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Eternal life

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The task was to give eternal life to the believers in Corinth.

 Eternal life is the Glory of God, the Shechinah, the holy Life and  Presence of the Almighty. It is Divine energy. It is Divine power. 


"You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you."
The burning bush that Moses saw was eternal life.
Moses lived eighty days without food or water because he was in the Presence of the eternal Life of God.
The cloud and the fire were eternal life.
The Glory on the Tabernacle and inside the Most Holy Place were eternal life.

Eternal life filled the Temple of Solomon until the priests could not stand and minister.
Elijah traveled forty days and forty nights in the strength of the eternal Life of God.
Eternal life is given to the conqueror, God’s warrior, in the form of "hidden manna," and he then is able to overcome every adversary, every obstacle.
Eternal life created the earth, the other planets, the sun and moon, the stars.
Eternal life raised the Lord Jesus from the dead.
Eternal life is righteousness, joy, love, peace, the ability to perform one’s will in the Presence of Christ.

Where there is sin there is the absence of eternal life. 

Whoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. (I John 3:15)

Satan and the demons have energy but it is not the energy of God. It is a dark, proud, lustful, violent energy devoid of righteousness, without joy, love, or peace.

Human beings have physical energy that results from the processes of metabolism. But physical energy is negligible compared to the energies in the spirit realm. All that physical energy accomplishes is to hold us upright, as it were, while we choose between Divine Life and satanic life. Physical life is inconsequential and soon leaves the body, with the result that the body returns to the dust from which it was formed. The flesh profits nothing.

All we desire is found in the eternal Life of God.
The energy of sin corrupts every human being. When we receive the Lord Jesus He gives us of the Holy Spirit, not in the abundance we shall possess in the Day of the Lord but as a pledge on the future filling of our body with Divine Life.

The unregenerate individual is unable to resist the energies of sin and death unless he is exceptionally strong-willed. Even then, sin eventually will trick him and bring him into slavery.

The Christian, if he chooses to do so, can keep coming to the Lord for energy and wisdom to thrust aside the energies and wisdom of sin and death. If the Christian walks in the Life of Jesus he can overcome the world, Satan, and his own sins and self-will.

It is only by the Life, the Spirit, the Presence and energy of God that we can resist sin and do the Lord’s will.
We understand, therefore, that the goal of redemption is to be filled with eternal life in our spirit, soul, and body.

 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken [make alive] your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. (Romans 8:11)
And not only they [the material creation], but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. (Romans 8:23)

As we have stated, the task was to give eternal life to the believers in Corinth. But how is the task to be performed? How is eternal life, the incorruptible Presence and energy of God, to be communicated to the believer in Corinth.?

Two ways of giving Divine Life.