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The Conquest Domain of Christianity

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We are referring to the Courtyard of the Tabernacle as the salvation domain of redemption; to the Holy Place as the sanctification domain; and to the Most Holy Place as the conquest domain. Our terms have been chosen somewhat arbitrarily and are only for the purpose of discussion.

Our intention is not to chop up the one Body of Christ or to split off segments from the Kingdom of God or to trap some little band of devout believers into considering themselves to be the "throne group." Rather, our intention is to describe some aspects of the manner in which the Lord works with His Church.

All true Christians are of the Kingdom of God. All Christians are part of the Church, the one Body of Christ. All Christians have been called to be members of the royal priesthood.

The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, indicate that Israel, the chosen of God, has been called out from the rest of mankind in order to reveal God to the peoples of the earth. Isaiah has much to say about the role of Israel among the nations.

Also, we find in the Book of Revelation that the nations of the saved will walk in the light of the holy city, which is the Wife of the Lamb. Clearly, then, it is scriptural to say that the Church is called to reveal God in Christ to the peoples of the earth.

However, we can see differences among people who claim to be Christians. There are some Christians who believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that He redeems us by His blood atonement. Beyond that they do not care to press. When we attempt to discuss gifts and ministries, the one Body of Christ, conquering in Christ, and so forth they become uncomfortable. The are abiding in the Courtyard of the Tabernacle.

Many of the "Courtyard Christians" are led by the Lord to move forward into a deeper walk, and then they become more aware of the Presence of the Holy Spirit. The Body of Christ is brought into clearer focus, and they may experience tongues, various types of prayer and praise ministry in their assemblies and homes, and general enthusiasm for Bible study and fellowship with fervent Christians. This is the Holy Place.

Again, let us remind the reader we are not referring to grades in an elementary school or little groups of mystical believers or anything of the kind. We merely are pointing to facts that are observable throughout Christendom.

To deny the facts is to deny what exists. Also, the Scripture indicates that there are three areas of fruitbearing. There is much overlap among these experiences. Clear, permanent definition is not possible. The deepest experiences of the Lord remain readily available to "whosoever will."

Many of God’s saints who have enjoyed the blessings of the first two domains have been led by the Holy Spirit into yet deeper spiritual depths. Christian literature contains the writings of believers who have been so drawn: Madame Guyon, Jessie Penn-Lewis, A.W. Tozer, Oswald Chambers, Watchman Nee, A. B. Simpson, and others.

It can be noticed that these saints of God teach much the same thing, yet each adds to our knowledge of the conquest domain. In some instances they teach (without using our terminology) that we are called into a third death and resurrection, a death to our self and a resurrection into the Person of Christ. The third area is seen to be a step beyond sanctification and beyond ministry. It is to know the Giver rather than just the gift. It is the rest of God.

The conquest domain is the area of rulership with Christ—the place of overcoming the adversary, the spirit of the world, and our own fleshly nature.

And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. (Revelation 12:5)

Notice that it is the Church, the heavenly woman, who travails in birth until Christ is formed and brought forth. This calls to mind the words of Paul: "My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you" (Galatians 4:19). Christ, the male Son, is being formed in the members of the Body of Christ.

Therefore will he give them up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel. (Micah 5:3)

The above passage indicates that Christ’s conquerors will be brought forth through the ministries of the Church. They may be misunderstood and separated from the Church for a brief season, in Joseph fashion. In due time they will appear with the Lord Jesus and all Israel will then be set free from oppression and bondage and enabled to enter the abundance of blessing and ministry in the Lord.

The above paragraph is not an attempt to divide the Church into the saints and the remainder of the Church. Rather, it merely is an illustration of the strong members aiding the weaker members (Romans 15:1).

We can observe divisions of strength in Israel in many passages of the Scripture. Such division occurred among the followers of Jesus, as recorded in the four Gospel accounts.

The multitudes of Israel were blessed and healed by the Lord, as they came to Him with their needs. From among the multitude were selected the seventy, and then the twelve. Three from the twelve were chosen and privileged to see the Lord on the Mount of Transfiguration.

Here is the manner in which the Lord works. Some are drawn out for a season so they may be strengthened. Then they must return and strengthen their brothers. The double portion is given to us so we may nourish the family of God.

"When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren" (Luke 22:32).

The male Son always ascends to the throne of God. When Christ is formed in us He ascends to the throne. Christ will abide nowhere other than on the throne of Glory at the right hand of the fullness of Holiness and Power.

