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The Cross Is the Only Entrance 8

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The Cross Is the Only Entrance

Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. (Revelation 3:4-NIV)

It may well be true that a significant number of the Christian believers throughout the two thousand years of the Church Age have been of the synagogue of the accuser. Christ never added them to His Church. The Father never gave them to Christ. They were brought in by the carnal devices of the Christian religion, which always is striving to make proselytes.

As we look around us in America today we can see that few Christians have taken up their cross and are following Jesus. The majority have not been crucified with Christ and therefore have not risen with Him.

Their pastors and evangelists are preaching "grace, grace, grace, rapture, rapture, rapture, heaven, heaven, heaven." They speak in tongues, prophesy, and cry out for the fire of the Holy Spirit. They "get souls saved." They are filled with religious activities. But they do not know Jesus. When they hear the Gospel of the Kingdom they say, "This is too hard. This is too strict."

They know the house of God but not God Himself. You can tell who they are when you hear them accuse, criticize, gossip about, and slander other believers. They are the synagogue of the accuser of the brothers.

How many genuine Christians are there in the United States of America? As many as there are believers who are taking up their cross daily and following the Master; who have been crucified with Christ and have risen with Him; in whose mouth gossip, accusations, and slander are never heard; who do not complain that God's commandments are "too strict, too hard."

These and these alone are God's people. The remainder merely are members of the Christian religion. Because they are not carrying their cross, because they have not died with Christ, because they are not keeping the commandments of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, it is likely they will become part of the False Prophet and will participate in the Antichrist system.

The False Prophet is the Christian who is seeking the power of Christ but who is unwilling to die so that Christ's will may be done. It is the False Prophet who will give life to the Antichrist government of the last days, and who will persecute viciously the true saints.

Do you remember how many hundreds of thousands of true Christians the Catholic Church has murdered through the centuries? The vicious persecution and murder exercised through the officials of the Catholic Church originated with Satan, did it not? Yet the Catholic Church claims to be composed of Christians. This is an example of the synagogue of Satan.

The Protestant churches are daughters of the Catholic Church. The same spirit of murder is in them but it expresses itself in gossip and slander. God is preparing His Throne for the coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth. Everyone who is part of that throne, all the stars of God, shall be shaken, shaken, shaken until all self-will has been removed.

Only that which has died in Christ and has risen with Christ, and then has been established by utter faithfulness and obedience, shall remain as part of the Throne. Then the Lord Jesus Christ will appear with those whose life He is.

All these shall appear together at the right hand of God that they may govern the nations of the earth.

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