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The Deeds of the Body Are Put to Death

Revision as of 19:36, 26 January 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (Eternal judgement of unclean spirits.)

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1.Read Romans 8:13; Colossians 3:9; Ephesians 4:22; Romans 13:14

The physical body is "dead.

2.Read Romans 8:10.

3.In what sense is our physical body dead?
In the sense that it still bears in itself the centuries-old tendency toward rebellion against God and subjection to the will and ways of Satan. It therefore is spiritually dead.

4.What is the only Power that possesses the wisdom and force that can overcome the passions of the flesh and mind of mankind?
The Spirit of God.

5.What protects our mortal body while it still is dead in the bondage of sin?
The Passover blood of the Lamb, Christ.

6.What will the Holy Spirit enable us to do?
He will enable us to put to death the deeds of our physical body.

7.Read Romans 8:13.

8.What is our task as a believer?
To confess our sins, as the Holy Spirit leads us into an awareness of them, and then to renounce the sins, to draw near to God, and to resist the devil.

9.What will we receive if we walk each day in the Spirit of God?
The peace, joy, power, sound mind, and victory over sin that are the possessions of those who follow Christ.

10.What will happen if we continue to live after the lusts of our flesh and mind?
We will die spiritually. Also, we may come to an untimely end in the present world ( 1 Corinthians 11:30).

The sin of Adam and Eve.

11.What happened to Adam and Eve in the day they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
They died in spirit, in soul,and in body.

12.Why has all of mankind suffered agony from the days of Adam and Eve?
Because of a single disobedience to God Almighty.

13.What is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
It is the wisdom of judgement, the ability to determine what is good and what is evil.

14.Read Hebrews 5:14.

15.What is true where there is no law?
There is no consciousness of shame, of sin.

16.Read John 15:24; Romans 3:20; Romans 5:13; Romans 7:7-8.

17.What was the first sin?
The exaltation of self-will.

18.Read Genesis 3:22, Gen 3:24.

19.What does human history portray?
That God is righteous, that life lived apart from Him is a disaster, and that absolute obedience to His Spirit and law is the only way in which His creatures can attain love, joy, peace, and every other desirable goal.

20.Read Romans 1:28-32; Romans 5:12.

21.What is one of the worst results of the original sin?
We humans now have a strong tendency toward sin.

22.Read Romans 7:18-20.

The pursuit of eternal life.

23.What must be sought diligently by the Christian?
Eternal life.

24.What did Paul advise Timothy to do?
Lay hold on eternal life.

25.To what is the pursuit of eternal life related?
The pursuit of the holiness of the Holy Spirit of God.

26.Read Rev22:14.

27.What is the only way in which we can gain the right to the tree of life?
We must partake of the holiness of Christ.

28.What is true as long as there is sin in our life?
We do not have access to the tree of life.

29.Read 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 1 Thes 5:23; 2 Peter 1:4; 2 Corinthians 7:1; 2 Peter 3:11-12; Colossians 3:3-5.

30.In keeping with our heavenly position, what should we be doing?
We should be puttingto death the lusts of our flesh.

31.Read 1 John 3:2-3.

32.What is true of a faith that is not strong enough to bring about a holy manner of living?
A faith that does not bring about a holy manner of living is not strong enough to raise us in the first resurrection!

33.Read Romans 8:12; Luke 8:14; Luke 21:34.

34.What must we do to the deeds of the body?
Put them to death.

Eternal judgement of unclean spirits.

35.What must be completed before we receive the fullness of eternal life?
The work of Divine judgement.

36.What is depicted by the raising of Lazarus from the dead?
The Christian who has been raised by the Holy Spirit and who now is ready to walk in the newness of resurrection life.

37.What do the grave clothes of Lazarus represent?
The sin in our flesh.

38.What do those standing by represent?
The people that God uses to set us free. God often uses other people, sometime knowingly and sometimes unknowingly, to free us from our bondages.

39.How did sin enter the garden of Eden?
In the form of a living, intelligent being.

40.Who are the cause of sin?
The lords of darkness.

41.What two aspects of sin must be taken care of?
The guilt of sin must be forgiven; the dominating power of sin must be conquered.

42.What is the first part of the work of atonement?
The complete forgiveness of sin.

43.What is the second part of the work of atonement?
The power to cleanse and deliver the Christian from the dominating influence of sin.

44.What happens when a Christian confesses and repents of a sin?
He is delivered from the dominating influence of that sin.

45.When was the first half of the Day of Atonement fulfilled?
The first half of the Day of Atonement, the sprinkling of Christ’s blood beyond the sacred veil (Leviticus 16:12-15; Hebrews 9:12), was accomplished at Calvary.

46.When will the second half of the Day of Atonement be fulfilled?
When Christ returns to the earth. In preparation for the great Day of the Lord that is at hand, the Lord today is judging the sin in the warlike remnant of saints whom He is calling out from the ranks of Christendom.

47.When will the atonement made by Christ have taken its full effect?
When the power of sin has been destroyed totally.

48.What is the last enemy that will be destroyed?
Physical death.

49.Upon whom is the eternal judgement of God?
The doers of sin.

50.Read Romans 8:1.

51.To what has the Christian been sealed?
The Day of Redemption.

52.Why does the Holy Spirit point out sins one at a time?
So they can be dealt with victoriously.

53. 1 John 1:7-9.

54.What is the sentence of the eternal judgement of God when a saint confesses and forsakes his sin?
The sentence of the eternal judgement of God is that the Christian is held guiltless and also is cleansed from all unrighteousness.

55.What is the worldwide fulfilment of the Year of Jubilee?
The return of the Lord Jesus from Heaven.

Our personal "day of the Lord."

56.Where does the Day of the Lord begin?
In the heart of the victorious saints.

57.Read 2 Peter 1:19

58.What must we do as the Holy Spirit directs?
We must confess and put away all the "grave clothes" of sin that bind us: adultery, lust, hatred, idolatry, occult practices, pride, unbelief, criticizing, evil speaking, self-seeking, and so forth.

59.Into what is the Holy Spirit leading us?
The fullness of the atonement made by Christ.

60.What follows eternal judgement?
The rest of God.

61.Does the Saviour save us from our sins or in our sins?
From our sins. The Christian redemption is not designed to prevent our going to Hell but to remove Hell from our personality. Contrary to popular thinking, the Lord Jesus has no intention of bringing into the Paradise of God those who still are cherishing the Hell that is in them.

62.What must be true if we are to take part in the work of judging the world and angels?
We ourselves must be judged in advance.

63.When will we be ready for the resurrection of our body into eternal life?
When resurrection life and eternal judgement have been established in us to the degree the Holy Spirit deems necessary.

Total destruction of the enemy.

64.Read Romans 8:13; Deuteronomy 7:22.

65.Why are we enabled to obtain victory over only one or two problems at a time?
Because God knows that if He delivered us in an instant from everyone of our bondages we could not cope victoriously with the emptiness in our nature.

66.What is true if we are delivered from bondage and then do not obtain a portion of Christ, but continue without any increase in the desire and strength to live righteously?
We are in a position to be attacked by the enemy.

67.Read Deuteronomy 7:23-24.

68.Toward what is the Holy Spirit bringing us?
Complete and final victory over sin.

69.Read Romans 8:17.

The Word of God Comes to Maturity