. It was the final manifestation that justified the judgment. B. It was the fruit of deeper roots. II. WHAT THEN WAS THE TRUE SIN OF SODOM. A. Pride - an inflated ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 18:4

"ALL SOULS ARE MINE" Intro: God has made a claim on you. This declaration from God came in response to the proverb by which they were seeking to blame their fathers for their captivity. I. EVERY SOUL HAS A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. A. When you stand before God you answer only for yourself. 1. You will not be rejected for your father's sin. 2. You can't slip in on your wi...

Sermon on Ezekiel 18:29

"THE WAYS OF GOD" I. THE ACCUSATION AGAINST GOD. "THE WAYS OF THE LORD ARE NOT EQUAL." OR GOD IS NOT FAIR. A. There was a proverb that was being repeated very often that declared "The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge." This same proverb was being used also in Jerusalem for we find Jeremiah chiding the people for this same proverb. 1. What th...

Sermon on Ezekiel 18:30

I. "THEREFORE I WILL JUDGE YOU." A. The highest court of the Universe. 1. Carl Chessman trickery, maneuvering. 2. No appeal beyond. B. I will. 1. Judgment is yet future. 2. Judgment is certain. 3. Some feel a false ease. II. ALTERNATIVE. A. Interior. 1. Repent. a. Not remorse. b. Sorry enough to quit. B. Exterior. 1. Turn from transgressions. a. Disobedience to God's ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 20:41

"ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED" I. THE SITUATION: THE ELDERS OF ISRAEL HAD COME TO EZEKIEL TO INQUIRE OF THE LORD FOR THEM, BUT GOD WOULD NOT ACCEPT THEM. A. The reason for His rejecting them. 1. The horrible abominations of their fathers that the Lord traced back in their history all the way to Egypt. 2. Their history was one of continual rebellion against God. 3. It was only by His...

Sermon on Ezekiel 21:26

"THE KING IS COMING" I. GOD IS ANNOUNCING THE END OF THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL. "REMOVE THE DIADEM, AND TAKE OFF THE CROWN." A. God had promised to David that He would establish the throne of his kingdom forever. IISam. 7:16 1. This was a conditional promise. 2. I Kings 2:4 David declared to Solomon that the Lord had said to him, "If thy children take heed to their way, to walk befo...

Sermon on Ezekiel 22:30,31

"GOD WANTS YOU" Intro: Old recruiting signs, "Uncle Sam wants you." God is always seeking to recruit for His service. God is plenteous in mercy - slow to judgment. The last thing God wants to do is judgment. Yet because He is righteous, He must judge. When everything else fails, judgment must come. Right up to the moment the axe falls, God is crying, "Turn ye, turn ye, for why..."...

Sermon on Ezekiel 22:30

"GOD SOUGHT FOR A MAN & FOUND NONE" I. TO LEAD CHILDREN OF ISRAEL OUT OF EGYPT. A. Turned to Moses in wilderness. 1. "O Lord, I am not eloquent..." II. TO PROPHESY TO HIS PEOPLE. A. Isaiah. 1. God had to wait until his idol died before he could see Him. III. JONAH TO WARN NINEVAH - "IN THE YEAR KING UZZIAH DIED, I SAW THE LORD." IV. TO PREACH GOSPEL OF GRACE TO GENTILES. ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 22:30,31

"THE MAN GOD SEEKS" Intro: The sins of the nation enumerated in this chapter. Ripe for judgment - yet God would save. I. "I SOUGHT FOR A MAN AMONG THEM." A. God has chosen to use human instruments to do His work. 1. Why? 2. As an instrument I get to share in the rewards of accomplishments. B. Sometimes God has difficulty finding a usable instrument. 1. Look at the arguments M...

