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The Discrimination Principle

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That principle by which we should divide the Word of Truth so as to make a distinction when God makes a difference.


All men are not children of God, but all are the creatures of God. There is more than one father (John 8:41-44; Galatians 3:26). In Matthew 13 there is the wheat, which is the children of God. In Acts 13:10 is the tare, which is the child of the Devil. God is God of all men, but He is the Father of only saved men. God makes a distinction between His children and those of Satan. All people are creatures; all are races that were created by Adam. We all were in the loins of Adam. Man is a creature of God by creation, and man is a child of God by recreation. Why repeat so much? “Repetition is theological mucilage.”

Only the saved person can call Him “Father”. The sinner can only call Him God. The creature of God is a ruined creation. Scripture used by those who call themselves apostles of the new thought and preach “the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man” is found in Acts 17:24-29. They fail to read the next few verses. There is none good that is born of Adam. By natural birth we are of the Devil. By regeneration we are of God (John 1:11-13). Salvation does not run in the blood; it is not the will of man; he is only saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8, 9), through faith in Jesus Christ. II Peter 1:4: a child is born the first time of his father’s nature; he is born again the second time with the nature of the Father (John 3:1-6). All children are not alike (I Corinthians 3:1). Babies are carnal, and not spiritual; they walk after the flesh, and not after the Spirit. You can always tell the spiritual state of people by what they want to play with. Babies haven’t much sense. They are selfish. We all start out as babies. God does not want babies to remain babies. He wants them to grow. Perfection is not gained in a short time. We must grow (1 John 3:2; John 3); we ought to grow to be like HIM. The only brotherhood in the world is in Jesus Christ. The only thing that will bring the races together is Christ. The only brotherhood is in Christ!


A. Acceptable in Christ: Our Position.

Ephesians 1:6 means “identification”. II Corinthians 5:21: He represents us in glory. Galatians 2:20 is also ‘identification”. Romans 6:2, 8 reveals what we are. It would do us a lot of good if we could (or would) see ourselves as God sees us. Romans 7:11: What profit is it to reckon you are dead? Answer: if you count one dead, you won’t make any provision for him. (Example of Bob Young (Jew) who took Christ and was reckoned by his family to be dead. His mother knew he was not dead.)

Romans 6:5; Colossians 3:1—in Christ—wrapped up in Him. (Example of a piece of paper in the Bible). As far as our position is concerned, God looks upon us as perfect, as Jesus Himself, for we are in Him. God loves us, and we are as dear to God as Jesus is. Ephesians 1:4—we are as holy and blameless as the Son of God Himself. You can say this and not be boastful. God looks upon us as in Him.

Our position is in heaven (in Jesus); our condition is on the earth. Paul said he was perfect, and then said he was not perfect. He was perfect in position and imperfect in condition (Philippians 3:10- 15). We are saved by Grace, by matter of faith. No man has ever been saved unless he has received the gospel (Romans 10:13; Ephesians 1:13). When God saves you, you will be a new creature in Christ.

B. Acceptableness for Christ: Our Condition (II Corinthians 5:9).

Acceptableness means to live a life acceptable unto God, approved unto Him. Be constant in effort in living a life acceptable unto Him. It is possible for a man to be saved and yet suffer loss (in rewards) (I Corinthians 3:15). (Example of the young couple who lose everything in their home, yet a jewel is found unharmed in the ashes. It is possible for a man to be saved and yet be a castaway (I Corinthians 9:27). It is possible to be saved and still be chastised (Colossians 3:25). It is possible to be saved and yet sow to the flesh (Galatians 6:7, 8).

We are accepted the moment we believe; our works are acceptable if according to His Word and Will.


Clearance means “cleansed of all guilt” (Romans 8:1). God could have cleared us without accepting us.


Very similar to No. II.

A saved man has two natures: (1) carnal; (2) spiritual.

A. Walk In the Spirit (Galatians 5:16, 25). That means saying “yes” to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God can communicate with the Saved One. Some think that victory through Christ over an appetite is greater and more glorious than never having the appetite at all.

