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"Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man." (Luke 21:36—NIV)

The Bible, the prophets, and the various forces in the world are warning us that great catastrophes may soon come upon the United States of America. If this is true, we Christians need to prepare ourselves to survive spiritually. We must be living so close to the Lord that we will be a lighthouse of peace and assurance when the American people are terrified. If we will obey the commandments of Christ and His Apostles found in the New Testament, we and our loved ones will be kept by the power of God during the darkest of hours.

But if we are a casual Christian, not praying, not reading the Bible, not looking to Jesus and carrying our cross, we have no scriptural assurance that we or our loved ones will be spared during the coming days of judgment.

The Bible tells us that God brings the nations to righteousness by means of judgment. America needs to be turned to righteousness and so we can expect Divine judgment to fall on us.

My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. (Isaiah 26:9—NIV)

The Christians with the spirit of prophecy are proclaiming the coming of Divine judgment and the need for repentance.

There are many "hot spots" in the world of today, small nations with the ability to launch nuclear weapons toward the United State.

In addition, because of the relative openness of our borders, we are very vulnerable to terrorists bringing in nuclear devices, germs that can cause death to large segments of the population, and poison that can be placed in our water supplies.

We are foolish indeed if we think God is ignoring the late-term abortions, the gambling, and the murders and rapes.

We are foolish indeed if we think God is ignoring the violence and filth we are permitting our young people to assimilate on the basis that such sources of violence and crime are "protected" by our Constitution.

We are foolish indeed if we think God is ignoring the sinful conduct of numerous Christians.

We are foolish indeed if we think Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and other nations are not contemplating the destruction of the United States

We have been deceived if we believe God is going to "rapture" out of America the lukewarm Christians of our day, sparing them suffering when so many devout saints have been tortured and martyred in the present century.

Ask the Lord Jesus for yourself whether what we are saying is true. You will hear nothing from Him about a pre-tribulation rapture or how much God loves America or how He is pleased with our nation.

Pray until you hear from the Lord?

What you will hear is the need for repentance on the part of the churches of America. You also may hear the Lord tell you to set your own household in order because of the judgments that are at hand.

God will protect us and our loved ones provided we turn to Him with all our might and begin to do what we have been commanded by Jesus Christ and His Apostles. But being a church member will not save us, and taking the "four steps of salvation" without then becoming a disciple will not save us

If we continue to practice our business as usual, not really taking up our cross and following the Lord like a true Christian, we will suffer along with the unbelievers. In this case we will be no help to them. We will be as panicked as they are when destruction comes. We will not be a light guiding them toward Christ.

I have listed ten actions we can practice each day that will enable us to survive spiritually no matter what comes to pass in America. None of these practices can be omitted without running the danger of not being able to stand in the day of trouble.

Set aside a place and time for prayer each day

Meditate in the Scriptures continually

Place everything on the altar of God

Live in and by Christ

Put on the whole armor of God

Learn to live in the heavenlies

Confess and renounce your sins promptly

Do not fret yourself

Look only to Jesus

Set yourself aside for God’s purposes

If we neglect any one of these ten we shall not be able to escape the things that come to pass and be able to stand before the Son of Man. Each is important in its own right and depends on all the others for its successful exercise.

If we will do what Christ and His Apostles have commanded, we will be able to follow Jesus throughout whatever comes to pass and know the peace that passes understanding. And we will be able to bring peace to others when the world is in flames.

I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. (Psalms 4:8—NIV)