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The return of the remnant to Israel

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Therefore will he [Christ] give them [the people of Israel] up, until the time she [the new-covenant believers] which travaileth hath brought forth [Christ in the saints—see Revelation, Chapter 12]: then the remnant of his brethren [Christ’s brothers, the new-covenant saints—see Romans 8:29] shall return unto the children of Israel [the earthly nation of Israel]. (Micah 5:3)

Today the true saints are in travail, a travail to bring forth Christ, the ruler of the nations of the earth.

Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. (Isaiah 66:8)

For two thousand years the Gentile believers have labored in the beliefs and practices of religion, just as was true of the Jewish people for hundreds of years previously. This has been true for the sincere of the Jews and Gentiles as well as for those whose hearts have not been established in the Lord.

Now—suddenly—Zion, the elect of God, the true saints, are laboring to bring forth Christ; and He is coming to birth in the form of Zion’s children!

As Christ is formed in us we begin to understand our religious beliefs and practices, our diligent adherence to the Scriptures, have been bringing us to the place where the Word has been formed in us. We have kept the Word and now the Word is keeping us. The Day Star—Christ—is arising in our heart

We have also a more sure word of prophecy [the Scriptures]; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star [Christ] arise in your hearts: (II Peter 1:19)

As Christ is created in the believer and dwells in him he has a great longing to return to the land and people of Israel. In fact, one way of identifying believers who are hearing from God in these days is that they have a great love for Israel—a love they feel but cannot always explain.

Those who are following the spirit of the False Prophet believe the so-called Gentile Church is replacing the Jews in God’s plan. They are deceiving many. They are not of Christ, for if they were, they would be responding to the Spirit of God.

Let us repeat the prophecy of Micah:

Therefore will he give them up, until the time she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel. (Micah 5:3)

The Church is travailing now. There is coming forth from the multitude of religious people a godly remnant who know the Lord. They have within themselves the love of Christ for the Jewish people, and also a love for the land of Israel; for it is their land also (the Gentile believers have no other land to call their own).

The Jews fear and distrust the Gentile elect—and with good reason! But in the days to come the Jews will find that their staunchest friends and supporters are the godly remnant drawn from the multitude of new-covenant believers. The true saints, Gentiles as well as Jews, will stand by the side of the people and land of Israel in the hour to come, being willing to be tortured and killed because of their identification with Israel.

Many true Gentile believers helped the Jews during the Holocaust, and some paid a heavy price for their righteousness. Many true believers will assist the Jews during the dark hour that is coming upon us now. The Lord God of Heaven will be the Rock and the Fortress of His people, both Jews and Gentiles.

The Gospel of Christ, from beginning to end, is thoroughly Jewish. Christ and His brothers were announced by the Hebrew Prophets, and the Church was born and developed among devout Jews.

Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. (Isaiah 8:18)

From the time the Jew, John the Baptist, announced the Presence of Christ, until the names of twenty-four Jews are revealed in the foundations and gates of the wall of the new Jerusalem, the Divine salvation has been and will continue to be of Jews, by Jews, and for Jews.

The new covenant, the eternal covenant, can be made only with Jews. A person must be of the spiritual Seed of Abraham, of the Olive Tree of Israel, before he or she can enter God’s eternal Kingdom. There is only one new Man. He is Christ—Head and Body.

The Jews were broken off from their own olive tree and elect Gentiles were grafted on the Jewish tree. Now the Gentiles must give utmost diligence to make their calling and election certain, otherwise they also will be removed from the tree, from the godly Vine, which is Christ.

The Gentile believers must come to understand it was not Jews but Satan in the religious system that murdered Christ.

The Jews must come to understand it was not true new-covenant saints, or the Spirit of Christ, that has persecuted them for two thousand years. It has been that same Satan who, working through Jewish rabbis, murdered Jesus, and who since that time has been working through Gentile leaders and their followers to torture and murder Jews as well as their fellow Gentile believers who disagree with some point of doctrine or practice.