If you have Christ in you do not expect Him to remain earthbound. He rises to the throne immediately. Christ always is called upward to the throne the moment He is brought forth.

Christ who is being formed in you is King of all kings and Lord of all lords. The fighting in you is the struggle of Christ for mastery.

Will you give victory to the adversary, the world, and your flesh? Or will you give victory to the Lord who purchased you with His own blood and who is struggling for His rightful place on the throne of your life? It is your decision. The power is of God.

It is your responsibility to cast your vote at each moment of decision. The Lord creates each new day so you can have another opportunity to allow Christ to sit on the throne of your heart and then ascend to the right hand of the Power in the heavens.

The throne domain is the realm of rewards. We have referred to the second and third chapters of Revelation and the numerous rewards to each person who conquers in Christ. The Lord Jesus is coming again. His rewards are with Him, the recompense for our actions is before Him. Christ will assign glorious positions of service and responsibility to those who prove faithful under difficult conditions.

For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. (I Corinthians 3:11-14)

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. (II Corinthians 5:10)

And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. (Revelation 22:12)

The rewards of Christ have to do with dominion, power, life, a body of tremendous capabilities, the fullness of authority and responsibility, and eternal abiding in the Presence of God.

The rewards Christ is bringing with Him are so astonishingly marvelous we are not able to imagine or describe them. To receive the full inheritance we must set ourselves to conquer each day through the ability Christ gives us.

Each resource we need in order to enter the "all things" of God is given us when we need it through the Lord. He never fails. He never is late. The only power that can prevent us from receiving the full reward is our own unbelief. Nothing else can defeat us. Christ does not require strength, wisdom, or righteousness from us. He provides all we need in every arena of challenge. He asks only that we believe what is written and obey His commands.

As we enter the conquest domain of redemption we discover that two worlds are in conflict. The further into the Divine throne we press the clearer the issues become.

Satan has bound the earth in the chains of sin and death. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Tree of Life and has come to the earth in order to demolish every work of Satan. We have been called to reign with Christ and to partake of victory through Him.

If we abide faithful in that to which He has called us we will find ourselves riding with Him one day soon. All the works of darkness will be crushed beneath our feet. The world of sin will be destroyed by the onslaught of the forces of righteousness from Heaven (Joel 2:3). Victory is at hand!

The throne of Christ represents the full authority and power of the government of God. Christ was made lower than any man. He bore our sins. He was physically abused and became an object of mockery to both the material and the unclean-spirit realms. He allowed Himself to be humiliated.

Because Christ was willing to obey God to this extent, God has highly exalted Him and given to Him the Name that is above every other name in the universe.

Christ now possesses all authority and power in Heaven and on the earth. Such glory and power are far beyond our comprehension. Christ upholds the universe by the word of His power. There is no power that can oppose Him. He does whatever He will.

God has given all judgment into His hands. He has no successful rival. He sits alone—supreme—on the highest throne of all.

Now He has called us as individuals to the throne of glory. The way to Christ’s throne is through humiliation and obedience to the point of death. If we would share His Glory we also must share His sufferings.

God keeps on testing us to observe how far we are willing to trust Him. The higher our destiny in Him the more we are pressed beyond measure. We are buffeted. We are drawn out, prodded, stretched, despised, abused, scorned, humiliated, cast down, bent out of shape. Every conceivable trial is administered to us so all we are can be brought to clarity and perfected.

When God is satisfied we will be obedient no matter what we suffer, He raises us up. His desire is to give us all good things in Christ. The end is perfect joy.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

In raising people to the throne of Christ, God merely is performing what He spoke originally concerning mankind.

For unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak. (Hebrews 2:5)

The world of the future will be in subjection to the heirs of salvation, that is, to Christ and His brothers. The world no longer will be in subjection to or even influenced by the wicked spirits.

But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him? (Hebrews 2:6)

What is man that the Lord God is mindful of him?

Man is different from all other creatures of God, spiritual and material. Man is different in that he has been created in the image of God.

What is the image of God? What is the likeness of God? God is different from the other personages of Heaven in that He has a Spirit, a Soul, and an outward form resembling mankind (Ezekiel 1:26-28).

God the Father has a Holy Spirit in which is His Life; and a Soul that is His Character and Nature, the source of His judgments, His decisions.

