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The presence of the antichrist is attended by all power, miracles (signs) and false wonders (v9). It is a dangerous mistake to think that miracles are a proof of God's approval. Many churches in this country are obviously in a state of deadness. Others appear to have activity and spiritual life. Healings take place and spiritual gifts are manifested. Many people imagine that is enough. Provided things are happening and the church is growing, God must be pleased.

It is the consistent testimony of both scripture and experience that the supernatural can come from two different sources. The fact that it is occurring in the church or among real Christians is still no proof that it has come from God. Occult powers can work through people who have at least in some measure a genuine experience of God. Some have never properly been set free from the powers of evil. Others have opened themselves to the enemy's control by their desire for position and influence. Simon, in Acts chapter 8 had both believed and been baptised. Yet Peter said to him,'I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.' Before believing in Jesus, Simon had been heavily involved in the occult, and clearly was not yet free from it.

We find a parallel passage of Scripture in Revelation chapter 13. The first beast in that chapter may well refer to the Roman Catholic church. The second beast is a closer counterfeit of the truth. He has two horns like a lamb (v11). He performs great signs (v13). He deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs he is given power to perform (v14). If we learn to recognise deception now, we will not be deceived so easily when it grows to its ultimate. If we blindly follow signs and wonders we will fall an easy prey to the deceiver.

Destruction of the Man of Lawlessness

In verse 8 we read of the end of the antichrist. The Lord will slay him with the breath of his mouth. What does this sentence imply? Revelation chapter 19 describes the same event. 'I saw heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True; ... and his name is called the Word of God. And the armies that are in heaven ... were following Him ... and from His mouth comes a sharp sword ... and the beast was seized and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence ... and the rest were killed with the sword that came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse.'

We should not imagine some star wars conflict between good and evil. Jesus will be accompanied by heavenly armies. His weapon is described by Paul as the breath of his mouth, and by John as a sharp sword in his mouth. Breath and spirit are the same word both in Greek (Pneuma) and in Hebrew (ruach). The sword of the spirit is the word of God. Thus it is the word of God, spoken in the power of the Holy Spirit that will destroy the evil one.

Are these armies angelic or human? I can't say for certain. Maybe they are both, but at least I believe they include humans. I believe they are those whom he has breathed on and filled with his Spirit; those who have his word upon their lips; those whom he has raised to sit with him in heavenly places. I believe God is preparing these people now for the great closing drama of this age.

Love of the Truth

In our last verse we find the reason people are deceived. 'They did not receive the love of the truth and so be saved.' Truth is far more than accuracy of factual information or doctrine. Truth is reality; things spiritual and natural as they really are. We must be willing for the truth about ourselves, our families, our friends, our spiritual leaders, and everything that touches our lives. Sometimes the truth will hurt us; sometimes it will delight us. It will always set us free.

Today we face a flood of deception. False ideas, false information and false impressions are thrown at us with all the power of modern technology. False teaching is easier to propagate and there are more people with inclination to receive it than ever before. The first weapon in Paul's armoury was to have the 'loins girt with truth'. More than ever we need that now. Jesus himself is the truth. The central message of this study is, 'Look to Him; Come to Him; Assemble in Him; Follow Him.'

May He be truly in our midst.