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The Fruit of the Spirit 4

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Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10-NIV)


Joy is strength.

There is joy, and then there are fun, pleasure, enjoyment, and happiness.
We could not say fun is strength. It is too frantic.
We could not say pleasure is strength. It depends too much on circumstances.
We could not say enjoyment is strength. It is too transitory.

Sometimes happiness is strength and sometimes there seems to be more strength in sorrow, if handled correctly. A person can be sorrowful and yet move with a quiet strength and dignity. Underneath all of this there is a state of being called joy, or the joy of the Lord, that continues while fun, pleasure, enjoyment, happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, and delight come and go.

Christians have experienced joy while in prison, while being burned at the stake. A person would never experience fun, pleasure, or enjoyment while being burned at the stake.

I emphasize this point because American Christians are apt to confuse joy and fun. They say Christians are supposed to be joyful (which they are), but what they mean by this is there should be many parties and social events so people are having fun.

Then too, parties and fellowship are often confused. Parties are for children. Fellowship is for adults. Parties for adults are seldom filled with true joy. Adult parties contain far more sin than they do holiness, righteousness, and stern obedience to the Father.

Christian fellowship, on the other hand, is an important aspect of wholesome Christian living. How can we distinguish between a party and fellowship? Easy. If you can get together and pray at any moment, read from the Bible, prophesy, speak in tongues, praise the Lord, you are having fellowship.

If, however, it would be entirely out of order and a wet blanket on the gathering to take communion, read from the Bible, praise the Lord with dancing and singing, you are not having Christian fellowship. You are attending a party and there will be no lack of worldly behavior, lust, and self-seeking.

What is the opposite of joy? Probably not sorrow, because one can have a deep joy in his heart and at the same time, at another level, have sorrow because of some tragedy, such as the death of a loved one or the departure of a friend or family member into sin.

What then is the opposite of true joy?

Probably bitterness, hatred, envy, jealousy, unbelief, rebellion against God's will, pride, lust.

When these fill the personality there can be no joy.

Joy and bitterness cannot dwell together in the same personality.
Joy and hate cannot dwell together in the same personality.
Joy and unbelief cannot dwell together in the same personality.
Joy is strength. Bitterness is weakness, resulting in an unpleasant, rapidly aging personality.
Joy is strength. Hate is weakness and leads straight to destruction.
Joy is strength. Unbelief produces fear, cowardice, a variety of mental problems and weaknesses.

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