B. Walk in Newness of Life (Romans 6:4).

C. Walk Circumspectly (Ephesians 5:5). Circumspectly means ‘accurately” (G. Campbell Morgan’s illustration of a cat walking the fence with two dogs, one on either side). “Be sure to be careful.”

D. Walk Worthy of the Lord Unto All Pleasing (Colossians 1:10). The sin of David brings contempt on God even today. Abraham was willing that Sarah, his wife, lose her honor just to save his life; a pagan ruler rebuked him for it.

E. Walk In Love (Ephesians 5:2). We are to he ruled by love toward God and fellow man. This is not a natural love, but a supernatural love. Man does not love God or fellow man, but loves SELF. Man is selfish. “Walk in love”.

F. Walk in Wisdom and Prudence (Colossians 4:5). Walk tactfully so that you will not cause those outside to stumble. Walk so that those who are lost will want Christ.

G. Walk in Truth (III John, vs. 4). It does not make any difference what people think, but it makes plenty of difference what God says.

H. Walk in Christ (Colossians 2:6; I Peter 2:21).

I. Walk with God (Gen 5:24; 6:9). To walk with God means “fellowship”. When you have fellowship with someone, you want to do something for Him. You love Him; you obey Him. It is His will, not your will. As in marriage; “His wife for life”. To walk with God means “progress.”

J. Walk Before God (Genesis 17:1; 24:40). Walk through life knowing that God’s eyes are upon you.

K. Walk After God—Walking with your eyes upon Him, walking in His steps.

L. Walk in the Light (I John 1:7).

M. Walk in Good Works (Ephesians 2:10).

N. Walk Honestly (Romans 13:13).

O. Walk Worthy of Our Vocation (Ephesians 4:1).

Daily cleansing through the washing of the Word of God (Ephesians 5:26). Moody wrote in his Bible, “Sin will keep you from this Book, or this Book will keep you from sin.”


Compare Philippians 3:15 with 3:12. Paul claimed perfection. Our perfection will be manifested (it is not now) when Christ comes again, both our physical as well as our spiritual bodies. In Philippians 3:11 Paul confesses his imperfection. Resurrection is not an attainment, but an obtainment. Matthew 5:48 is the text; Matthew 5:44, 45 is the context. The principle of perfection here is the walk in grace toward our fellow man.


There is a difference between possessors and professors. There are many today who do not have the assurance of salvation.

NOTE: “Never take what seems to be a doubtful passage of Scripture and use it to contradict a dozen clear passages, such as comparing Hebrews 6:4-10 with John 3:16; 5:24; 3:36; 10:28.”

Armenianism believes a man can be saved today and lost tomorrow. Calvinism believes once saved, always saved—saved forever! The Armenian always uses Hebrews 6, but he does not believe it, for he says a saved man can be lost after being saved, and then be saved again. Hebrews 6 (if it has to do with being lost after being saved) says, “It is impossible to renew again.” Hebrews 6 is talking about the saved person. It does not mention the word “lost”. When it talks about tasting, the same Book talks about Jesus tasting death for every man.

Philippians 2:12: “Work out your own salvation.” It does not say, “Work for your salvation”. Read the context (Verse 13)—God works in, and you work out. There are only two people who know that I am saved—God and myself. You do not know whether I am saved, and I do not know whether you are saved. The person may stray, and the prodigal may drift away from home, but you cannot unson a son, and you cannot unborn a son. That is a fact! Nicodemus could not figure it out. He was not thinking of the spiritual birth. The spiritual birth is just as important as the physical birth. Never try to judge God’s Word by man’s experience. We do not mean that after you are saved you can live as the flesh pleases, for if you do you will get into trouble. A professor may come in and live as a possessor and fool man, but God is the only one who really knows if he is saved. Cain was a professor; Abel was a possessor. Cain was a religious man, for “he brought an offering unto God”.

In Matthew 13:24-30 the tares equal the “professors”. Tares look like wheat while growing and can only be distinguished at harvest time. There are only a few hypocrites in the Church (those who join only for gain of this world, and not as an art of obedience after salvation), but there are many in the Church who are lost. The meaning of Christ is unreal to those who are not born-again, but are only members of a church.

