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Christ Walks: Second Day

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And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected. (Luke 13:32)

There will occur two days ("to day and to morrow") of casting out devils and doing cures. We are speaking of the first "day" of the acts of the early Apostles, and the second "day" of the restoration that began with the Protestant Reformers and now is gaining in power, holiness, and revelation as we move toward the worldwide manifestation of the righteousness, peace, and joy of the Kingdom of God.

Just before the Lord returns there will be a worldwide witness that will bring the sights and sounds of the Kingdom of God to every man, woman, boy, and girl on the face of the earth. Then, when Jesus appears, no human being will be able to say, "I had no knowledge of the will of God for me." The fullness of the testimony will be brought forth and then the end of the age will be here (Matthew 24:14).

It is not enough that people hear the Gospel. It is part of the Divinely ordained testimony that they see, hear, and experience the Kingdom of God. The Church is responsible to cast out devils and heal the sick—all in Jesus' name.

When we do not cast out devils and heal the sick we are presenting only half of the Gospel. We cannot state that the full witness of God has been presented until people have seen and experienced the casting out of devils and the healing of the sick, in addition to having heard the good news of their salvation through Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ is our example in presenting the Kingdom of God. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. In addition to these actions He taught us concerning the coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth.

When Christ actually is with us in our efforts to preach the Kingdom of God He will continue His ministry of going about doing good and healing all who are oppressed by the devil. As Christ proclaims the Divine truth He also reveals the power of the Kingdom by performing the works of the Kingdom.

The doing and teaching constitute the testimony that must precede the appearing of the Lord from Heaven. "If I had not done among them the works that none other man did, they had not had sin" (John 15:24). Until Christ performs His works there has not been a complete testimony of the Kingdom of God. "The kingdom of God is not in word, but in power" (I Corinthians 4:29).

The perfecting of the Body of Christ will be accomplished during the third day of His ministry, which we understand to be the thousand-year Kingdom Age. Until the Body of Christ arrives at the thousand-year Kingdom Age, the casting out of devils and the healing of the sick will be continued.

The day in which we live is the time to cast out devils and heal the sick. The power now is available to the Church. Our responsibility is to keep on asking the Lord for more rain during the time of the harvest (latter) rain.

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