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The Servant of the Lord 4

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The Servant of the Lord 4

He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law. (Isaiah 42:4)

Let me put the challenge to the young people. Forget what you have seen in the churches. Just be thankful the churches have brought you this far.

Now get a vision of the Lord high and lifted up. He is calling you up to be with Him and to be in His image. Never mind what others do. Reach up, up, up to the full stature of Christ.

What we are seeing in the churches of today is not the full stature of Christ to which we have been called. There is much, much more for the believer who will allow God to prune, prune, prune, prune. Reach up again. Press upward. Let every nerve in your personality be focused on doing the will of Christ.

Paul at the end of His life was still seeking to win Christ. Be like that. Count that you have not yet attained that to which you have been called.

Climb the highest mountain in God. Others may choose to dwell in the valley of nominal Christianity. The brightest flowers, the richest fruit, are on the highest peaks.

Are you up for it? Will you go for God's highest? Will you get up again when you are knocked down and fight on?

There are some who will make it. Join the Lord's army. Every soldier has learned to march in his or her rank. Gideon's army will return with the Lord and set this world right.

We are surrounded with scoffers, critics, slanderers. I am speaking of believers. Never mind them. You press forward until you are ready to solve God's problem, to march against the sin and rebellion in the world.

God upholds His Servant. He is the Mighty One of Jacob. We have no strength at all but God has all power. The nations are as a drop in the bucket to Him. There is no way you or I are going to change the world. But God can and will change the world if we will obey Him sternly and promptly.

There is no disappointment, no discouragement in Jesus. God will keep us going. To overcome us the enemy would have to overcome the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

God delights in us because we have chosen to serve Him. We stand for righteousness in a world filled with wickedness.

God has put His Spirit on us so we can be part of the royal priesthood, the Servant of the Lord. By God's Spirit we build up one another and by God's Spirit we bear witness to the world of the atoning death and triumphant resurrection of Christ. We can do nothing at all apart from God's Spirit.

Our role is to bring justice to the nations. The nations already are in confusion and pain but today's agony is nothing compared to what is ahead. There is no solution for mankind apart from the return of Christ Head and Body. It is they who will bring righteousness, peace, and joy to mankind.

Continued.The Servant of the Lord 5