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We have come now to the second death and second resurrection.

The first death is that of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross and our identification and participation with Him in that death. It is death to all that the first creation and the old nature were. It is the finish of all that went before. Through Christ we have been crucified to the world and the world to us.

The first creation is finished as far as we are concerned. Though we have known Christ as a human being on earth (as a Personage of historical importance), yet we do not know even Him any longer in terms of the old creation. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature [a new creation]: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" (II Corinthians 5:17).

The term first resurrection, as used in our book, is not the "first resurrection" of Revelation 20:6. It is the emergence of the Lord Jesus Christ from the cave of Joseph of Arimathea and our identification and participation with Him in that resurrection.

Through faith in Christ we have been raised from death, having been forgiven Adam's sin and our own sin. The Holy Spirit comes to abide in us and our born-again inner man is raised to sit in the heavenly places in Christ.

The first death and resurrection are demonstrated as we enter, and come up out of, the waters of baptism. The sixth chapter of the Book of Romans explains the meaning of water baptism. Chapters Seven and Eight of Romans explain the consequences of our death and resurrection with and in Christ, as we shall see.

The second death (not to be confused with the "second death" of Revelation 20:14) and second resurrection has to do with our priestly office as members of the Body of Christ. The second death is death to the lusts of our flesh and mind—to what is satanic. The second resurrection is life conducted according to the wisdom and strength of the Holy Spirit of God.

We have termed the second area of our redemption sanctification. This especially is the Church realm of the Kingdom of God. It is the place of anointing for service, of gifts and ministries, of Spirit-empowered prayer and praise, of ongoing worldwide evangelism. In the second aspect of redemption we bring the light of God to men, and men are brought before God in prayer and worship.

The area of sanctification is a place of holiness, of the body and blood of Christ (linking the Courtyard with the Holy Place), of the revelation of the Holy Spirit, of prayer and worship. We enter this area of the Body of Christ through the baptism with the Holy Spirit just as we entered the death and resurrection of Christ through water baptism.

The second aspect of redemption is associated with the wilderness wandering, with learning the ways of God, with coming under God's law of the Spirit of life, with Christ pruning back the fruit of our life and the growing of more abundant fruit, with the daily manna from God.

It is helpful to keep in mind that the three deaths and three resurrections that we are describing are closely related. Remember also that all the graces and elements of redemption work collectively and individually in each of the three areas of redemption. Back and forth sweeps the Spirit of God applying the aspect of the Nature of Christ needed at the moment.

The blood of the cross works in all three areas. The Holy Spirit works in all three areas. The Word of God works in all three areas.

The areas of redemption are not a defined one-two-three program. Redemption is Christ Himself. When we possess Christ we have everything of God. Yet it is true that there is a working out of Christ in us. Otherwise, Christ remains as a mental concept, a head knowledge, a doctrinal position, rather than a living Person who actually, tangibly enters us and transforms our personality.

We have been given the piano. Now it is time to learn to play on it.

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