God calls us sheep. Sheep is a good word, for we are just like sheep, following someone else in joining the church, not saved, but going through a ritual, a ceremony! It is not regeneration.

Only the true possessor can worship God. Worship is the praising of His goodness to us. Some people show by their worship their unreality to God. (By the way, the place for short prayers is in public.) We need to think of our brethren and their souls’ salvation. The rich man fared sumptuously every day; only when he died and went to Hades did he think of his brethren.

Abraham believed God; Paul believed God. Do you believe God? Do you believe the Gospel? Do you believe that it is the only power of God unto salvation? Do you live it? As far as the ‘good man” (one who is a member of the church, and to whom Christ is unreal) is concerned, he is as much lost as the biggest bum in town.


The fundamental difference is that we are to rest upon the facts and plead the promises.

Fact: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20). This is a divine fact. You need not plead for His presence; you can rest and know that He is there, if at least two or three are gathered together in His name.

Promise: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). This is a divine promise of rest given by One Who can give rest. If you come—this means a certain condition. “Come” is the condition.

Fact: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.”—a divine statement, an eternal fact. No believing sinner is to plead for eternal life. Eternal life is bestowed the moment one believes. Too many times we ask God to do something that He has already accomplished. Distinction between fact and promise will enrich our prayer life. We will learn more of consecration.


Faith: Faith is a means of salvation. When you make works the means of your salvation, you make light of the Cross of Calvary. Faith means this: “I believe Jesus Christ died for me and was raised from the dead”. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Look at the great faith verses: John 1:12; 3:16. It does not say to pray for salvation, but only to believe.

Faith: Faith holds first place in the Christian life. Hebrews 11:6—Man cannot please God without faith. God demands faith. “By grace are ye saved through faith.” Faith means to take God at His Word. A heart faith is what God is talking about. Faith: “believes with his whole being.”

Works: Works do not precede salvation, but come after salvation. Both are divine appointments. Faith comes first. You can find both in Christ. When you have faith (Ephesians 2:8, 9), then cometh works (Titus 3:5; Romans 3:20). Saved by grace unto good works (Ephesians 2:10).

Works: With every man-made religion you are saved by your own works (Titus 3:3-8; 2:11-14). Ask this of yourself, “If the religions of the world say that man is saved by his works, and if Christianity says that a man is saved by his works, then what can Christianity offer to the world?” Man is not saved by works, but by faith! What Christianity offers is salvation by the grace of God, through faith alone! Salvation bringeth good works (Hebrews 13:16; Galatians 6:9, 10).

Works: Works done by man before salvation never have been accepted by God (Example of the man with leprosy, bringing a glass of water; you would not drink it.). What kind of a God do you think we have? Only what we do as saved people will be rewarded, and that, alone, in the flesh (alive in the body).


Rewards are for the saved Judgement is for the sinner
Salvation is an obtainment Reward is an attainment
Salvation is a free gift Rewards are earned
Salvation is a present gift Rewards have to do with the compensation of the future
Salvation is emancipation Reward is compensation
Salvation is unmerited Rewards are merited
Salvation is never lost Rewards can be lost
Salvation secures heaven Rewards secure a position in heaven
Salvation depends upon God’s faithfulness Rewards depend upon man's faithfulness.

  Luke 19:12-19; I Corinthians 3:11-13; II Corinthians 5:10; Revelation :12; I Thessalonians 2:19.


They may be confused, but they cannot be mixed (John 1:17). Law: That legal system instituted at Sinai through the mediator, Moses.

Grace: By this we mean the expression of righteousness and favor of God in Christ Jesus. “‘Tis grace of God that gives for nothing.”

Law: In its principle it demands righteousness of men. Grace: Its principle bestows righteousness upon man (Romans 3:21, 22; 8:4; Philippians 3:9).

Law: Demands works.

Grace: Asks for faith.

Law: Blesses the good and obedient (Ephesians 2:1, 2).