Sermon on Ezekiel 22:30,31

"GOD'S VAIN SEARCH" Intro: The last thing God wants to do is bring His judgment upon a people. In order to be righteous, He must judge sin. So when all else fails - judgment must come. I. JUDAH'S DESPERATE PLIGHT. A. The nation was thoroughly corrupted. 1. Those in government had corrupted themselves. a. They became greedy - began accepting bribes. b. They ruled for their own ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 22:30,31

"THE SEEKING GOD" Intro: In Psalms, God is declared to be slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. Eze.18 - God has no pleasure in death of wicked. Judgments as warnings & punishments. I. THE NEED FOR A MAN. A. The nation had become polluted. 1. Serving false gods. a. Intellect. b. Pleasure. c. Power. 2. Violence was increasing. 3. Their government officials had become corrup...

Sermon on Ezekiel 24:14

I. "WHAT GOD HAS SPOKEN SHALL COME TO PASS." A. Many places God assures the certainty of His Word. 1. Consistent with logic - for as God He is: a. All knowing - past, present, future. b. Absolute truth & purity. c. Eternal - "that which shall be has already been." B. Thus when God speaks we had better pay attention. II. "THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO ME SAYING," - 26:1-14. A....

Sermon on Ezekiel 24:16

"KNOWING GOD" I. THE WORD OF GOD TO EZEKIEL. IN THE NINTH YEAR, THE TENTH MONTH AND ON THE TENTH DAY OF THE MONTH, THE LORD TOLD HIM TO MARK THAT DAY, FOR THAT WAS THE DAY THE TROOPS OF BABYLON BEGAN THE FINAL SIEGE AGAINST JERUSALEM. A. It is important to realize that Ezekiel was some four hundred miles from Jerusalem, and that they had no modern means of communication in those d...

Sermon on Ezekiel 26

"THE DESTRUCTION OF TYRE" I. THE PREDICTIONS. A. Many nations were predicted to participate in the destruction of Tyre. Vs. 3 B. Walls and towers to be destroyed, the stones, timbers, and dust to be laid in the midst of the waters. C. Nebuchadrezzer to besiege the city. 1. He will come with a great army of horsemen. 2. He will destroy the walls and houses and towers. 3. Notic...

Sermon on Ezekiel 26:3-14

"THE SURE WORD OF JEHOVAH" I. THE PROPHESY AGAINST TYRE. A. To be conquered by more than one nation. verse 3. B. Nebuchadnezzar would be first to conquer. 1. Notice the details given of the battle. C. Nebuchadnezzar would not spoil her riches. D. The city would become like the top of a rock. E. It would become a place for spreading fishing nets. F. The stones and timbers wou...

Sermon on Ezekiel 26:3-14; 36:34-36

"GOD'S SURE WORD" I. PROPHECY AGAINST TYRE. (1-5) A. "Many nations" to come against her. vs. 3. (1-3) B. Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon. vs. 7 1. "He shall." C. "They..." 1. "Make a spoil of thy riches." vs. 12 2. "Break down thy walls." (1-10) 3. "Shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water." D. "I" - the Lord. 1. Make thee like top of ro...

Sermon on Ezekiel 26:14

"GOD HAS SPOKEN" Intro: Many have claimed divine inspiration. "The Lord showed me, the Lord told me." If the infinite God has spoken to finite man, we ought to take heed. I. HOW CAN WE KNOW THAT GOD HAS SPOKEN? A. It is not unreasonable to think that God has spoken to man. 1. He that made the eyes can surely see. He that made the ears can surely hear. He that made the mouth ca...

Sermon on Ezekiel 28:1

"AM I A GOD?" I. THE HISTORIC SETTING. A. The city of Tyre was one of the most beautiful and richest cities in the world. 1. The king of Tyre was very wise and a shrewd business man who had increased greatly the riches of Tyre. 2. As the people began to laud him for his great wisdom, they began to hold him up and worship him as a God. 3. The problem was he began to believe it a...

Sermon on Ezekiel 30:6

"A BROKEN CRUTCH" I. THE NEED FOR A CRUTCH. A. Judah was facing a situation in which they knew they could not stand, the Babylonian forces were superior to theirs, thus they knew that they would surely fall. 1. They were forced to reach out for help. 2. The issue is where do they look for help? B. Their comes a time in each of our lives where we are facing problems or circumsta...

