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The Three-fold Principle

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The Three-Fold Principle is that principle by which God sets forth the truths of salvation in a three-fold way:

1. Past Justification.
2. Present-Transformation.
3. Future-Glorification.

Man has three great needs:

1. Salvation from the wrath of God.
2. Salvation from the bondage of sin.
3. Salvation from physical distress, disease, death and decay.

All the troubles of man are three-fold:

1. Separation of the soul from God.
2. Slavery to the flesh.
3. Decay of the body.

In Salvation God has provided deliverance by three things:

1. PAST-(Justification)-a man is given a clear standing in the sight of God and delivered from the wrath of God. Justification is the basis of a penalty paid.

2. PRESENT-(Transformation)-the manifestation of the Christian life in the daily walk of the believer is transformation.

3. FUTURE-( Glorification) -Death and doomed bodies are going to be raised and glorified after His glorious body.

1. He was wounded.
2. He was bruised.
3. He was separated from God for us.II Cor 1:10 and Titus 2:11-13-In these Scriptures we find the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE.

We have the three-fold principle as it applies to Christ on the cross, His justification at the throne for our transformation, and His coming to take us that we might be like Him. We have the three-fold principle in the Old Testament as well as in the New:

Psalm 34:22
Psalm 103:4
Hosea 13:14

This is illustrated in a wonderful way in connection with the history of the children of Israel. Let me suggest this, that through the New Testament you have, "Christ hath redeemed us"-Ephesians 1 & 7 - Past; Titus 2:14- PRESENT; Rom 8:23- FUTURE. We have salvation from the penalty and power of sin and from the grip of death.I Thess 1:2, 3-Here we have WORK OF FAITH, LABOR OF LOVE, and PATIENCE OF HOPE. In the 9th and 10th verses of that same chapter, we find very plainly what is meant by, "Ye turned to God from idols"- WORK OF FAITH; "To serve the living and true God"-LABOR OF LOVE; "To wait for God from heaven"-PATIENCE OF HOPE. Here again are PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE.

Three offices of Christ are set forth:

1. Prophet-He was a Prophet like Moses.

2. Priest -He was a Priest after the order of Melchisedek.

3. King -He was a king to sit on the throne of His Father David.

PAST - PRESENT - FUTURE. Heb 9:24-28-Here are the three appearing- "Now to appear to us"; "He hath appeared"; "He shall appear when He is come again".

The three mountains associated with His work:

Mount Calvary, where He died for our justification.

Mount of Olives, from which He ascended.

Mount Hermon, which is a pictorial preview of the Kingdom.

Then we have I Cor 13 -"FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE."

FAITH looks back to the cross.

HOPE looks on for glorification.

LOVE looks up for transformation.

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