He has a spiritual form of which mankind is a crude duplicate. God can hear, see, touch, smell, and so forth in a manner superior to us. He clothes Himself with the glorified Body of Christ, and finally with the glorified bodies of the saints.

The glorified bodies of Christ and the saints compose the eternal Temple of God.

God the Father has begotten Christ, His Son. The Spirit of Christ is so merged and identified with the Spirit of God as to be one Spirit. The Soul of Christ is His own Character and Nature, the source of His judgments.

Jesus retains the body in which He ministered during the days of His sufferings on earth. Now His earthly body has been overlaid with the glorious body of eternal life (Revelation 1:13-15).

The image of God is the fullness of the Life of the Holy Spirit; a soul that is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control, and a form capable of communicating God’s will.

Included in God’s Spirit and Soul is an intelligence possessing wisdom and knowledge of incomprehensible scope and profundity neither describable by us nor understandable to us. God can create. He also is a God of judgment, hating all sin and unrighteousness. He has the power to perform His will in any area.

God possesses constancy of character, integrity, friendliness, courage, confidence, cheerfulness, fierceness, humor, a readiness to play, and all the artistic, scientific, and technical abilities there are. The genius and talents of men come from the one Person—Christ.

It is beyond our powers to describe what is meant by the image and likeness of the Lord God. The above may help us better understand what we mean when we state that mankind was created—and is yet being created—in the image and after the likeness of God.

The first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel presents the image of the Lord and consequently of glorified man.

Adam was created a living soul, having much more intelligence than any animal. His spirit was in touch with God’s Holy Spirit and his body resembled the spiritual form of the Lord. Adam and Eve were the offspring of God and as such were unique in all the creation. They were the children of the Most High, a new type of creation. And all the heavens observed them carefully!

There is a gap between Adam and Eve and the complete image of the Lord God and that gap is very great. Yet Adam and Eve were the children of God, the crude material in which the full image of God Almighty is to be developed.

In order to create the full image of God one must commence with a flesh-and-blood human being. Then on the human stock must be grafted Divinity—the Lord Jesus Christ; for it is not possible that the true image and likeness of God can be fashioned from the dust of the ground.

The plan of God began with people on the earth in animal bodies, but what the Lord God has spoken concerning mankind can be fulfilled only in the Lamb and His Wife. The work will continue in the ages to come until all that the Father has purposed has been brought forth perfectly and completely.

At the beginning of the new heaven and earth reign of Christ (Revelation, Chapters 21 and 22) we can behold the true Adam in Christ, and the true Eve in the Bride of the Lamb, the new Jerusalem. This is the fulfillment of what God has spoken concerning the creation of man.

Then, after a few billion eons have passed and we have been enveloped in the fiery Presence of God Almighty, we may begin to reveal some signs of maturity in the image of the Lord God of Heaven.

Through Christ we are born again. By means of the Word of God, the body and blood of Christ, and the Holy Spirit we are being created in the image of Christ. The gifts and ministries of the Church are in travail so Christ may be created in us.

The new creation being formed in us is the true heir of salvation. God is mindful of His workmanship in man and will "visit him"; for the new creation being fashioned in mankind is none other than the image and Substance of His beloved Son, Christ. We are the Body of Christ.

Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: (Hebrews 2:7)

The sons of God, heirs of salvation, have been made inferior to the angels until they have been prepared adequately to come into their inheritance. As soon as they have been made ready to rule they will sit on the throne of Christ and will judge mankind and angels.

No angel has ever been begotten of God. But every person who receives Christ possesses the authority to be a child of God (John 1:12).

"Thou crownest him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands." Upon receiving Christ we inherit the promises of God concerning mankind. Our task now is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He enables us to bring the throne-life of God down into our personality.

We must engage in battle in order to obtain our inheritance just as the Israelites had to fight their way into their land of promise. In the present hour Satan and his usurping forces occupy the inheritance of the sons of God.

To mankind has been given the universe. It is ours to command. We cannot participate in our inheritance as yet because of our sin. Also, we remain in bondage because of the ever-present fear of physical death.

In Christ we are crowned with glory and honor and are being brought by the Lord God to the place where we can rule the works of the hands of God. None of the material creation belongs to Satan by inheritance. All the creation belongs to Christ—Head and Body.

The inheritance: spiritual dominion over the creation.

Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. (Hebrews 2:8)

Part of the inheritance of the brothers of Christ is to have "all things" put under their feet. "He who overcomes shall inherit all things." The "all things" refers to the creation of God.

