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"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."

"That the world may know that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me." John 14:31

Jesus as God-man, had omnipotence slumbering in His arm. He had the hoarded treasures of eternity in His grasp. He had only to "speak — and it was done." But as an example to His people, His whole life on earth was one impressive act of subordination and dependence . At Nazareth He was "subject to his parents." There He remained in studied obscurity, occupying for thirty years a lowly hut, willing to continue in a state of seclusion, until the Father's summons called Him to His appointed work.

At His baptism , sinless Himself, He gives this reason for receiving a sinner's rite at a sinner's hands — "Allow it to be so now, for thus it befits Me to fulfill all righteousness." The same beautiful spirit of filial subjection shines conspicuous amid His acts of stupendous power. Even among His own disciples His language is, "I am among you as He who serves." With an act of submission He closed His pilgrimage and work of love. "Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit."

What an example to us, in all this, is our beloved Lord! Surely, if He, "God only wise" — the Self-existent One, to whom "all power was committed;" — the Sinless One, never liable to err, on whom "the Spirit was poured without measure" — if He manifested such habitual dependence on His heavenly Father — then how earnestly ought we, weak, erring, fallible creatures, to seek to live every hour — every moment — as pensioners on God's grace and love , following His directing hand in all things! As the servant has his eyes on his master, or the child on its parent, "so should our eyes be on the Lord our God." Whatever He speaks, be it ours with all docility to follow the voice, endorsing every utterance of providence, and every precept of Scripture, with our Lord's own words, "This is the Father's will!"

Beware of self-dependence . The first step in spiritual declension is this — "Let him that thinks he stands!" The secret of real strength is this — "Kept by the power of God!" How it sweetens all our blessings, and alleviates all our sorrows — to regard both as emanations from a loving Father's hand! Even if we should be like the disciples of old, "constrained" to go into the ship; if all should be darkness and tempest — frowning providences — "the wind contrary;" how blessed to feel that in embarking on the unquiet element, that "the Lord has bidden us!" Paul could not speak even of taking an earthly journey, without the parenthesis, ("if the Lord wills.")

How many trials, and sorrows, and sins, would it save us, if the same were the habitual regulator of our daily life! It would lead to calm contentment with our lot, hushing every disquieting suggestion with the thought that our lot, with all that is apparently adverse in it — was ordained for us! It would teach us not to be aspiring after great things — but humbly to wait the will and purposes of a wise Provider; not to go before our Heavenly Guide — but to follow Him, saying, in meek subjection, "Lord, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I do not concern myself with matters too great or awesome for me. But I have stilled and quieted myself, just as a small child is quiet with its mother. Yes, like a small child is my soul within me!"

"Arm yourselves likewise with the same mind."