Sermon on Ezekiel 33:17

"THE EQUAL WAYS OF GOD" I. THIS IS AN OFT REPEATED ACCUSATION AGAINST GOD. A. It began in the Garden of Eden. 1. Satan had suggested to Eve, that God was trying to hold back something good from man to protect Himself. 2. The reason that God does not want you to eat of the fruit is He knows that the day that you eat of it, you will become like gods. B. When Abraham was told of ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 34:23, 24, 31

"THE GOOD SHEPHERD" I. ANALOGIES OF THE SHEPHERD WITH THE FLOCK ARE COMMON IN THE BIBLE. A. David made many allusions to the people as the flock of God. 1. Psalm 23 has become a classic. 2. Psalm 100 another classic: "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands...We are His people and the sheep of His pasture..." (Jeremiah 23). B. Here in this 34th chapter of Ezekiel. C. ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 34:23,24

"THE COMING PRINCE" Intro: In the scriptures God's people are often referred to as a flock of sheep - Our tendency to herd - our dependence upon the shepherd - our need of guidance and protection. I. GOD'S WORD TO THE EVIL SHEPHERDS. A. More concerned for their own welfare. 1. They feed and clothe themselves but not the flock. 2. Their chief concern is not the flock. a. They d...

Sermon on Ezekiel 34:23

"THE GOOD SHEPHERD" I. THE PROPHESY AGAINST THE SHEPHERDS OF ISRAEL. A. The shepherds were the leaders of the people, the message could apply to the political leaders as well as the spiritual leaders. B. The indictment 1. Fed themselves rather than the people. Their primary interest was themselves rather than the sheep. a. The primary duty of the shepherd was to see that the fl...

Sermon on Ezekiel 34:30,31

"A CALL TO THE FLOCK" Intro: God's blessing and goodness. The nature of human or material is to deteriorate. "Having begun in the Spirit..." I. THE PROFESSION OF THE FLOCK. A. Jehovah is our God. 1. He is the only true and living God. 2. He has manifested Himself in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 3. We accept Him as our Lord forever. a. The carnally wise have cr...

Sermon on Ezekiel 36-39

"THE CURRENT MID-EAST CRISIS" I. GOD FIRST OF ALL PROMISED TO BRING HIS PEOPLE FROM AMONG THE HEATHEN AND BACK INTO THEIR OWN LAND. A. Great agricultural projects. B. Great rebuilding. II. HE PROMISED TO MAKE THEM A NATION AGAIN. A. No longer a divided kingdom - but one nation. 1. The Jews in Yemen were a persecuted miserable lot - through the years of hardship they had become...

Sermon on Ezekiel 36:27

"THE NECESSITY OF THE SPIRIT'S WORK" Intro: Nothing that God does is unnecessary. None of His promises are unnecessary. The work of the Holy Spirit is necessary if we are to be saved. I. REMEMBER WHAT MAN IS BY NATURE - "DEAD" IN TRESPASSES & SINS. A. Some say that all man needs is an opportunity. Someone to point him in the right direction. The spark of goodness lies buried wi...

Sermon on Ezekiel 36:36

"2,554 YEARS AGO" I. THE SETTING. A. Israel must be re-gathered into her land. 1. They are to be one nation not two. 2. They are to build the waste places. 3. They are to plant the desolate places. 4. They are to reap excellent crops. II. THE FOES. A. Magog the chief foe. (that land north of the...) 1. The chief prince of Mesbrech and Tubal. B. Gomer - (Eastern portion of ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 36:36

"THE GOD OF HIS WORD" I. I THE LORD HAVE SPOKEN IT. A. What did He speak? 1. The mountains would become fruitful and yield fruit for the people. a. The Golan heights which belonged to Syria until 1967 were up till that time still barren. b. About the only thing the Syrians planted on the Golan were mines and gun emplacements. c. To drive up through the Golan now you will se...

