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The Blood of Christ Protects

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CHAPTER II. NINE ASPECTS OF THE DWELLING OF CHRIST IN THE BELIEVER 1.List nine aspects of the development of Christ in the believer. The blood of Christ protects, pardons, purges, and nourishes the believer. The Word of God is planted in the heart. The believer is raised spiritually in and with Christ. The Holy Spirit becomes the life of the believer. The Word of God is nourished and grows. The deeds of the body are put to death. The Word of God comes to maturity. The Father and the Son make their abode with the believer.

The resurrection.

1.Read Exodus 12:13; Romans 3:25; 1 John 1:7; John 6:54.

The blood protects.

2.What had to be placed over each Hebrew family?
The blood-covering.

3.What does God judge when He passes through the land?
The gods of the world.

4.What is the only protection from the judgement of God?
The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

5.What areas, in addition to protection from Divine judgement, are included in the atonement made by the blood of the Lord Jesus?
Covering, forgiveness, cancellation, mercy, reconciliation, propitiation, annulment, adjustment to differences, justification, restoration, remission, cleansing, purging. The blood covers us until we have been made perfect in Christ.

6.What expression comes close to the meaning of make atonement?
Restore completely to Divine favour.

7.What does the blood of Christ do for the believer?
The blood of Christ protects us, covers our sins and shortcomings from God's sight, is the basis for God's forgiveness, satisfies the demands of justice when the laws of righteousness are violated, and has the power to purge us from all unrighteousness. In addition, the blood of Christ is our life.

Two aspects of the atonement.

8.What two areas are involved in the making of an atonement for our sins?
Forgiveness; deliverance.

9.What must always be true of the Body of Christ, the Temple of God?
The Temple of God, the Body of Christ, always must be in a state of guiltlessness (justified) through confession and repentance, and also must be morally strong, moving consistently toward righteous, holy, and obedient behaviour so that sin no longer has any part in it.

The two birds.

10.In what manner were the two birds treated differently?
One bird was slain and its blood was sprinkled on the leper. The other bird was let "loose into the open field."

11.Read Leviticus 14:4-7.

12.What does the "running water" reveal?
The running water shows that Christ was offered through the Holy Spirit(Hebrews 9:14).

13.What provide the groundwork for our release from the bondages of sin?
The forgiveness of sin combined with our resurrection to newness of life.

14.Read Romans 8:4.

The two goats.

15.Read Leviticus 16:7-10.

16.What are demonstrated in the two goats of the Day of Atonement?
The two concepts of cancellation of debt and removal of sin.

Making an atonement.

17.What was the most solemn of the seven convocations?
The Day of Atonement.

18.What were the first three elements for which atonement was made annually?
The Most Holy Place, the whole Tabernacle itself, and the bronze Altar of Burnt Offering.

19.What is taking place now in the lives of those whose sins have been forgiven?
A complete removal from our lives of the practice of sin.

20.What is our task?
To cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He directs the cleansing and repair of our personalities.

21.Read Leviticus 16:15-16.

22.What purpose did the blood of the innocent animals serve?
The blood of the innocent animals served to appease the wrath of God and to cover the transgressions of the Law of Moses until the Lamb of God, Christ, could make an atonement with His own blood on the cross of Calvary.

23.What happens instantly when we confess our sins?
The guilt of our sin is pardoned.

24.What keeps our personality clean and pure?
The blood of Christ.

The scapegoat.

25.Read Leviticus 16:21-22.

"One sacrifice for sins forever."

26.What is illustrated by the fact that the Day of Atonement had to be repeated annually?
The inability of animal blood to remove sin from the worshippers.

27.Read Hebrews 10:1.

28.What were not available through the blood of animals?
The authority and power to remove the tendencies and repair the consequences of sin.

29.What must continue happening until the work of redemption has been completed in our lives?
The blood of Christ must keep cleansing us and the Holy Spirit must keep writing the laws of God in our mind and heart day after day, year after year, until the work of redemption has been completed in our personality.

30.By what means do we overcome the accuser?
The blood of the Lamb Confessing our sins.

31.Read 1 John 1:9.

32.What does it mean to walk "in the light?"
To abide in the Presence of God in Christ and perform the will of God continually.

33.What is true of us when we are walking in the light?
The blood of Christ cleanses us continually.

34.What happens as soon as we confess a sin?
God is faithful and righteous to forgive our sin and to purify us from the sin.

35.What is true of every Christian who is being transformed by the continuing process of putting to death the deeds of the body?
He or she is coming into a true fellowship with the Father and Son (1 John 1:1-7).

Eating and drinking His body and blood.

36.How do we become one with Christ?
By eating and drinking His body and blood we become one with the sacrifice.

37.Read 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; Exodus 12:5; Exodus 12:7-8.

The holiness of the Temple of God.

39.Read 1 Corinthians 11:31; 2 Corinthians 7:1.

40.What is the purpose of the ministries, events, and circumstances of the Christian pilgrimage?
That the Temple of God may be constructed from the transformed personalities of the saints.

41.On what basis does the Holy Spirit make a success of cleansing the Temple of God?
The authority and power of the blood of Christ.

42.Read Romans 8:13.

43.Under what discipline is the Christian to walk?
The daily discipline of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God

The Word of God Is Planted in the Heart