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The palace Beautiful

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So I saw in my dream that he made haste and went forward, that if possible he might get lodging there. Now before he had gone far, he entered into a very narrow passage, which was about a furlong off of the porter's lodge; and, looking very narrowly before him as he went, he espied two lions in the way.

Now, thought he, I see the dangers by which MISTRUST and TIMOROUS were driven back. (The lions were chained; but he saw not the chains.) Then he was afraid, and thought also himself to go back after them; for he thought nothing but death was before him. But the porter at the lodge, whose name is WATCHFUL, perceiving that CHRISTIAN made a halt, as if he would go back, cried unto him, saying, "Is thy strength so small? "And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?" Mark 4:40

fear not the lions; for they are chained, and are placed there for trial of faith where it is; and for discovery of those that have none: keep in the midst of the path, and no hurt shall come unto thee!"

Then I saw that he went on, trembling for fear of the lions, but taking good heed to the directions of the porter. He heard them roar; but they did him no harm. Then he clapped his hands, and went on till he came and stood before the gate where the porter was. Then said CHRISTIAN to the porter, "Sir, what house is this? and may I lodge here tonight?" The porter answered, "This house was built by the Lord of the hill; and he built it for the relief and security of pilgrims." The porter also asked whence he was, and whither he was going?

Chr. I am come from the city of Destruction, and am going to Mount Zion; but because the sun is now set, I desire, if I may, to lodge here tonight.

Watchful, the Porter. What is your name?

Chr. My name is now CHRISTIAN; but my name at the first was GRACELESS: I came of the race of Japheth, whom God will persuade to dwell in the tents of Shem. "God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant." Genesis 9:27

Watch. But how doth it happen that you come so late? the sun is set!

Chr. I had been here sooner; but that--wretched man that I am--I slept by the arbour that stands on the hillside. Nay, I had, notwithstanding that, been here much sooner, but that in my sleep I lost my evidence, and came without it to the brow of the hill; and then, feeling for it, and finding it not, I was forced, with sorrow of heart, to go back to the place where I slept my sleep, where I found it, and now I am come.

Watch. Well, I will call out one of the virgins of this place, who will, if she likes your talk, bring you in to the rest of the family, according to the rules of the house. So WATCHFUL the porter rang a bell; at the sound of which, came out at the door of the house a grave and beautiful damsel, named DISCRETION, and asked why she was called.

Watchful. answered, "This man is in a journey from the city of Destruction to Mount Zion; but being weary and benighted, he asked me if he might lodge here tonight: so I told him I would call for thee, who, after discourse had with him, mayest do as seemeth thee good, even according to the law of the house."

Discretion. Then she asked him whence he was, and whither he was going: and he told her. She asked him also how he got into the way: and he told her. Then she asked him what he had seen and met with in the way: and he told her. And last, she asked his name: so he said, "It is CHRISTIAN; and I have so much the more a desire to lodge here tonight, because, by what I perceive, this place was built by the Lord of the hill for the relief and security of pilgrims."

So she smiled, but the water stood in her eyes; and after a little pause, she said, "I will call forth two or three more of the family." So she ran to the door, and called out PRUDENCE, PIETY, and CHARITY, who, after a little more discourse with him, had him in to the family, and many of them meeting him at the threshold of the house, said, "Come in, thou blessed of the Lord! this house was built by the Lord of the hill on purpose to entertain such pilgrims in."

Then he bowed his head, and followed them into the house. So when he was come in, and set down, they gave him something to drink; and consented together that, until supper was ready, some of them should have some particular discourse with CHRISTIAN, for the best improvement of time: and they appointed PIETY, and PRUDENCE, and CHARITY, to discourse with him; and thus they began:

The Rarities of "Beautiful"

So in the morning they all got up; and after some more discourse, they told him that he should not depart till they had showed him the rarities of that place. And first they had him into the study, where they showed him records of the greatest antiquity; in which, as I remember my dream, they showed him the first pedigree of the Lord of the hill, that he was the Son of the Ancient of Days, and came by an eternal generation. Here also were more fully recorded the acts that he had done; and the names of many hundreds that he had taken into his service; and how he had placed them in such habitations that could neither by length of days, nor decays of nature, be dissolved.

Then they read to him some of the worthy acts that some of his servants had done. As how they had "subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword; out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, and turned to flight the armies of the aliens". "Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens." Hebrews 11:33, 34

Then they read again in another part of the records of the house, where it was showed how willing their Lord was to receive into his favour any, even any, though they in time past had offered great affronts to his person and proceedings. Here also were several other histories of many other famous things, all of which CHRISTIAN had a view. As of things both ancient and modern; together with prophecies and predictions of things that have their certain accomplishment, both to the dread and amazement of enemies, and the comfort and solace of pilgrims.

The next day they took him and had him into the armoury; where they showed him all manner of furniture, which their Lord had provided for pilgrims: sword, shield, helmet, breastplate, all-prayer, and shoes that would not wear out. And there was here enough of this to harness out as many men for the service of their Lord as there be stars in the heaven for multitude.

They also showed him some of the instruments with which some of his servants had done wonderful things. They showed him Moses' rod; the hammer and nail with which Jael slew Sisera; the pitchers, trumpets, and lamps too, with which Gideon put to flight the armies of Midian. Then they showed him the ox's goad wherewith Shamgar slew six hundred men. They showed him also the jawbone with which Samson did such mighty feats; they showed him, moreover, the sling and stone with which David slew Goliath of Gath; and the sword, also, with which their Lord will kill the man of sin, in the day that he shall rise up to the prey. They showed him besides many excellent things, with which CHRISTIAN was much delighted. This done, they went to their rest again.

Then I saw in my dream, that on the morrow he got up to go forward; but they desired him to stay till the next day also, and then, said they, we will, if the day be clear, show you the Delectable Mountains; which, they said, would yet further add to his comfort, because they were nearer the desired haven than the place where at present he was. So he consented and stayed. When the morning was up, they had him to the top of the house, and bid him look south; so he did: and behold, at a great distance "He shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure. Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off." Isaiah 33:16, 17

he saw a most pleasant mountainous country, beautiful with woods, vineyards, fruits of all sorts, flowers also; with springs and fountains, very delectable to behold. Then he asked the name of the country. They said it was Immanuel's Land; and it is as common, said they, as this hill is, to and for all the pilgrims. And when thou comest there, from thence, said they, thou mayest see to the gate of the Celestial City, as the shepherds that live there will make appear.

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