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In the Year of Jubilee

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In the year of this jubilee ye shall return every man unto his possession. (Leviticus 25:13)

All of the inheritance, the dominion over the earth, the blessings and benefits that God gave to man at the time he was created, will be restored to him during the Kingdom Age. Man was created in the image of God so he may have fellowship with God and come to know God as his Father, dwelling in love and union with God. The earth and the remainder of the physical universe were designed as a suitable and enjoyable environment for the benefit of man. All of this was stolen from mankind by the deceits of the wicked one.

The earth and its resources always have belonged to the Lord along with every creature therein. The unclean lords of darkness have deceived, robbed, and destroyed the people of the earth until it seems nature itself must rise up in revolt.

We can expect earthquakes, floods, famine, disease, and every other natural disaster to occur as the nations of the earth turn to the worship of their lusts and magnify in themselves every abominable desire of the wicked spirits which, it appears, have come into the earth in greater numbers than ever before.

The sights and sounds of the age in which we are living are becoming increasingly disgusting to the earnest Christian. The darkness and insanity of evil oppression are mounting. We know from the Scriptures that this is just the beginning of wickedness. We can expect evil to come to an unprecedented fruition until even the inhabitants of Sodom will rise up in the Day of Judgment and condemn the cities of the world of our time.

We know also evil rulers will appear and that mankind will develop a social and economic order that will allow no place for God or His elect. During this period the saints will testify of God’s Person and will with authority and power (Revelation, Chapter 11).

Finally, even this witness will cease as God removes the spiritual restraints (II Thessalonians 2:7) so the wicked spirits may become manifest through those individuals who have allowed themselves to be deceived by Satan. The maturing of wickedness (the tares) will attain the depths of foulness, demonstrating to the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth the result of rebellion against the will of God Almighty.

"We have attained peace and safety," the unbelievers will exclaim, as they rejoice in a world whose only guidelines come from the wisdom of demon-possessed minds. Meanwhile the saints will be hidden away under the protection of God’s hand (Isaiah 26:20).

Suddenly, at the time least expected, the most powerful sound ever heard on earth will bring the world to a standstill. The Lord Jesus Christ will shout for the battle. Michael, the archangel, will echo the shout as he raises his sword at the head of the warrior angels. The seventh trumpet, the trumpet that heralds the Battle of Armageddon, the trumpet that announces the Day of the Lord, the trumpet of the Kingdom-age Jubilee, the trumpet blast that signals our transformation into immortality, will reverberate from the farthest ends of the heavens to the farthest ends of the earth.

And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever. (Revelation 11:15)

The above verse portrays the return of Christ, the Day of the Lord. Notice the statement of the twenty-four elders as they worship God, falling in reverence on their faces:

Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. (Revelation 11:17)

At this point, the Lord God has appeared to announce the Jubilee and the destruction of all the thieves, murderers, sorcerers, and other destroyers of the earth. The hour has come for the meek to inherit the earth. It is time for the creation to be released from bondage and to enter the liberty of the children of God.

Now will Christ take to Himself His Bride so she may be made perfect in Him. Now will the nations of the earth beat their swords into ploughshares and learn from the Church about the Person, will, and ways of God. Now will everyone who receives Christ be able to return to his inheritance and obtain release from oppression and fear.

And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. (Revelation 11:18)

The Lord Jesus will come from Heaven at the head of His army and attack the evildoers of the earth. They will resist with all their power but they will be crushed under the feet of the Church of Christ.

All of the spirits and people who resist Christ in the Day of the Lord will be destroyed from before His face. The Word of God is an all-consuming fire and no force will be able to resist the Word in the Day of Judgement.

Satan will be bound and cast into the bottomless pit. The sons of God will move throughout the earth in the Spirit of God, throwing down every trace of resistance to the will of Christ. Nothing shall escape their onslaught (Joel 2:3).

The destruction of wickedness and rebellion will be brought to terrible finality. Not one evil spirit will remain on the earth. The judgment will be total. The oppressor will be removed. Christ and His Church will stand before the Lord God Almighty, holding the sword of the Spirit.

The earth will become quiet, still, not one voice left to bring to remembrance the spirit of an age that rejected God and His Christ.

Then the sound of a Divine stirring will be heard throughout the land. The countryside will be transformed as though nature itself is being born again, just as happens sometimes in the eyes of a newly converted Christian.

The Spirit of God will flow from the sons of God to the peoples who are left on the earth. Under the supervision of Christ and the members of His Body the work of restoring the earth will commence.

What a task of rebuilding and restoration lies ahead! Yet, there will be such glory and harmony that the thousand-year Kingdom Age will be to the Body of Christ, the Temple of God, as one symphony of praise. The wisdom and energy of God will flow in broad streams of eternal life. The saints will be at rest in God as they minister to the nations of saved peoples of the earth, singing aloud His praises as they increase daily in love, knowledge, and understanding from Christ.

The world in each of its parts will be brought under the full blessing of God. The sons of God will, as the Spirit directs them, carefully remove the Divine curse. The trees of the field will clap their hands (Isaiah 55:12). The rocks and hills will sing the praises of God. The wild animals will dwell in peace with the tame animals.

The boys and girls will laugh and play in the Presence of the Lamb of God. The older people will dwell in restful happiness, secure under the blessings of the Lord.

Thus saith the Lord of hosts; There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem, and every man with his staff in his hand for very age. And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof. (Zechariah 8:4,5)

All will be engaged in useful occupations and will live out their days in tranquillity.

Over this glorious realm will stand guard the sons of God, ruling with a rod of iron, ever vigilant, ever diligent, keeping the creation under absolute obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 14:11).

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