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The Servant of the Lord 3

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>====The Servant of the Lord 3====

A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth. (Isaiah 42:3)

But the debaucheries and debasing of God's handiwork will be halted soon because God and His Lamb are coming to drive all the corruption from the face of the earth into the dark fires that give no light. The tide will come in, and when it withdraws the raucous clamor of naked flesh and the jungle beat of transistor radios will be silent. The peace of God will reign supreme.

Christ and His saints, God's judges, will direct the invincible angels. Those of the nations who embrace the Presence of God in the saints will be brought into a new age of righteousness. Those who resist will decide their own destiny and there is no recourse. The holy will remain holy and the filthy will remain filthy.

The world is killing itself because it does not understand the laws that govern our relationship to God and other people. God, our Father, views with sadness the drunken orgies of His creatures. But the destruction will continue until we of the churches are willing to overcome Satan through the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and through loving not our own life to the point of death.

Until at least some of the believers are willing to go this route with God, Heaven will retain the army of Christ that is being prepared to descend and put an end to the murder of fetuses, to the violating and prostituting of children, to the perverting of the minds of the young, to the destroying of the environment, to the accumulating of the resources of the earth by the wealthy few, to the hordes of filthy spirits suffocating the peoples of the earth with a blanket of moral filth.

Messiah will not come and bring justice until Satan is overcome by the stern obedience of the saints.

Messiah is coming. Christ is coming. Joy to the world for the travail of the creation is bringing forth the Kingdom of God. Now will justice be brought to the meek of the earth. The power of the oppressor will be destroyed beyond repair.

When Christ appears we will appear with Him provided we are part of the solution and not still part of the problem.

Until we are totally consecrated to Jesus Christ we are still part of the rebellion against the Father. In this case we will not appear with Jesus when He returns. What use would we be? How are we to go through the earth and compel obedience to Jesus when we ourselves are still disobedient.

The army of Christ is composed of dead-living people. They are crucified with Christ and the life they now are living they are living by the faith of Christ. Living by faith does not mean they are holding to truths of theology. It means every thought, every word, every action of their personality is wrought in Christ and by Christ. They look continually to Jesus for every aspect of life, every decision they make. This is what it means to live by faith.

There are not too many who live like this, but there are some.

Continued.The Servant of the Lord 4