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1 Kings Foreword

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Back to Through The Bible

Sermon on 1 Kings 3:11-14

"SO MUCH MORE" I. GOD DESIRES FELLOWSHIP WITH MAN. A. This is the reason why He created man. 1. His heart of love yearned to bestow itself. 2. Love had to be meaningful, thus man had to be self-determinate. B. Sin broke the fellowship with God. 1. Two sides to man's nature: flesh and spirit. 2. "God is a Spirit, they that worship Him..." 3. Sin is allowing the flesh side of ...

Sermon on 1 Kings 6:11-13

"GOD'S RESOLUTION" Intro. New Years is a time for, among other things, resolutions. A resolution is a formal statement of a purpose or intent. God made a resolution to Solomon, at the time that he was building the temple. I. "I WILL DWELL AMONG THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL." A. It seems that it has always been the desire of God to dwell with His people. 1. In the beginning when Adam w...

Sermon on 1 Kings 8:18

"LOOKING ON THE HEART" Intro. One thing that the Bible stresses is that God is far more interested in the attitude of my heart than He is my correct actions. Jesus was constantly rebuking the Pharisee's because, though they were doing the right things, the attitude of their heart was totally wrong. He likened them to whitewashed sepulchers, that looked great outwardly but within th...

Sermon on 1 Kings 8:22-23

"THE INCOMPARABLE GOD" Intro: Solomon, king of Israel was kneeling in the magnificent temple he had just built to worship God. 900 yrs. earlier God had called Abraham from the polytheistic Babylon. I. "JEHOVAH GOD OF ISRAEL, NO GOD LIKE THEE." A. Solomon's kingdom many forms of idols and gods. 1. What do all these forms of worship tell us? a. Man must worship something. b. Man...

Sermon on 1 Kings 8:39

"GOD KNOWS YOUR HEART" Intro: This thought may bring you comfort or uneasiness. In the scriptures the heart represents that deepest area of your being. As the mind is considered the seat of the soul, so the heart is considered the seat of the spirit. I. GOD IS INTERESTED IN YOUR HEART, HE WANTS YOU TO GIVE YOUR HEART TO HIM. A. Knowledge is in the area of the mind. 1. You may kn...

Sermon on 1 Kings 10:9

Intro: Visit of Queen from ....... journey of 1500 miles. Came in quest of wisdom. Her visit alluded to by Christ. Her astonishment of Solomon's Wisdom. "He told her all her questions." "House that he built, the meat of his table, 10 fat oxen, 20 oxen from fields, 100 sheep plus harts, bucks, & fallow deer and fatted foul." I. "BLESSED BY THE LORD THY GOD." A. "Let your light so s...

Sermon on 1 Kings 10:9

Intro: The visit of the Queen of Sheba - journeyed 1500 miles one way. 75 days. Came to prove him with hard questions. Christ mentioned her coming. Her astonishment of Solomon - wisdom - house that he build - meat of his table...10 fat oxen, 20 oxen from the fields, 100 sheep plus harts, bucks & fallow deer & fatted fowls daily. His servants, ministers & cup bearers, his ascent to t...

Sermon on 1 Kings 11:4-6

"WHEN GOD SPEAKS, YOU BETTER LISTEN." I. THIS IS THE RECORD. 1KI 11:4 For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, [that] his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as [was] the heart of David his father. 1KI 11:5 For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonit...

Sermon on 1 Kings 13:7

"DECEIVED" 1KI 13:1 And, there came a man of God out of Judah by the word of the LORD unto Beth-el: and Jeroboam was standing by the altar to burn incense. 1KI 13:2 And he cried against the altar in the word of the LORD, and said, O altar, altar, thus saith the LORD; Behold, a child shall be born unto the house of David, Josiah by name; and upon thee shall he offer the priests of ...

Sermon on 1 Kings 14:1-6

"HEAVY TIDINGS" Intro: God has methods of gaining man's attention, a man may seek to replace God, but in trouble. I. AN OCCASIONAL HEARER. A. Jeroboam and his wife did not go often to Ahilah. 1. They had set up the two molten calves. 2. They did not worship Jehovah or regard His prophet. 3. There may be some here today who do not often attend church. B. This occasional hearer...

