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Spithead, May 26, 1758.

Our Lord, in the days of his flesh, performed cures, and wrought miracles on the sea. At one time, from the surrounding multitude he steps into a ship, and teaches thousands attentive on the shore; and, after finishing his sermon, makes the unsuccessful fishers cast their nets again into the sea, who, catching a great draught of fish, are also caught themselves, and made fishers of men.

Another time, he will go over to the country of the Gadarenes, for there was one there, the captive of the devil—whom he is pleased to deliver. So he enters into a ship, and his disciples, the close attendants on their Master, go along with him.

But, while his human nature, fatigued with the toils he daily underwent, is fast asleep—a tempest came down on the ship—either sent by Providence, that, in rebuking it, he might display his divinity; or perhaps Satan, who is the prince of the power of the air, was permitted to send out the fiercest storm which his hellish rage could effectuate, to make the affrighted boatmen row back again, and prevent the happy passage. However it was, his terrified disciples awoke Jesus, and his word makes the fierce winds fall asleep; and his presence in a little while, makes fiercer fiends cry out, when turned out of their long possession.

O how pleasant to think, that he who came from heaven to earth to save sinners, goes over a lake, and through a storm, to save a soul or two; and though he comes in love unsent for, yet he does not go away, until desired to depart!

Again, our great Lord, after feeding the multitude with spiritual and earthly bread, constrains his disciples, who, it seems, were reluctant to move a foot without his presence—to sail in a boat, while he sent the multitude away; after which he retires unto a mountain to pray. But, by this time, they are tossed with a double tempest, one beating their ship without, and another disquieting their soul within. It appears they had entered the ship between six and nine in the afternoon, and were tossed on the waters until between three and six in the morning—a long time indeed to the trembling disciples. The scene is altered now, for before they had no more to do, but awaken their Lord, to make the tempest fall asleep. But, though they saw not their dear Master, yet he saw their distress; and, after letting it heighten to an extremity, to sweeten their deliverance, he comes walking upon the waves, and journeys straight to their vessel.

The disciples (no doubt, in the morning watch, looking out for land) saw him, and, supposing it had been a spirit commissioned to overset them altogether, it added so much anguish to their anxiety, and terror to their trouble, that they cried out. But how soon does his kind reply check their fears, It is I, be not afraid. Peter, after asking permission, comes down to welcome him on the watery element. But winds above, and waves beneath, make Peter's faith stagger so much, that our kind Lord must stretch forth his hand and save him. No sooner did he enter the ship, than nature is composed.

He needs not speak a word—his very presence calms the tempest, and the winds immediately stop blowing upon the barge, where their Creator is a passenger. How happy, then, the soul where he abides forever! This sudden change in the storm effected a no less sudden—but much more momentous change in the minds of the astonished spectators, who are all at once brought over to a belief of his divinity: "Truly—you are the Son of God!"

How often might the observing mariner say of him who rode through the sea of great waters—that he has his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet! How often Jesus sends out the storm that puts us to our wit's end—and then calms the dreadful hurricane, to our great comfort! "O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!"