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The End-Time Judgements

Revision as of 21:46, 19 June 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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The closing days of the Church Age will be characterized by Divine judgment. The seven trumpets will announce the coming of King Jesus to destroy His enemies, beginning with the forces of darkness that bind His own people. The blowing of the seven trumpets will result in much tribulation.

The purpose of tribulation is to separate the true people of the Lord from Satan, from Antichrist, from the False Prophet, and from Babylon (man-directed Christianity). The blowing of the seven trumpets represents those interventions in human history designed to humble and purify the Bride of the Lamb and to prepare mankind for the coming of the Lord.

Table of Contents


The Opening of the Six Seals

The first seal
The second seal
The third seal
The fourth seal
The fifth seal
The sixth seal

The Sealed Remnant

The Great Multitude

Four Categories of People

The sealed remnant
The great multitude of the faithful
Those who worship Antichrist
The smaller nations and tribes

The Seventh Seal: The Blowing of the Seven Trumpets

The first trumpet
The second trumpet
The third trumpet
The fourth trumpet
The fifth trumpet
The sixth trumpet
The seventh trumpet

The Harvest of the Earth

Overcoming the Antichrist

The Pouring Out of the Bowls of Wrath

The first bowl
The second bowl
The third bowl
The fourth bowl
The fifth bowl
The sixth bowl
The seventh bowl

The Judgment of Babylon the Great

The Invasion of the Earth by the Army of the Lord
