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Fulfilling the Timeless Vision

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Fulfilling the Timeless Vision

And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: that ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. (Hebrews 6:11,12)

God is not bound by time, space, or gravity as we are. When He speaks He does so in a timeless vision.

We who are in the iron grip of time and space sometimes have a problem understanding how we are to respond to God's timeless utterances.

There are things that God has said are true of us.

We are a new creature. Old things have passed away. All things have become new.

We were healed by the lashes laid on Christ.

We have been glorified.

We have come to Mount Zion.

And then there are things the Apostle Paul said were true of him so we suppose they must be true of us.

We are crucified with Christ. We are living no longer but Christ is living in us.

For us to live is Christ and to die is gain.

We are more than conquerors through Christ.

How is a believer supposed to respond to these grand pronouncements?

Well, we can just stagger around and figure we are so weak and wicked it will never happen. This is how the fearful approach God. Let me tell you, self-pity will keep you out of the Kingdom.

Pull up your diapers and get out there with the best of them. None of us is any more than dust!

There is a second way of responding that we might term spiritual schizophrenia. To be schizophrenic is to be split off from reality. Are you a spiritual schizophrenic?

God can declare a thing is so and get away with it. We can't. It either is true or it isn't.

Either we are a new creature and all things are of God or we aren't. Your family will agree with this.

Either we are healed or we aren't. Your doctor couldn't agree more.

Either we are glorified or we are not, no matter what Paul said in Romans.

Either we have come to Mount Zion or we have not. How's the weather up there?

Either we are crucified with Christ and Christ is living in us or else such is not the case. Ask your next door neighbor.

For us to live is Christ and to die is gain. Would it really be gain for you to die or would it be out of the frying pan and into the fire? Are you sure?

Dear Lord, give us one grain of common sense before we die. Amen.

God loves to call things that are not as though they are. He loves to work in terms of a vision. How we respond to the timeless vision determines whether or not we make a success of the Christian life.

There is much talk in Christian circles about faith. In many instances the attitude and actions referred to are not faith but presumption.

True faith is to believe God exists, God knows the smallest detail of your life, God desires your eternal joy, and God has the power to bring you to joy and will do so if you are obedient to Him.

Continued. Fulfilling the Timeless Vision 2