Sermon on 1 Kings 14:6

"HEAVY TIDINGS" Intro: Jeroboam was the first king over Israel. He set up two golden calves; one in Bethel, the other in Dan. His son became sick so he had his wife disguise herself and go to the aged prophet Ahijah who was now blind. I. THE FOLLY OF TRYING TO DISGUISE OURSELVES WHEN WE COME TO GOD. A. Often in our prayers we seek to disguise truth. 1. "Lord, I haven't been walk...

Sermon on 1 Kings 18

"THE GOD WHO ANSWERS BY FIRE" I. ISRAEL'S CONDITION. A. Completely backslidden. 1. 450 Prophets for Baal. 2. One for God. B. Inward corruption about to ruin nation. C. Hearts alienated from God. D. Hearts hardened against God. 1. Three years no rain. E. Elijah did not challenge the God who answers by rain. 1. Get hearts right & rain will come. 2. Needed fire first for pur...

Sermon on 1 Kings 18:21

Evil reign of Ahab & Jezebel. I. THE CLASSES ON MT. CARMEL. A. The prophet of God. B. The prophets of Baal 450 Asereth 400. C. The halting multitude (between two opinions, undecided...) D. Times have changed, but still three groups. 1. Servants of God. 2. Servants of Sin. 3. Halting multitude. "How long halt ye between two opinions?" The man who turns himself completely to ...

Sermon on 1 Kings 18:21

I. HOW LONG HALT YE BETWEEN TWO OPINIONS. A. Carner Wasp...destroyer Hobson. B. Indecision is dangerous. 1. Especially so concerning eternal things. C. We each one must decide whom we shall serve. 1. "No man can serve two masters." 2. Jer. "Call on your gods." II. IF THE LORD BE GOD. A. Do you really believe. 1. The Bible. 2. One God one mediator. 3. Christ the Son of God...

Sermon on 1 Kings 18:21

Intro: Ahab's evil reign, Elijah's appearance & prophesy. Elijah's flight & second meeting with Ahab. The challenge. I. THE CROWDS AT MT. CARMEL. A. God's lone prophet. B. 450 priests of Baal 400 Asereth. C. The halting multitude ("between two opinions, undecided"). D. Times & customs have changed but essentials remain. Three crowds today. 1. The servants of God. 2. Those ded...

Sermon on 1 Kings 18:24

"THE VALLEY OF DECISION" Intro. The prophet Joel spoke of multitudes in the valley of decision, here in our text we see the multitudes in the valley of decision being called on by Elijah to make up their minds. I. THE THREE GROUPS ON MOUNT CARMEL. A. Elijah, the lone prophet standing for Jehovah the true and living God. B. The 450 prophets of Baal. 1. The first commandment is, ...

Sermon on 1 Kings 19:8-9

"WHAT DOEST THOU HERE" Intro: Elijah had just experienced one of the greatest victories of his career. Fire from heaven. I. WHAT DOEST THOU HERE. A. He was in the wilderness of Mt. Horeb. 1. About as desolate and uninhabited as you can find. B. Sometimes we find ourselves in weird places. 1. Places where we as servants of God don't belong. 2. The place of despair. a. We have...

Sermon on 1 Kings 19:8-9

"WHAT DOEST THOU HERE"? Intro: When you think of Elijah you think of power, you think of miracles. Yet he was a man subject to the same passions as we. I. "WHAT DOEST THOU HERE, ELIJAH?" SOMETIMES, GOD'S PEOPLE ARE DISCOVERED IN UNLIKELY PLACES. A. Here was Elijah down in Mt. Horeb in the Southern end of the Sinai peninsula. B. He had just experienced one of his greatest victor...

Sermon on 1 Kings 19:9-10

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Intro: Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal and Asherah to a contest. Because of his victory, wicked Queen Jezebel has threatened his life and he has fled in fear all the way to Mt. Horeb. I. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ELIJAH?" A. Sometimes God's greated servants are found in places they should never be. 1. He was in a place of discouragement and despa...

Sermon on 1 Kings 19:9

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Intro. Elijah has just had a great victory over the false prophets. Jehovah was vindicated in the eyes of the nation by sending the fire to consume the the sacrifice which the false God Baal could not do. Elijah seizing the moment killed the 450 prophets of Baal by the Kishon brook. I. THE THREAT AGAINST HIS LIFE. A. Jezebel the wicked wife of king Ahab...