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With all the above in mind, perhaps now we have a different view of what our Canaan is. Perhaps we would not settle just for residence in Paradise but are giving thought to all that God has promised to those who care enough to follow the Spirit of God into the land of promise.

God has much at stake in our gaining the victory. To God it means the acquiring of sons, and brothers for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christ has much at stake in our gaining the victory. To Christ is means acquiring a bride, and a body through which He can express Himself and serve the Father.

We have much at stake in gaining the victory. To us it means being filled with Christ and following Him wherever He goes—for eternity.

Everything is inherited by him who overcomes, who conquers the enemy. We have to have faith to overcome, but overcoming is more than having faith. It is actual dominion over the enemy.

We overcome the accuser by our trust in the authority of the blood of the Lamb.

We overcome the accuser as what we think, say and do come into line with the Word of God.

We overcome the accuser as we deny ourselves and love not our own life to the point of death.

What could be more glorious than being forever with the Lord? Only this: having the Lord created in us and dwelling in us with the Father. To be an integral part of the Father and the Son is the greatest inheritance of all.

The battle is the Lord's No human being of himself could gain the smallest part of what we have outlined above. But through Christ every human being can gain that we have presented. God has the power to bring us into every inch of the land promised to us. It is His pleasure to give us the Kingdom.

As we said, the world is ours. The only reason God puts us through seasons of tribulation and deferrals is in order to remove from us that which ultimately would be harmful to us.

We have come to the end of the Church Age. The Kingdom of God is at hand and soon will be installed on the earth with great violence. The two thousand years of the Church Era have been occupied primarily with doctrines and belief systems.

After the original Apostles died men began to regard the revelatory writings of the Apostles as a religion or philosophy that could be understood by the application of reason.

Things are changing now. From this point forward the saints will be challenged to know the Lord as never before. He is coming. The King is coming.

And Christianity will then be seen not as another religion but the return of God to the earth to establish His way, to rule among His sons.

The only power that can prevent us from establishing our peaceful, joyous residence in the Canaan that is before us is our own unbelief and disobedience.

So then, no more boasting about men! All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God. (I Corinthians 3:21-23—NIV)

I hope to find such rest in Canaan and I hope to see you there.