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Christ and His Saints Will Descend To Establish the Kingdom of God on the Earth

Revision as of 23:19, 17 January 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

1.Read Jude 1:14,15; Revelation 19:11.

2.What shall happen to those who have accepted the way of Antichrist?
Answer: They shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God. They will have no rest day or night but will be tormented with fire and sulphur in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.

3.What will take place after the vials of Gods wrath have been poured on the earth?
Answer: Suddenly the heaven will open and the Lord Jesus will appear on a white horse followed by ten thousands of his saints. They will be arrayed in ranks, ready to judge and make war.

4.Read Joel 2:11.

5.What will be true of every saint who rides with Christ in that Day?
Answer: He or she will be called, chosen and faithful.

6.What power can withstand the approach of Christ and His army?
Answer: There is no power in the heavens or on the earth that can withstand the Lord Jesus and His saints.

7.What will happen to the Beast and the False Prophet?
Answer: The Beast and the False Prophet will be taken and thrown alive into the Lake of Fire.

8.What will happen to the remainder of the wicked of the earth?
Answer: The remnant of evildoers will be slain by the Word of God issuing from the mouth of Christ.

9.What will occur as soon as the Battle of Armageddon has ended?
Answer: The Lord Jesus will take His seat on the Throne of David in the City of Jerusalem. And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats.

10.What decision will King Jesus make concerning the assembled nations of the earth?
Answer: Which of the nations are permitted to enter into eternal life, into the Kingdom of God.

11.On what basis will the nations of the earth be judged in the Day of the Lord?
Answer: Whether or not a nation is allowed to enter the Kingdom will depend on how it treated the Lords brothers, His servants, His witnesses.

12.What will all the peoples of the earth behold in the Day of the Lord?
Answer: The Glory of the Lord shining from within the saints.

13.Read II Thessalonians 1:10. 2 Th 1:10

14.What will be true of the victorious saints in the Day of the Lord?
Answer: The saints will appear with Christ, being an integral part of His appearing.

15.Read Colossians 3:4. Col 3:4

16.Why will the peoples of the earth, in the Day of the Lord, believe that Christ has come from the Father?
Answer: The saints will be one in the Father and the Son.

17.Read John 17:21. Joh 17:21

18.What will the saints be in the Day of the Lord?
Answer: An inseparable part of Christ, being married to Him and in every way the fullness of His Person and expression of His Glory, His majesty, His deeds, His words, and His thoughts

19.How does God the Father regard each saint who has been made an eternally inseparable part of Christ?
Answer: God loves the saints as He loves His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

20.Read John 17:23. 23.