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Four characteristics of Satan

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There are four characteristics of Satan’s personality:

Satan does not wait on the Lord in order to discover His will and act on it.

Satan will never admit any wrongdoing on his own part but continually accuses others. He is the Accuser of the brothers, the Accuser of the true people of the Lord.

Satan lacks understanding of God and God’s ways.

Satan is proud and arrogant, filled with personal ambition and the desire to be preeminent. From these four characteristics of Satan (self-will, denial of personal wrongdoing and the accusing of others, lack of understanding of God, and personal ambition and the desire to be preeminent) proceed much of the wicked behaviour of God’s creatures in the heavens and on the earth.

We can discern who is of the Kingdom of God and who is of the wicked one by looking for these four characteristics.

The sons of the Kingdom:

Wait continually on the Lord for His counsel concerning every thought, word, and deed. They love to listen for His voice. As they mature in the Lord they grow increasingly dependent on their relationship to Him to govern all that they are, do, and say.

Do not trust in human reasoning. They know that the natural mind is the enemy of God. They are blind and deaf to the world. They seek the fellowship and counsel of the Lord in every matter, great and small. They have learned that man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Walk in open confession of sin before God. They can learn from fellow believers and from unbelievers as well what their own sins and shortcomings are. They are quick to confess these and, by the Lord’s help, to turn away from them.

Are slow to accuse others. They do not gossip. They do not slander other people. They rejoice at the success of a fellow member of the church and are grieved over his or her shortcomings. Have a good understanding from the Lord. They do not strain out gnats and swallow camels. They emphasize justice, mercy, and faith rather than grace, religious ordinances, or any of the other devices that people use to evade the righteous ways of the Lord.

Many of the Israelites grieved the Lord because they did not understand God or His ways.

Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways: (Psalms 95:10)

Are humble of heart, meek in spirit, ready to be instructed. They do not strive with others in order to force their own will but are gentle toward all men, apt to teach, patient. They are not filled with personal ambition and envy, attempting to supplant the position of others.

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: (Isaiah 14:13)

It is in the heart of Satan to want to lord it over his fellows. People who desire to be preeminent, to be exalted over their fellow saints, are reflecting the seed of Satan.

And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest. (Luke 22:24)

What a terrible tare to be found among those closest to the Lord—the desire to be accounted the greatest! Personal ambition, envy, supplanting, competition, the lust to be chief, may be the worst sin of all. What horrible deeds have been performed throughout history both in the Church and in the world because someone desired to be exalted above his or her fellows! Not one trace of this satanic seed will be left in the Kingdom of God. All aspects of stubborn, un-teachable arrogance will be hurled into the fire by the messengers of God.

We think of Satan standing before the Lord Jesus and asking Jesus to worship him—Jesus his Creator!

We think of the Pharisees as they had in mind to kill Jesus, and not only Jesus but Lazarus whom the Lord had raised from the dead, and we see the seed of Satan—the one who desires to be exalted above the stars of God.

People who desire to be exalted above their brothers and sisters need to be converted even though for many years they may have professed to believe in Christ.

But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. (Luke 22:32)

The "wolves" that attack God’s sheep are fairly easily identified if one will keep these four characteristics in mind. But remember, the worshipers of their own belly deceive the naive and unsuspecting with pleasant words and speeches. Those who are not watchful and prayerful will be deceived by them.

If we would be sons of the Kingdom let us purge ourselves from the four characteristics of Satan and pray that the Lord will teach us to wait on Him, being always ready to confess our sins and yet refraining from judging others. Let us pray for a good understanding. Above all, let us be humble of heart, seeking the good of others, having no desire to be exalted above our brothers and sisters in the Lord. If we do these things we will not be removed from the Kingdom when the shaking comes—and it surely shall come!

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