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Corrupting the Protestant Reformation 2

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Corrupting the Protestant Reformation 2

No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. (I John 3:6—NIV)

If this is true, if being saved by grace means moral change is desirable but not required for salvation, then Christianity is the most destructive force in the world today because it destroys the human conscience. It doesn't create good people who can serve as a moral guide for mankind. Rather it brings bad people to Paradise.

The teaching that we are saved by "faith" alone, by forgiveness alone, and moral transformation is advisable but not essential, ought to be condemned! It is the ancient heresy of antinomianism. It is the enemy of God and man. In fact it is the natural ally of Humanism and man-centered government and, I think, will support such in the closing days of the Church Age. It is the spirit of Antichrist and the False Prophet.

Salvation that does not require moral transformation does not prepare us for life in the present world, life in Paradise above, or life in the new world of righteousness that soon is to come.

It is said today that the Law of Moses, in fact, all the commandments concerning righteousness found in the Scriptures, have as their goal to bring us to Christ; it is not assumed we actually are to keep them. To bring us to Christ for what purpose? To be forgiven alone so we can continue through life hopelessly bound with the chains of lust and self-will?

Does Jesus Christ teach us how to live and enable us to keep His Word, or does He merely forgive us, tell us He loves us, and then advise us to do good knowing we cannot and must run to Him for perpetual forgiveness? Is this how grace is to abound?

There have been instances in America where mothers have deliberately kept their children sick so the mother would feel needed. The Lord Jesus Christ does not leave us in frustrating circumstances so He will feel needed. He delivers us from every bondage that our joy may be full.

When we emphasize our wretched condition and then keep remarking how wonderful the Lord is, "I am not worthy but He is worthy," His response is, "Why do you call me Lord! Lord! and not do what I command? I am disgusted with this attitude! If you are not found worthy you will not walk with Me in the white robes of the royal priesthood. Awake to righteousness and quit your sinning. Your nation is wallowing in moral filth because of your sinful behavior!"

Does Jesus Christ forgive the sins of the devil or destroy the works of the devil? Does Jesus Christ make actually new creatures or forgiven old creatures?

Is the Lord joyously anticipating receiving a worldly, lustful, self-centered, rebellious bride?

Does the power of Christ stop with our forgiveness or does it drive the world, self-seeking, and lust from our personality? What does the New Testament teach?

More to the point, if we do not cooperate with Christ as He attempts to drive sin and spiritual death from us, such that we remain the old Adam, are we still "saved"?

Continued Corrupting the Protestant Reformation 3