Christ is being formed today in those of God’s elect who are praying. These believers are feeling the love of Christ for the Jewish people and their land. They are ashamed of the behavior of Gentiles toward the Jews and are determined to do what they can to assist Jacob as he returns to the land of promise.

If it were merely human sentiment or romanticism that is inspiring the Gentile believers, the Jews would have little encouragement or hope from the believers. But because it is God’s Christ who is beginning to express Himself toward the Jews, the Jews have a solid foundation on which to base their encouragement and hope.

The "times of the Gentiles" have nearly been fulfilled. The Jews are returning home. God Almighty, in fulfillment of His Word to the fathers of Israel, is turning to the House of Israel once again, and the saints who are living close to the Lord are feeling God’s heart.

And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. (Luke 21:24)

The rabbis are suspicious of this new Gentile interest in Jews. They have good reason to be suspicious. Through the centuries the believers have treated Jews with scorn and hatred, and then with flattery attempting to "convert" them to the "Gentile Church."

Some of the saints of God in whom Christ is being formed are not especially interested in converting Jews and would not benefit from their conversion. They are seeking only to follow Jesus each day; and it is their pursuit of Jesus that is leading them to desire to assist the Jews as they return home to the land of Israel.

Some of the Gentile saints (the writer among them) fear that the Jews will turn to Jesus and then be corrupted by church traditions, such as emphasizing residence in Heaven as the goal of redemption (in place of eternal life in the Kingdom of God), and viewing grace as an eternal amnesty rather than the Divine enablement to change from the image of Adam to the image of Christ.

Thousands of Jews have already turned to the Lord Jesus and many have accepted some of the notable heresies of our day, such as the faith and prosperity errors, the Dispensational model of biblical interpretation, and the doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture of Gentile believers. Apparently they do not understand the Dispensational model, with its pre-tribulation rapture, is anti-Semitic.

The entire Scriptures, from Genesis through Revelation, constitute one whole Divine expression, one revelation from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The whole revealed Word of God is of the greatest significance for the Jews and also for the elect among the Gentiles.

Not because of any righteousness on the part of the Jews, but because of the promise of God, the Divine salvation will return to the land and people of Israel. The Gentiles who humble themselves will find salvation. But those who harden their hearts in pride, insisting that the Gospel of Christ is a Gentile religion, will be swept away in the Divine judgment that is to fill the earth at the end of the present age and the beginning of the next.

Those who today are claiming that God is finished with the Jews, and that the Gentile believers have replaced the Jews in the plan of God, need to repent before the Rock of Israel rolls over them and crushes them. The Lord is still the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Let the Jews rejoice and the Gentiles tremble!

The Jews have had their holocaust. The Gentile holocaust is at hand.

Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; (Romans 2:9)

"Of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile."

The Gentile believers who love and fear God are saying to the Jews: "You are God’s people. You do not have to become a Gentile to please God. In His eternal love for the Jewish people, God has prepared a banquet. There is bread on the table. The bread is the flesh of God’s Lamb, Christ.

"There is drink on the table. The drink is the blood of God’s Lamb, Christ. Whoever will eat this bread and drink from this cup will live forever. Christ will raise him up in the last day.

"There is no need whatever for the Jew to leave his people or his heritage as a Jew. The flesh of Christ is the Jew’s bread. The blood of Christ is the Jew’s drink. Christ is the Passover Lamb of the Jews.

"The elect Gentiles are guests at the Jew’s table.

"You are God’s people. The Gentile believers love and serve your Christ. He is the Bridegroom, ready to spread the robe of Divine righteousness over you.

"The Gospel is to the Jew first, and the elect Gentiles will do all in their power to assist you in the days to come, as your God provides the wisdom and strength.

"The true Gentile saints have been persecuted and killed by the religious institutions throughout the Church Age just as you have been. The Gentile elect may, in the closing days of the age, be cast out and slain because of their stand on your behalf and because they will not conform to the desires and ways of the Gentile religionists.

"But your God—and their God—will save us by His all-powerful Glory until together all of God’s family sits down together in the Kingdom of God with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

"Shalom, friends."

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