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Leviticus Foreword

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Back to Through The Bible

Sermon on Leviticus 1-8

I. NOW THAT THE TABERNACLE IS SET UP, GOD GIVES TO MOSES INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE VARIOUS SACRIFICES AND OFFERINGS THAT ARE TO MADE BEFORE THE LORD. A. In the latter part of chapter 7 we have a listing of the various offerings and sacrifices. LEV 7:37 This [is] the law of the burnt offering, of the meat offering, and of the sin offering, and of the trespass offering, and of the consec...

Sermon on Leviticus 1:1-17

"CHRIST OUR SUBSTITUTE" I. MAN'S ORIGINAL STATE. A. Created by God for fellowship. 1. The claimant inner cry of man today is for that fellowship. 2. There is a certain unrest in man. B. To maintain that fellowship man must be aligned with God's purposes. 1. God warned man concerning misalignment. a. "In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." b. Adam ate, Adam di...

Sermon on Leviticus 1:1-9

"CHRIST OUR SUBSTITUTE" I. MAN'S ORIGINAL STATE. A. Created in image of God. 1. Walked with God in close communion. 2. We see-not, the evolution of man but devilution. 3. We have devolved from the high state in which we were created. B. God created and designed man for fellowship. 1. There is an instinctive homing device built into man drawing him to God. a. You must fight t...

Sermon on Leviticus 4:27-31

"FORGIVEN." I. THE PROBLEM OF SIN. A. It is a universal problem. 1. In the text he is dealing with the sins of the common people. 2. In the context they deal with the sins of those in the priesthood, then the sins of the elders of the people; finally the sins of the whole congregation. 3. The truth is that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is none righte...

Sermon on Leviticus 9:24-10:3

"STRANGE FIRE" Intro: God's severity. God's ultimate intention "John 3:16" to reach the world He chose a nation. To reach a nation, He ordained a priesthood to go in unto God for the people, to go out among the people for God. Sacrifices instituted, priest must truly represent God - strict obedience corrupted priesthood, corrupted nation. I. "WHAT WAS THE NATURE OF THE STRANGE FIR...

Sermon on Leviticus 10

"STRANGE FIRE" Intro: The tabernacle has been completed, the congregation of Israel had gathered for the opening ceremonies. As Moses and Aaron came out of the tabernacle, fire from the Lord consumed the sacrifices upon the altar & the people seeing this fell upon their faces and worshipped God. It was at this point Nadab & Abihu offered their strange fire. I. WHY WAS GOD SO SEVER...

Sermon on Leviticus 10:1-3

"STRANGE FIRE" Intro: The occasion. I. WHY SUCH SEVERE JUDGMENT? A. God so loved the world. He wanted world to know His love. 1. He chose a nation out of the world through which to reveal Himself. a. He gave them His law, His will for man. b. If a man will obey and follow, he will know God's blessings upon His life. c. He wanted this nation as an example to the whole world. ...

Sermon on Leviticus 10:1-3

"STRANGE FIRE" Intro: There is a tendency to get angry with God when we read this account. Yet we must see the long term objectives. "God so loved the world," the process by which God intended to reveal His love began when He called Abraham out of Mt. Ur of the Chaldees. So the process began of building a nation; not that He could lavish His love on them, but through them He could ...

Sermon on Leviticus 10:1

"STRANGE FIRE." Intro. This is the grand opening. The Tabernacle has been built according to the specifications established by God. The various offerings by which sinful man might be restored to fellowship with a Holy God have been described. First of necessity the sin offering, then the Burnt Sacrifice, (consecration), and finally the Peace offering, (communion). The garments for ...

Sermon on Leviticus 14:1-2

"GOD'S GLORIOUS GRACE" Intro: Leprosy is one of the most feared of all diseases. Under the law the leper was considered unclean and had to be separated from society. Until recent years they had leper colonies in many parts of the world. Carville, Louisiana. Dr. Hanson first isolated and identified the leprosy bacillus and to remove the stigma of the word "leprosy" they now call it ...

Sermon on Leviticus 14:1-2

"THE LAW OF THE LEPER" Intro: Chap. 13 deals with the diagnosis and separation of the leper. I. LEPROSY IS A TYPE OF SIN. A. It is a loathsome disease. 1. Beginning at the extremities of the body it slowly rots away the flesh. a. Beginning at the fingers, then hand. b. Within the bones also rot away. 2. It is practically painless. a. Eats away nerves also. b. Thus person no...

Sermon on Leviticus 14:1, 2

"THE LEPROSY CLEANSED" Intro: The mystery of the disease - Dr. Hanson discovered bacillus. Lower animals cannot contract - root Hebrew word - to strike down. Because of unknown origin & insidious relentless progress type of sin. We observe in chaps. 13 & 14 God's interest in welfare of men - cutting off from society those who pose a danger - yet very careful that none be cut off un...