The physical creation today is being ruled by spiritual forces. It appears to people that the earth is being ruled by human beings, but such is not the case at all. Human beings are only the tools of spiritual forces. The material creation always responds to spiritual wisdom and power. The wisdom and power of the flesh is negligible.

"A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven." Nebuchadnezzar learned that "the heavens do rule." The history of mankind is a physical portrayal of spiritual realities. When Christ addressed the seven churches of Asia He directed His words to the angel of each church, for this is where the wisdom and power reside.

The material creation is spiritual in origin, having been spoken into existence by the invisible, spiritual Word of God. The material creation will be recalled by the Lord after the Millennial Jubilee (thousand-year Kingdom Age) has served its purposes (Revelation 21:1).

Christ is at home in both the spiritual and material realms. He is the Son of Man and the Son of God. At present we Christians are at home in the material realm only, but we now are being oriented to the spirit realm where mastery of the material realm lies.

Wicked spiritual beings hold the material realm in the grip of sin and death, and there is little we can do, while we are bound in the physical realm, to throw off the effects of spiritual bondage. For example, the further the science of medicine advances the more sicknesses there are to combat. Yet, Christ is the Healer of all sicknesses. The ultimate source of all sickness and all healing is in the spirit realm, as is true of all our blessings and curses.

The struggle for control of the material realm is between opposing spiritual personalities. God has assigned all authority and power over the material realm to His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. When we receive Christ we receive the authority to inherit all things.

Satan, on the other hand, is a thief, a liar, and a murderer who possesses no authority over the material realm, though he would have us believe that he does. By his lies Satan attempts to hold us in chains of darkness, but Christ is redeeming the material realm from the bondage of the enemy. The only reason Christ does not appear now and claim what rightfully is His is that He is waiting for His Body to throw off the influence of Satan.

When we receive the Lord Jesus He raises us immediately in the Spirit to the throne. We are fighting through the Spirit, overcoming every spiritual enemy and obstacle that would tear us down from our heavenly position. Christ’s almighty power helps us and none can hinder.

Christ charges us to establish our heavenly place through spiritual combat, to prove we can hold such an exalted position. We must "overcome." We must overcome all that would attempt to pull us down from that which Christ has given us, just as Christ Himself had to overcome all the challenges of the devil.

The land of promise has been assigned to us by the Lord. Now we, through the Spirit of God, must take eternal possession of it.

The moment we are born again our new nature is raised to the highest throne of the universe. Our body and soul remain in the earth. By prayer, faith, and obedience we are striving to bring the throne-life downward to where our soul and body are in the earth.

And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ: (Ephesians 2:6)

Our soul and body, yet in the earth, are striving by prayer, faith, and obedience to cooperate with the throne- life that already is victorious in the spirit realm. Our soul and body are climbing upward as it were. We are seeking to save our soul. A redeemed body is the prize.

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:2,3)

Our soul and body are to set their affections where our new born-again nature already resides.

"Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet." God has called us to the throne of Christ. All else must be placed under our control. Only Christ and God are to be in command over the saint.

When we begin our discipleship there are many human relationships, many circumstances, and many things that attempt to rule us and often do rule us. One by one God puts all things under our control until we are in bondage to none of them. At times this is a painful process. Some of the bondages keeping us in slavery are dear to us. Letting them go can be excruciating. We must let them go if we are to gain the freedom and power God has ordained for us.

As long as Christ and God have control over us we are free and without bondage of any sort. When there is any relationship, any circumstance, or any thing that has us in bondage we are not free. The circumstance or thing or person stands between us and Christ. All must be brought under subjection to the saint as he rules in Christ.

"In that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him." There is to be no exception. There is nothing in the physical realm that is to have dominion over a son of God. There is nothing that God has not put under him.

Because of our sinful, rebellious nature we have many gods. Our covetousness brings us into bondage to things. Man brings himself into bondage to the creation but in Christ we are set free from the tyranny of the creation. In Christ we gain control over the material realm.

Only Christ possesses mastery over the material creation. If we desire to lawfully possess mastery we must receive the mastery from Christ. He gives rulership over the creation to whomever He will.

The inheritance is ours by right of birth in Christ. We, like Esau, can lose our birthright to someone who desires it more than we do. If we are careless, someone else may take our place in the army of God.

