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How Christ's Word Abides in Us 2

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How Christ's Word Abides in Us 2

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: (Hebrews 8:10)

Christ is the Word of God made flesh. We human beings are the flesh being made the Word of God, living epistles, as the Divine laws are engraved in our heart and mind. They are written in our mind so we understand them and in our heart so we obey them.

The process of writing the law in our heart and mind is the mainspring of the new covenant. Let's see how it works, for this is what salvation is. It is not that the writing of Divine law in our personality leads to salvation, rather it is what salvation is—an important distinction.

When we begin our Christian walk we assign our old adamic personality, that born of our mother and father, to the cross with Jesus. We count ourselves crucified with Christ. Every part of our old personality must go to the cross, the good as well as the bad, or the program won't work.

Next, we count our new born-again personality, that which is born of God when we receive Christ, as already having been raised with Christ to the right hand of the Father. These are not figures of speech. We actually, although in the spirit realm, have been born of God and actually have risen with Christ to the right hand of the Father, far above all other personages in the heavenlies.

Our body and soul are kept locked up under the blood of Christ and therefore free from condemnation. Our new spiritual personality is dwelling in Christ in God on the highest thrones.

Now the program of salvation, of change, begins.

As we pray, read our Bible and think about the commandments of Christ and His Apostles, gather regularly with fervent believers (if possible), serve in the church, give, seek God's will, tend diligently to the needs of our family, and do all else associated with wholesome Christian living, the Lord begins to reveal to us the sins of our personality.

We are not under condemnation because our old personality is kept under the blood of the atonement. Now God is ready to begin to bring out these hidden enemies one at a time and deal with them.

Let us say that someone hurts us. A flaming arrow has hit us—perhaps from a fellow believer of the same church.

The moment of truth is here. We have a decision to make.

Our first personality is ready to climb down from the cross. "They are not going to do that to me!" "It isn't fair!" "I'm going to get even!" "If they think they are going to get away with that they have another thing coming!"

The Word of Christ says, "God will forgive you if you forgive those who harm you."

We now have a choice to make and that choice is one of those that will determine our eternal destiny.

To be continued. How Christ's Word Abides in Us 3