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'One day she secretly followed him

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One day she secretly followed him

Krummacher has a pleasant little legend of Zaccheus, who found Christ by getting into a sycamore tree. Krummacher says that in his old age Zaccheus still dwelt at Jericho, humble and pious before God and man. Every morning at sunrise he would go out to the fields for a walk.

After these walks he always came back with a quiet, happy mind, to begin his day's work. His wife noticed his unvarying habit, and became curious to know where he went and what he did. One day she secretly followed him . He went straight to that tree from which he first saw the Lord. Hiding herself from his view, she watched him.

He took a pitcher of water and poured water upon the roots of the tree, which were getting dry in the sultry heat. Then he pulled up a few weeds he found growing there. After this, he looked up long and lovingly at the branches, where he had sat that blessed day, when he first saw Jesus. At last, with a patient, grateful smile upon his face, he returned to his home.

Is there no suggestion in this for members of the church? Was it not in the church that you first saw Christ? Is not the place sacred to your heart? Should you not do for your church, what Zaccheus did for his tree? Should you not daily water its roots, by your prayers and tears and toils?

Should you not seek to keep the weeds away from about it, at least so far as your own life is concerned? Should you not do all you can in some way to nourish it and make it prosperous, a place of blessing to many more, as it has been to you? Your labor will not be in vain in the Lord.

"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain!" 1 Corinthians 15:58

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