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To be continued.'The Warrior's Prayer' 20

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The Warrior's Prayer, #20

He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me (verse seventeen).

It appears many if not most Christians have little concept of the ability of their enemy or of the intensity of his hatred toward each of them. Satan knows each Christian, each follower of Christ, and is dedicated to his or her destruction. The hatred is personal, and vicious beyond our understanding.

The battle is not one of power but of deception. Christ destroyed the authority of Satan when he died on the cross of Calvary. Satan does not have the authority to touch any believer in Christ. We are free to choose to serve righteousness if we so desire.

But Satan is a master deceiver. He is far too cunning for us. By his wisdom he turns us away from the truth that is in Christ and in this manner causes us to lose our inheritance.

He is too crafty for us. This is why the Lord Jesus counseled us to pray always that God would deliver us from the evil one.

Our age is an excellent example. The Christians in the wealthy, educated nations of our day are being taught to beware of Antichrist. But the spirit of Antichrist already has overcome them. The testimony of God's righteous Person and will has been nearly eliminated in Europe, in America, in Scandinavia. Countries that at one time had been centers of righteousness, of missionary activity, are now hosts to Christian churches that are without righteousness, without holiness, without power, without the fear of God. Antichrist, by Satan's wisdom, has overcome them—and they do not realize it.

Antichrist has done this by appealing to man's love for himself. The Christian doctrine has been corrupted by an overemphasis on grace; by the doctrine of the pre-tribulation evacuation of the believers (which has been accepted because people reason that God loves them too much to allow them to suffer); by an overemphasis on God's love; by using music in the churches as a substitute for the working of the Holy Spirit; by the stress on ornate buildings; by teaching the believers that God desires above all they be wealthy and happy; by the substitution of "positive thinking" for true faith; by the teaching that since Christ is in us there no longer is a need for continuing, consistent prayer; by the corruption of the ministry so the leaders are given to covetousness, to immorality, to self-aggrandizement. Antichrist already has overcome the saints, and he has accomplished his victory through ease, entertainment, and material prosperity.

In the meantime the nations of the world lurch forward in the darkness, waiting for the time when God and Christ enter the Church and bring truth, justice, and peace to mankind (Isaiah 42:4).

To be continued.'The Warrior's Prayer' 21