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Four Aspects of Our Inheritance 9

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And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth. (Rev 11:3—NIV)

Every time God moves forward to a new day He sends two witnesses in advance to prepare people for what is about to take place. The sixth set of two witnesses are described in the eleventh chapter of the Book of Revelation. They are Christ and His Body ministering under a double portion of the Holy Spirit.

The two witnesses of Revelation, Chapter Eleven, will bear the most powerful testimony of God's Person and will ever to be seen in the earth.

After the testimony has been subdued for a season so the fullness of wickedness may be revealed in the earth, the witnesses will be raised up by the power of the Spirit of God. Then the witnesses will be caught up to God so they may return as an army of warriors, riding white war stallions, ready to drive Satan and all of his works from the earth.

As always is true of each set of two witnesses, the new day will come forth from the witnesses. Thus Paradise will be returned to the earth at the hands of Christ and His saints.

It is the saved people of the nations of the earth who will enjoy Paradise. God dwelling in His Tabernacle, Christ, Head and Body, will wipe away the tears of mankind. Every person on earth will dwell in peace and contentment and pursue the vocation to which he has been called.

Will the saints also enjoy Paradise? Of course. But their main joy will be God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the peoples of the earth.

Thus we see the four aspects of our inheritance:

God and Christ.

The fullness of life lived in the Spirit of God.

The saved peoples of the earth.


All of this constitutes the Kingdom of God. We shall inherit the Kingdom of God and all of its wonders provided we live today in the power of Christ's resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings.

If, however, after having been called to be a member of the Church, the Body of Christ, we then choose to neglect our salvation, but decide instead to live in the lusts and passions of the world, the flesh, and our self-will, our crown will be given to another. We ourselves may be saved as by fire, or assigned to the outer darkness, or thrown into the Lake of Fire. God is very strict as well as very merciful. Christ paid a horrible price on the cross that we might inherit the Kingdom of God, and God is not pleased when we view our great salvation lightly.

We have the opportunity today to press into the fullness of the inheritance set before us. Much has been given to us. But if we are to lay hold on that mark we will have to be far more serious about our discipleship than currently is true in the Christian churches in America.

(from Four Aspects of Our Inheritance)

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