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To be continued.'The Warrior's Prayer' 18

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The Warrior's Prayer, #18

Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils (verse fifteen).

The human heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9). It is perverse. It is corrupt. It is as many channels of water, continually shifting, well able to subtly hide the actual intentions that are producing our words and actions. It is not possible for any person to understand his own deepest motives or those of other people.

But God searches the mind and tests the heart. God understands us thoroughly—inside and out.

When the Lord comes with His hailstones, coals of fire, arrows, thunderings, and lightnings, these covering waters are parted and we begin to understand what is causing the conflict. The true nature of every person and every thing is revealed. The foundations of the world are exposed. All that has been hidden is revealed. This happens when the Lord draws near to us.

Sometimes we pursue our religious way for many years. We assume God is accepting our offerings and is pleased with our person. We do not understand our own personality.

Then the time comes for God to draw us closer to Himself. In order to do so, He must purge from us the traits that displease Him. It is important for each saint to understand Christ never compromises His desires. He knows how He wants each person to be. He never shall compromise. He will not settle for less than that which He envisions, and the individual who resists Christ will lose his appointed rank in the Kingdom of God.

We must be willing to change. If Christ has set His heart on us, and there are things in our personality that do not suit Him, He will chasten us severely to help us make the necessary changes. But if we insist on having our own way we will not be accepted.

The warrior cries out for deliverance from his enemies, and the Lord lays bare the beds of the sea and the foundations of the world. He does this by issuing a strong rebuke. We are not to faint when the Lord rebukes us, for the Lord rebukes those whom He loves. He scourges every son whom He receives. When we are rebuked we are to confess our sins and self-seeking and forsake them.

As soon as we confess our own sins to the Lord, repenting of our pride and self-will, the Lord deals in anger with those who are afflicting us. We see, therefore, that the warrior's prayer results not only in his deliverance from trouble but also in his own purification before God. It is a fact that when a man's ways please the Lord, the Lord brings him into peace and rest (Proverbs 16:7).

To be continued.'The Warrior's Prayer' 19