Wresting control of the material realm. "But now we see not yet all things put under him." For a season we must remain in subjection to people and circumstances. If we attempt to force our way to rulership apart from Christ we soon become further bound in sin and rebellion.

The story of mankind is the record of people attempting to gain control over the material realm in some manner other than through Christ. God keeps us all in the prison of futility and decay, saved and unsaved alike. Whenever we attempt to gain release from prison before God’s time we break God’s laws.

When God has you in prison you cannot get out before God’s time without breaking God’s laws.

The day quickly is approaching when we will receive our lawful inheritance. Satan always attempts to persuade us to attempt to wrest our inheritance before God’s time. Satan does not do this because he desires that we receive something of value. Satan never seeks our well-being.

Satan desires that we move ahead of God’s time because he obtains gratification when we do so. He tried to persuade Christ to take an easier path to power. Satan’s price was worship. When we attempt to force circumstances and people in order to gain our desires, to obtain our inheritance by some means other than through the Holy Spirit, we are worshiping the devil.

The sins of the flesh are attempts to take control of the material realm other than through God’s Spirit. Five main branches of sin are lust, violence, covetousness, drunkenness, and sorcery. These five have many variations. They all are attempts to gain control over some aspect of the material realm apart from God’s Presence. They all involve the worship of Satan.

For example, drunkenness is Adam’s attempt to find joy and peace apart from Christ.

But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. (Hebrews 2:9)

Jesus temporarily was made lower than the angels so that through death He might destroy the power of the devil. By being strictly obedient to God, thus reversing the effects of Adam’s disobedience, Christ made it possible for each of us to follow Him into our own inheritance.

Breaking the grip of Satan is impossible for us because we are born in sin. Christ did this for us and now invites us to follow Him into lawful rulership over God’s creation. Rulership is ours by inheritance because we are coheirs with Christ.

Psalms Eight proclaims, concerning man, that God has crowned him with glory and honor and has set him over the works of God’s hands. To what extent is man crowned with glory and honor and set over the works of God’s hands? The answer is, to the same extent that is true of the Lord Jesus Himself.

Jesus now possesses all authority in Heaven and on the earth. He has absolute rulership over all the works of God’s hands. He is crowned with glory and honor to such an extent we are unable even to behold His Glory or to describe it.

The same dominion and glory belong by inheritance to each son of God. We are coheirs with Christ. This is our inheritance and through Christ it has been made possible for us to attain it.

We are not to hold back from the promise of God through unbelief but are to march straight forward in Christ and claim our inheritance as sons of God. If we conquer in Christ we will be crowned with glory and honor and placed in authority over all the works of God’s hands. We all are the children of God by faith in Christ.

For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. (Hebrews 2:10)

God has called many sons to glory. Christ is the Head, the elder brother, the Lamb of God, the Captain of our salvation. In these ways He always is superior to us. Christ is the Lord. Nevertheless God has called each Christian to the glory assigned to mankind.

It is the delight of the Lord Jesus Christ to work with His younger brothers until the new sons can be presented to the Father. Christ takes the greatest joy in presenting us to His Father (John 20:17). He is not ashamed to call us brothers because we have been born of the same Divine Substance as Himself.

The throne of Christ is the seat of supreme authority and government over all the creation of God. It is wonderful to note, once again, that on the highest throne there is a Man—a man possessing the same body that experienced suffering and pain on the earth. That body now is in such a state of glorification that the Apostle John fainted upon seeing it, upon beholding Christ in His Glory. Of all the tremendous authorities and powers in Heaven it is a Man who rules over all.

After the thousand-year Kingdom Age has been concluded, the perfected Church, the Body of Christ, the Wife of the Lamb, will descend from the new heaven to reside forever on the new earth. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be located in the Church of Christ, which is the new Jerusalem. The center of government will be moved down from Heaven and located on the earth.

The blending of the spiritual and the material, as these two realms are combined in Christ and in the Body of Christ, will find their joyous marriage when the Body of Christ, containing the throne of God and of the Lamb, is located permanently in the new earth.

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: (Revelation 22:3)

The throne of God was located in Christ in the earth while Jesus of Nazareth was among us. There is no curse in Him. Now the throne of God is being created in us while we yet are on the earth. During the thousand-year Kingdom Age, the living Temple of God will be perfected and expanded. After that, the throne of God and of the Lamb will descend in the Temple of God, the new Jerusalem, and be located on the earth forever.

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