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The Authority and the Morning Star 11

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Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. (Psalms 2:8-NIV)

We Christians have many myths about mansions in Heaven and backyards filled with diamonds, how we are going to live forever in Heaven, walking on a golden street in golden slippers, playing a harp. We hope to spend the days in small talk while the children play with the angels.

How peaceful!

How wonderful! unless you are a busy person like myself who cannot stand small talk or doing nothing. If there is nothing to do I make up something usually, although I do like to read. Do you suppose there are books in Heaven? I enjoy The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Do you think they have that there?

If there is nothing important to do we could at least read! Well, that is one vision of the future. I don't think we need to be given the morning star so we can read, do you?

But then we come to this amazing pronouncement! To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations- "He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery" just as I have received authority from my Father.

I will also give him the morning star. (Revelation 2:26-28-NIV)

Authority over the nations? I was a public-school teacher for many years. I had authority over the children. Some of them were rascals but I grew to love them and I think they loved me. The kids and I had a terrific time and I dreaded that the day would come when there was no new class to greet in September.

Maybe there are children in Heaven that need teaching! Are you really looking forward to having authority over the nations? Many of the people placed in your charge will be rascals. They will keep you busy with their antics. Forget about sitting on your couch in your mansion.

But you will grow to love the people God gives you, and they will love you. Then you will realize people are the only inheritance worth having. If you were to govern them in your carnal nature you would kill many of them with your scepter of iron before a few weeks had passed. But you have been given not only the scepter of iron but also the morning star.

The Father and Jesus are living in you. Because you are ministering to the Lord's inheritance you will be filled with the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, with all the fullness of God.

The nations and the farthest reaches of the earth are the inheritance of the Lord Jesus Christ, and also our inheritance because we are coheir with Him. This is why God is training us so carefully. God already sees us overseeing those whom He has given to us. The pressures on us now are to prepare us for those whom we will be governing. Do not let one precious lesson slip by. Take full advantage of all He is bringing your way, whether painful or joyous. Nothing is to be wasted.

You will have eternity to enjoy your inheritance in the Lord. Make sure you cooperate with the Spirit of God as He prepares you to enjoy and maintain the role in His Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world.

(from The Authority and the Morning Star)

The Authority and the Morning Star