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Groaning for the Adoption 10

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Groaning for the Adoption, #10

They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 13:42—NIV)

I know from the Scripture that the response of some of those who are clothed with their own behavior will be anger, because the Scripture states there will be gnashing of teeth. The response of such always has been unreasoning anger when they are not pleased with events. The saints have borne patiently with them, putting up with their selfishness and laziness. But no more. They will be placed with others of their kind.

All shall be placed with their kind in that day: the righteous with the righteous, the wicked with the wicked.

But won't all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus be saved? Yes, if they then do what He commands. But if they do not obey His commandments, how could they be saved? They shall be cut out of the Vine, out of Christ, and thrown into the fire, according to the Gospel of John.

Our entire future existence depends on what we experience after our flesh and bones are called up from where they have been disposed of. We then will face the consequences of our actions on the earth. Every idle word will be judged, unless we have confessed it as sin and have turned away from idle speech.

I cannot stress too much that the American Evangelical churches are greatly deceived concerning the "blessed hope" of the Church. The blessed hope of the Church is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to grant immortality in the body to those who have prepared themselves, as did the wise virgins and the men who gained profit from their talents. Then they will enter eternal life in the Kingdom of God under the approving eye of their Savior.

But so many today in America are living worldly lives, counting on grace to carry them up to Paradise in an unscriptural "rapture" so they will not be called on to suffer any inconvenience, leaving it to the Jews to put up with Antichrist. What unbelievable nonsense is being preached in the name of Jesus Christ.

Unless I am mistaken, war and other catastrophes are ahead for us in America. God is not pleased that we have turned away from Him. We have become a nation of the scornful.

I do not believe God has given up on America. We yet shall have righteous government at all levels. There is coming great revival but it will be in the midst of great trouble. Those who faithfully serve God will be protected along with their loved ones. But those who have lived the comfortable, fleshly American lustful existence will enter terror, even though they profess to be "born again."

And most assuredly there will be no "rapture" to save us from the judgment that is coming on our nation.

There. I have prophesied to you. If what I have portrayed to you does not take place you will know I am not hearing from the Lord.

But in any case, the Bible commands us to obey the commandments given by Jesus Christ and His Apostles. So prophecy or no, we must build our house on the rock that we may be able to stand in victory, just in case the "rapture" is late.

Can you say Amen? (from Groaning for the Adoption)

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