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Being With Christ Where He Is 4

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Being With Christ Where He Is

For anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. (Hebrews 4:10-NIV)

How ridiculous it is that the living God has such a time getting us to surrender our right to operate our own program. He has created us that we might be a forth shining of His Glory. We are to be the image of God, the expression of God in His creation, the very chariot of God. How utterly, unspeakably marvelous!

Yet here we are, intelligent animals created from dust, resisting His wooing, determined to maintain our ignorant, corruptible, clownish personality and behavior. How does He put up with us?

Maybe my kelpie, "Bear" by name (a totally unsuitable appellation), would do a better job than most of us if she had the opportunity. The mighty Entity, Christ in God, is calling us to Himself.

"Come, be part of Me, it is for this you were created.

Cease from your own attempts to create heaven and earth.

Enter My rest, the cessation of My labor. I have created all things from the beginning all the way through to the new heaven and earth reign of Jesus Christ. Now I am resting. Enter My rest."

At the heart of the issue is Divine law, the difference between right and wrong. There always is a tremendous fight over right and wrong. Have you noticed that? In the American culture of today the tendency is to remove the label of "sin" from human behavior. The concept of "freedom of speech" is used to justify the most despicable behavior.

In the Christian churches sin and righteousness are dismissed.

In their place has been substituted a perverted form of New Testament grace. The consequence of the abolishing of a clear distinction between right and wrong, in both the secular and religious realms, is a descent into immorality not seen before in America.

From all appearances this slide will continue until some catastrophe overtakes our nation. In God, however, and in the spirit realm, righteousness and sin are personalities. That which is righteous is righteous and that which is wicked is wicked. There is no confusion.

God is a righteous Judge. He always distinguishes between good and evil. He has given us His written Word so we can understand the difference between the precious and the vile. The democratic world of today scoffs at the Bible standard of morality. The Christian churches scoff at those believers who strive to follow the commandments of the Lord, accusing them of being legalists and Pharisees.

As we choose to keep the commandments of Christ and His Apostles, praying always for wisdom and strength so our behavior might be pleasing to the Lord, ignoring those who are crying grace, grace, grace, the Lord begins to be formed in our personality. The holy law is being written in our mind and carved in our heart.

The result of our conscientiousness in keeping the commandments of Christ and His Apostles is that we are brought into untroubled rest in the Father through Jesus Christ, being made one with Them; we dwelling in Them and They in us.

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