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A Wife but Not a Queen 11

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For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. (2 Corinthians 4:11-NIV)

There is no easy way.

Life comes from death, in the Kingdom of God.

The saint who steadily, consistently brings forth fruit from the tree of life has no place in his life for religious deliciousness.

Our role is to ascend the heights of Zion and hear from God so we may bring His Presence and Word to people.

It is not rewarding to come down from that awful communication and find the people playing and dancing in religious deliciousness.

The self-willed, unclean church exclaims, "I sit a queen, and am no widow, and will see no sorrow."

She says she is no widow, but where is her husband?

Who is the husband of institutional Christianity?

It is not Christ.

The queen spirit in the churches would murder Jesus if it could, just as the Pharisees murdered Him.

If Christ were to appear today to His churches, the spirit of the queen in the churches would seek to murder Him. How do we know?

Because the queen spirit, the spirit of organized religion, always strives to murder the Spirit of Christ when He appears in the saints.

Babylon is a fornicator. She may claim the name of Christ but she never has been married to Him. Christ is nowhere to be seen.

She uses His name but she is not in union with Him. This is true of much of Christendom and of the works of much of Christendom.

And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach. (Isaiah 4:1)

The queen boasts that she will see no sorrow. As we listen to the Christians of today state God loves them too much to allow them to experience tribulation, that they must not suffer, that God wants them to be rich and comfortable in the present world, we know the queen is being exalted in our midst.

The Christian churches have been influential in the world's commerce. Rather than fleeing from the worship of money, as Paul commanded, the Christian churches have embraced money in order to "glorify God."

And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: (Rev 18:11)

The destruction of the great Christian organization of the last days, at the hand of the world powers of Antichrist, will be very harmful to the world economy. Today the merchants depend on Christmas sales to keep them prosperous.

When there are no more Christmas sales, numerous businessmen will go bankrupt.

We can observe in the Charismatic churches of our day a disturbing trend.

The "prophets" are stating in the last days the wealth of the world will be given to the Christians and they will be the "head" and not the "tail" in the world's economy.

And this before the return of the Lord Jesus!

Can any Christian who loves Jesus, who knows what the Scriptures teach, believe this prophecy is of God?

We know the False Prophet is to make his appearance and that he will work together with Antichrist.

We think the prophecies concerning the riches to be given to the Christians in the closing days of the present age are from the False Prophet, from the spirit of religious deception.

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