Law was never given to save anyone. No one has ever been saved by Law, nor has it ever made a bad man good, or a good man better.

The Law is for perfect beings and grace for imperfect beings (Psalm 9:7, 8; Romans 7:12). The Law is holy, good, and just unto God. The purpose of the law is to show man his sins and how hopeless he is.

It is easy to make people believe they are saved by grace, but it is terribly hard to make people believe they are saved by grace alone! But there is Ephesians 2:8, 9! Man always adds works. This is true of every man-made religion—saved by works. When you add to grace, grace loses grace, and grace is no more grace! By grace alone are we saved!

Law shows you what you are; grace shows you what God is. Salvation is all of grace, and grace alone.

Galatians 3:19—The Law was added because God wanted sin to become transgression... Romans 4:15; 5:20; 7:7, 13 all combined, equal Galatians 3:19. There was no sin before there was a law. From Adam to Moses men sinned, but there was no transgression; then law was given, and sin took on transgression. We are conscious of sin when we break God’s law.

Sin without transgression: Example of a little boy writing upon the new wall paper; he was not spanked until after he was told not to write upon it.

Romans 3:19, 20—The law will shut their mouths; no one will shout his own praises and his own good when the law is read. The only ONE who could open His Mouth was the Lord Jesus, but He opened not His mouth. Why? Because He was taking your place and mine upon the Cross.

The Law was to reveal sin and bring out sin in man. Remember, the Law cannot remove sin! It is a looking glass to see how dirty we are. You can look into a looking glass and see your dirty face, but you do not wash your face with a looking glass, and you do not wash your sins away by the Law.

You never needed anyone to teach you to lie. Man is a natural born liar. The law brings out the fact of sin. When law says, “Don’t,” man then begins to “do”. Man thinks he is a sinner because he murders, gets drunk, etc.; man is a sinner because he sins, but the Law reveals that man sins because he is a sinner. When the law shines in our hearts it shows the dirt, just as the sun shines in a room, revealing the dust. The law is a microscope that shows what is in man. Law is a plumb line. Law reveals the heart of man. Grace reveals the heart of God. Law is a straightedge, showing how crooked we are. Grace straightens us up (Romans 7:13; also verse 12).

Twenty-one times the Bible speaks of Moses—“he was faithful”. Moses, we know, sinned once. God demands perfection. Compare Romans 8 with Galatians 3:23-27. We are not under law, but we are under grace (Romans 6:14).

People say, “After one is saved, he can do anything he wants to.” If a person has been saved, born of the Spirit, he is a child of God. What will a child of God want to do? No child has a heart to go and do wrong. If every man loved his fellow man there would be no need for any law. NO CHRISTIAN NEEDS ANY LAW. You will not break the law if you have love in your heart. You will break the law if you do have a heart full of lust.

There is a law of our State saying that parents must take care of their children. What kind of people do we have, anyway? Go into a Christian home and see the mother loving and caring for her babe. Does she love it on account of the law of the State? Love will do what law will never do. Do you want to get perfection of the law? Keep your eyes upon Christ (as one rowing toward the opposite shore with eyes to the other side); Jesus is the focal point. Keep your eye upon the place from which you started—CALVARY! A man has a pet cat and a pet goat. The goat has to be chained. Why? To he kept out of the posy bed. Some people have to be chained by the law to be kept out of the posy bed. PERFECTION IN THE EYES OF THE LAW IS CAUSED THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS CHRIST.

The righteousness of God in Romans is not the righteousness “of” God, but the righteousness “bestowed” by God. Remember, every Christian will say, “Oh, how I love thy law”. I cannot keep the law, for it is perfect. I cannot, but the Lord can (Romans 8:1-4). The law is strong, but weak through the flesh, as a fork is weak through an over-done beef roast. The law is a ten-pronged fork that is weak through our flesh. The law is not weak, but our flesh is weak.