Sermon on Ezekiel 37; 38; 39

"THE COMING WAR" Intro: Prophesy is history spelled out in advance. Ezekiel wrote these things 2,558 years ago. I. THE TIME OF THEIR FULFILLMENT. A. Vs.8 - Latter years. B. Vs.16 - Latter days. C. What is meant by these terms? 1. The disciples asked Jesus about the signs of His coming, and the end of the world - "aionios". 2. End of man's attempt to govern self. D. Many prop...

Sermon on Ezekiel 37:24

"GOD'S TABERNACLE WITH MAN" I. THE MANY PROMISES GOD MADE WITH HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL. A. He would bring them into the land of Israel, and would place them in their own land. 1. About the turn of the century God began to put it into the heart of many Jews to return to the land. 2. The Zionist movement began to raise money to buy property in the Sharon valley, and the valley of Megido...

Sermon on Ezekiel 38; 39

"THE COMING WAR" I. NECESSARY PRE-EXISTING FACTORS. A. Israel had to become a nation again. 1. God began giving details about this in chapter 34. 2. Chapter 36, He speaks of the agricultural developments. a. "The desolate area has become like the garden of Eden." 3. Chapter 37, valley of dry bones and two sticks. B. There were to be forests again. 34:25/39:10 1. The Turks in...

Sermon on Ezekiel 39:27-29

"WHEN GOD POURS OUT HIS SPIRIT ON ISRAEL" I. THE TIME OF THIS PROPHECY. A. "When I have brought them again from the people and gathered them out of their enemies' lands..." 1. Or when Israel becomes a nation again. 2. Ezekiel 37 - valley of dry bones. a. "Behold I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen where they have gone, and will gather them on every side ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 42:20

"THE WALL OF SEPARATION" I. EZEKIEL IS HERE MEASURING THE WALL AROUND THE REBUILT TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM. A. The temple is to be rebuilt. 1. Desire of most orthodox Jews. 2. Many want to re-institute the sacrifices. B. It would appear from the prophesy of Daniel that permission will be granted by the leader of the European community. 1. Once temple built - he will come and stand ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 43:1

"THE RESTORATION OF GLORY" I. THE PRESENCE OF THE GLORY OF GOD. A. God created the nation of Israel. 1. They were to be a special people to whom God would reveal Himself and His law. 2. They were intended to be a light to the nations, to reveal the truth of God to the nations. 3. Through them God wanted the nations of the world to see how blessed they could be if they only wors...

Sermon on Ezekiel 44:1-3

"THE COMING PRINCE" I. THE EVENTS THAT MUST PRECEDE HIS COMING. A. The rapture of the church - "...caught up to meet the Lord in the air." 1. "And when Christ who is our life shall appear." 2. "Behold He cometh with ten thousands of His saints..." 3. If the church is to return with Christ, it follows that it had to be caught up. B. The earth must be tried during great tribulat...

Sermon on Ezekiel 44:1-3

"THE COMING PRINCE" I. THE NEED FOR HIS COMING. A. The world today in desperate need of leadership. 1. This generation has not produced any true great leadership. 2. The result is that people are like sheep without a shepherd. a. They begin to roam and become scattered. b. They become devoured by wolves. B. Man's government - one long history of failure. 1. Man is incapable ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 44:17

"WORSHIPPING THE LORD" I. INSPIRATION RATHER THAN PERSPIRATION. A. Perspiration speaks of expended energy of the flesh. 1. Jesus said to the woman of Samaria, "God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth." 2. There are times when we might be doing a service for the Lord that will create sweat. a. In the building of these facilities that we ...

Sermon on Ezekiel 48:35

"THE LORD IS THERE" Intro. Ezekiel is seeking to describe the glory of the new city that will be adjacent to the Temple. The crowning glory is found in the name of the city which is "The Lord is there," or Jehovah Shammah. I. THE OMNIPRESENCE OF GOD. A. Where can I flee from your presence, if I ascend into heaven you are there, if I make my bed in hell, you are there. 1. Solomon...