Sermon on Leviticus 14:2

"THE LEPER IN THE DAY OF HIS CLEANSING" Brief history of leprosy - Hanson's Disease, Carvilie, La - still incurable. I. LEPROSY AS A TYPE OF SIN. A. It was and is an incurable disease, by human standards. B. It is progressive in its nature. 1. Begins with just a skin blotch. C. Renders one insensible to pain of own disease. D. It is fatal. II. THE PROCESS OF THE CLEANSING OF...

Sermon on Leviticus 14:2

"THE DAY OF HIS CLEANSING." I. THERE WAS NO HUMAN CURE FOR LEPROSY. A. Thus it is interesting that God would provide a law for the leper in the day of his cleansing. 1. God was leaving the door open for Him to manifest His divine grace in cleansing the leper. 2. When Peter asked Jesus, "Who then can be saved?" Jesus answered, "With man it is impossible, but with God all things a...

Sermon on Leviticus 16

"YOM KIPPUR & THE CROSS" Intro: Day of atonement once a year, daily sacrifices on an appointed day, vs 29, 7th mo., 10th day. I. THE PERSON WHO MADE THE ATONEMENT - THE HIGH PRIEST. A. The other priests offered the daily sacrifices. 1. This day all the work done by high priest alone. a. He attended to the candles, burned the incense, kindled the fires. b. He would begin assis...

Sermon on Leviticus 16:1,2

"THE DAY OF ATONEMENT." I. PAUL WROTE TO THE COLOSSIANS: COL 2:14 Jesus has blotted out the written ordinances that were against us, which were contrary to us, and took them out of the way, nailing them to His cross; COL 2:15 In so doing, He spoiled the principalities and powers, and made an open show of His victory as He triumphed over them through His victory on the cross. COL...

Sermon on Leviticus 18:2

"CHILDREN OF GOD." I. GOD'S DECLARATION TO THE PEOPLE, "I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD." A. They had a special relationship to the only true and living God who is the Creator. 1. Through their deliverance from Egypt and the subsequent wilderness journeys, God had been manifesting His power to them. a. They had seen His judgments against the Egyptians. b. They had seen Him part the Red ...

Sermon on Leviticus 23:5

"THE FEAST OF PASSOVER." Intro. One of the great days in the history of the nation of Israel was the day that God delivered them from their bondage in Egypt and the nation was birthed. On this day they saw the awesome power of God as He killed all of the firstborn males in the land of Egypt who were not protected by the blood on the doorpost. I. THE HISTORIC EVENT. A. Moses had b...

Sermon on Leviticus 25:24

"THE LAW OF REDEMPTION." I. GOD CLAIMED OWNERSHIP OF THE LAND. VERSE 23: THE LAND SHALL NOT BE SOLD FOR EVER: FOR THE LAND [IS] MINE. A. The people were sort of like sharecroppers. The land really belongs to God, but He allows me to farm it. All they have to do is to give Him a tenth of the increase for the use of His land. 1. PSA 24:1: The earth [is] the LORD'S, and the fulness ...

Sermon on Leviticus 26

"THE SPIRITUAL LAWS OF GOD" Intro: God has established certain natural laws within our universe. We learn to accept and obey them, though we do not understand how or why they function. God has established certain spiritual laws, just as sure in cause and effect. I. THE BENEFITS OF KEEPING GOD'S LAW vs. 3. "If you will. then I will." A. Give you plenty. vs. 4,5. B. Give you pea...

Sermon on Leviticus 26

"THE SURE WORD OF JEHOVAH" I. GOD'S PROMISE TO ISRAEL. A. Vs. 4 Plenty - increase and fruit. B. Vs. 6 Peace - lie down with no fear. C. Vs. 6 Protection - rid evil beast out of land. D. Vs. 7,8 Power - 5 will chase 100. E. Vs. 10 Provision - of old harvest last into new. F. Vs. 11,12 Privilege - Tabernacle among them, walk with. II. BLESSINGS CONDITIONAL UPON ...

Sermon on Leviticus 26:3

"GOD'S SURE WORD" Intro: Laws of nature in operation in universe. Gravity, magnetism, electricity, cause and effect. There are spiritual laws governing man, cause and effect are just as sure. I. THE CONDITIONS, "IF YE WALK IN MY STATUTES AND KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS AND DO THEM." A. "If" immediately see my power of choice. 1. I can walk however I please. 2. God will not force me to...

Sermon on Leviticus 26:3-13

"THE GLORIOUS LIFE" Intro: God loves you and He desires to display His love by giving you rich blessings. Satan hates you and desires to keep you from these blessings. I. THIS PATH TO AN ABUNDANT LIFE. A. "If you walk in My statutes" (laws, regulations). 1. God through the law has given us a pattern for life. a. We often say we are not under law but under grace.