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Bearing the Hundredfold Fruit of the Spirit

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But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. (Matthew 13:23)

Every person who receives the Lord Jesus Christ has the opportunity to reap a hundredfold. In Christ is everything that God is, has, and can do. He who possesses Christ possesses everything. Yet some bring forth a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.

As we look around in the churches of today we can see many levels of spirituality. Some Christians are vigorous disciples. Their whole life is Christ. Although they are active and fruitful in the work of their own church, they have something in common. They are the brothers and sisters of all the saints regardless of denomination. Jesus is their Lord, their Master, their Friend, their Savior, their Provider, their Teacher, their All in all.

They never stop in their pilgrimage. Christ always remains the center of their interest. There is a savor of the blood of the cross and of the nail prints about them. They are growing each day, increasing in holiness and knowledge all the time. One gains the impression that their lives are on a straight line proceeding upward. They are not declining spiritually in old age after the manner of nature.

They are open to the voice of the Spirit of God and are not "stuck" on some doctrinal position. They are solid in faith and understanding, not given to doctrinal "novelties." They are productive in service, righteous in character, able to maintain the romance of the mystery of the daily pursuit of Christ. The "dew of youth" is on their "garments" because they are "skipping from hill to hill" with Him who always abides in joy and gladness of heart.

After they are saved they press on into Spirit-filled service. Yet they do not become married to their ministries and accomplishments but keep moving forward to pruning after pruning and victory after victory. The Lord Jesus reveals Himself to them because they are after His own heart.

They are the strongest and "wealthiest" people on the earth because the source of their life, wisdom, and power is the throne of Christ. Such never will be content until every aspect, every thought, every imagination, word, deed of what they are and do has been reaped unto the Lamb of God. The "waters" of their lives come from the ocean of God’s Spirit and return to that same ocean.

There is no limit to the amount of fruit they will bear throughout eternity because the Seed that has been sown in them comes from God. When the Seed of God germinates, grows, and matures to the fullest extent of its potential the result will be a son of God in the image of the Father.

All of the goodness we have mentioned is in the Lord Jesus Christ. It all is yours. There only is one wall that can keep you separated from the all that God Is and has for you. The wall is your unbelief. God remains ready and able to fulfill your richest vision. Will you tear down the wall of unbelief and allow God to reap a hundredfold in your life?

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. (John 15:5)

Three things are necessary if we are to bring forth much fruit:

We must be taken out the world, out of our former life in the appetites of the flesh, and grafted on the Vine, Christ.

We must remain in Christ and not go about attempting to bring forth fruit by our own wisdom and strength.

We must submit to the pruning and dressing of the Vinedresser.

If these three conditions are met in our lives we will bring forth much fruit.

Christ is as a Vine that has been planted by the Lord God. Into that Vine is flowing all that God Is. There is no limit to the goodness, love, strength, joy, peace, nourishment, that eternally are flowing into the Vine. When we are abiding in the Vine the resources flowing into us are boundless. We will bring forth much fruit.

All of God’s creation is to be filled with the fruit of the Vine.

And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people. (Isaiah 51:16)

He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit. (Isaiah 27:6)

Apart from Christ we are nothing more than the dust of the ground. When we are abiding in Christ we partake of the destiny of the Vine. If we allow God to bring forth the fruit of Christ in us we will become part of the Servant of the Lord who has been commissioned to plant the heavens, lay the foundations of the earth, and reconcile each of God’s chosen people to Himself.

The fullness of God has been given to the Vine and comes forth through the Vine. There is no limit to the fruitfulness of our life when we abide in the Vine. If we do not abide in the Vine we will wither and die and be burned in the fire.

Nothing good can come from our flesh. Christ is the true Light who lights every person born into the world. Without Christ, without the Divine Life of the Vine, mankind remains the dust of the ground and returns to the ground. Only in Christ is there eternal fruitfulness and strength.

If we remain in union with the Vine, and the words of Christ remain in us, we can ask what we will and it shall be done for us. If we live in Christ and His words live in us our every prayer will be answered. This is what Jesus said.

The fruit that the Father desires is Christ in us and in those to whom we minister. If we continue in the Vine, accepting the necessary pruning and dressing, we will bear much fruit. God is glorified when we do so.

We have not chosen Christ, He has chosen us and ordained us to be fruitful branches. The fruit that grows in our lives comes from the virtue that flows in the Vine. The fruit is the image of Christ, His moral character, the likeness of the Glory of the Lord.

If we give ourselves wholly to the things of Christ, the fruit grows in us and in those to whom we minister. It is God’s intention that Christ blossom and bud and fill the face of the world with fruit. God desires that the image of His beloved Son be everywhere, in all creatures and things in the universe.

The more Christ is growing in us and through us the more our prayers are answered. As God brings us to the place of conformity to His beloved Son we begin to pray according to the will of God. It pleases God to answer the prayers of those who obey Him. When our prayer comes before the Father, and is proceeding from a life filled with the nature and obedience of Christ, the Father delights to give the answer.

God opens His hand and satisfies the desire of every living thing, often sending good things to those who hate Him. How much more will He answer the prayers of those who are praying according to His will, are in the image His Son, have His Son dwelling in them, and are living in obedience to His will?

He will answer their prayers in matters great and small and find His pleasure in them. They will reign before Him and serve Him throughout His creation forever.

"This is my covenant with them," says the Lord. "I will never leave them nor forsake them. Though the heavens and the earth pass away, My Word to them stands eternally sure. Christ, the Vine, will fill the creation and those whom He appoints to high places will not be removed from their inheritance.

"Who, then, will serve Me with his whole heart? He will find that I am God in truth and My Word is yea and amen to every one who believes."

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