The law of gravity pulls a book down, but the hand keeps it from falling; the Holy Spirit is He Who is holding us up. Law is the enemy of Grace. The man who puts himself under the law “FALLS FROM GRACE” (Galatians 5:4). The fact is that everybody is too good; now the problem is to find people bad enough to be saved. Every Seventh Day Adventist is an enemy to the grace of God. Sabbathkeepers are Law-keepers. It is Law and no Grace. Another enemy of Grace is works; ritualism is also an enemy of Grace. Character is an enemy of grace. All are enemies that place themselves as substitutes for the grace of God. The character we talk about in these so-called good men is in Romans 3:9-21. There is no such thing as a good man out of Christ! If one is saved it is because of Christ. Only when you become saved do you have character. For Scripture against being saved by character, read Romans 5, 6, 7 and 8. Unitarianism, Eddyism, etc. speak much about character.

While not under the law, you are not to be a spiritual anarchist (Romans 12:9; I Corinthians 11:31, 32).

God’s wisdom guarantees against mistakes: (1) Chastisement for correction; (2) Discipline for purification; (3) Purging for fruit- bearing (I Corinthians 9:19- 25).

Dr. Pettingill tells how he thought that if he were a Christian he would not be able to go where he wanted to go, or do what he wanted to do; but after he became a Christian, he found that he could do what he wanted to do and go where he wanted to go. Again, what will a child of God want to do? He should do Service with denial of self. Love went to Calvary, where a denial of the truth would have saved Him from the agony of the Cross.


1. Law came by Moses. 1. Grace came by Christ.
2. Law reveals sin of man. 2. Grace reveals love of God.
3. Law sentences a living man to death. 3. Grace brings dead men to life.
4. Law tells man what he must do. 4. Grace tells man what God has done.
5. Do and live. 5. Live and do.
6. Law shuts man out. 6. Grace brings men in.
7. Law shuts every mouth before God. 7. Grace opens every mouth to praise God.
8. Law brings knowledge of sin. 8. Grace brings knowledge of a Son.
9. Law is a remembrance of sin. 9. Grace is a remembrance of a Sin-Bearer.
10. Law blots out the sinner. 10. Grace blots out the sins.
11. Law tells (commands) us to love God. 11. Grace tells us that God loves us.
12. Law: sheep die for the shepherd. 12. Grace: Shepherd dies for the Sheep.


God has but ONE kingdom, and that is the “Kingdom of God”. There are different phases of that one Kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven is a phase of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of Heaven is to be in the future, to be established here on this earth. The Kingdom of God began with man and will end with man (Daniel 4:3), as far as eternity is concerned; but as far as God is concerned, it has been from Eternity, throughout Eternity. The Kingdom of Heaven is the reign of the Son of God on this earth for a thousand years.


1. Messiah for its King. 1. God for its Ruler. Ruler of all beings in Heaven and on earth.
2. Kingdom of God is universal from all time to all time. Unlimited. 2. Kingdom of Heaven is under heaven. Limited.
3. Moral and spiritual in its sphere. 3. Political in its sphere.



The Church is a called-out body of people in Jesus Christ. The Church is a heavenly people and a living organism. The Church is never spoken of, or mentioned, as a Kingdom in the Scriptures (Exception: Colossians 1:13). Nowhere in the Old Testament can be found the prophecy of the Church (Ephesians 3:1-10). The Church is in the Kingdom of God, but it is not the Kingdom of Heaven.


Church Kingdom of Heaven
1. Subjects are mentioned heirs of the Kingdom, receivers of the Kingdom. 1. Subjects are not mentioned as heirs of the Church.
2. Spoken of as a body. 2. Kingdom is not spoken of as a body.
3. The Kingdom shall be ruled. 3. The Church, with Christ, will reign over that kingdom.
4. The Church is now in the world, waiting to be raptured out of the world. 4. The Kingdom of Heaven is not here now, but will come.
5. There is not one prophecy concerning the Church in the Old Testament. 5. The Kingdom is the one subject of prophecy.
6. The Church is to be built up (Ephesians 4). 6. The Kingdom is to be set up (Acts 15:16).
7. Christ is called the Head of the Church (see #2). 7. Christ is called the King of the Kingdom. 
8. The Church has to do with saints of all nations. 8. The Kingdom has to do with the nations of the world.

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