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God's revelation of Himself to Abraham took the form of a progressive fellowship into which He led Abraham each time He appeared to him.

First appearance: fellowship of the discontent of God with the worldly society (Genesis 12:1 ).

Second appearance: fellowship with the plans and methods of God (Genesis 13:14-1 8).

Third appearance: fellowship with the patience of God (Genesis 15).

Fourth appearance: fellowship of the hope of God (Genesis 15:12-21).

Fifth appearance: fellowship of the sufficiency of God (Genesis 17).

Sixth appearance: fellowship with the justice of God (Genesis 18: 23-33).

Seventh appearance: fellowship of His suffering (Genesis 22).

v.1 "Test" is a better word than "tempt" to describe the experience God planned for Abraham.

v.2 This verse compares to John 3:16 where God the Father sacrificed His beloved Son. Calvary is located right on the crest of Mount Moriah.

v.3-10 Repetition of the word "and" denotes consistent, deliberate action.

v.5 The plural verb was used when Abraham said, "I and the lad will go yonder and worship and (we will) come again to you".

v.6 Isaac had to carry the wood for the sacrifice even as Christ had to carry the cross.

v.8 Abraham prophesies, "My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering (sacrifice)".

v.8-10 Hebrews 11:17-19. Since Abraham had the promise of God (Genesis 21:12) that his descendants would come through Isaac, and since Isaac had no children when God asked for the sacrifice, Abraham knew that, if necessary, God would raise Isaac from the dead.

Like Christ, Isaac was a willing sacrifice, for he was about thirty years old and could easily have overpowered his aged father.

v.14 Jehovah-jireh means "God sees, God provides". "In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen" was a prophecy of the sacrifice of Jesus by the Father on the same mount.

v.16-18 When Abraham gave his best to God, God rewarded him doubly. Abraham was allowed to enter into a deep, intimate fellowship with God in suffering over the sacrifice of a beloved only son.