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UNDERSTAND THAT DISAVOWING GOD’S INTEGRITY RESULTS IN DEATH</p> GOD’S ORIGINAL DREAM for Adam and Eve was that if they trusted in His integrity, they would live and prosper with Him forever If they abused His trust and disbelieved His word, the process of deterioration would begin and they would die. After Adam and Eve rejected God’s trust, He came into the garden and spelled out what the results would
There would be no grounds for a relationship with God. Adam and Eve had exercised their free wills and had, by their action, disregarded and disbelieved what God had said. The good life ended. Dignity was desecrated.
God said, in the day that you disavow my instruc­tions and eat the fruit I forbade, you will surely die.’

Without trust in God’s integrity, human persons sink into despair and disgrace, degeneration and disease,
destruction and oblivion, deterioration and death. Their lack of trust in the integrity of what God said was later called sin. The simple rule that God made was: The person who sins will die. 2
Later it was repeated in another way: The wages of sin (disavowing the integrity of God’s word) is death.3

Adam and Eve were no longer qualified to dwell in the garden with God. Separated from His plenty and beyond His protection, they were now subject to their new master who came to steal, to kill and to destroy4
That was the beginning of suffering, disease, pain, hate, lust, envy, murder, jealousy, loneliness, guilt, poverty, hunger, destruction and death.

Sin had entered the human race. It would be passed on to all generations. Whereas, by one person sin entered into the world, and death by sin so death passed upon all persons, for that all have sinned.5

The fundamental sin that severed God’s relationship with mankind was not murder or adultery or lying or stealing or hatred or abuse. It was the assumption or philosophy or attitude that God did not mean what He said. When that position is taken, deterioration sets in like a cancer and is terminal. When you do not trust God, you do not trust your­self, or anyone else. When you decide that God has no integrity, your own integrity is abandoned. Conscience is callused. Dignity is desecrated. The human person deteriorates and dies. Honour is gone. The lights go out. There is only darkness.

Say this to God.

DEAR LORD, I thank You for helping me to understand the final consequences of unbelief in Your word.
Now I realise why the wages of sin is death. I now understand that the original and the ulti­mate sin is to disavow Your integrity, to disbelieve Your word. When I do that, my own dignity as a human created like You is repudiated. If I do not believe in You, I do not believe in me. Excellence is bartered for mediocrity. Deterioration sets in like a terminal disease, and I die.

0 GOD, I thank You for helping me to realise that, since I am created by You, the God of faith, I can experience Your lifestyle and know true living by believing in Your integrity. Your word is Your bond. You intended for words to weld society together in mutual trust and inter­relationships. But when faith in Your integrity was abandoned, human life crumbled and fell apart. The lack of integrity turned inward, and the divine dignity of God’s creation died.

I THANK YOU, Lord, that Your dream for me is so beautiful. You created me to live on Your level. Confidence in Your word and Your way is the bond that unites me with You. I now realise that the integrity of Your word is the foundation of real life as You planned it for me. I do, here and now, honour Your word and pledge myself to trust what You say. And I believe that this faith will lead me to the discovery of the abundant life You originally created me to enjoy.

Bible References
Gen 2:17; Eze 4:20; Rom 6:23; Joh 10:10; Rom 5:12