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4:19 How are we to understand what Paul says here - is this an open- ended promise that God will supply every professing Christian's needs?

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4:19 How are we to understand what Paul says here - is this an open- ended promise that God will supply every professing Christian's needs?

It is important that we understand the correct teaching behind this verse. It is often taken out of context and used as an open-ended promise that God will supply the needs of every professing Christian, but that is not correct. It only applies to those who support the cause of the gospel, as the Philippian church did (cp V15-19).

The Philippian church supported Paul when he started up the church in Thessalonica, and Paul was assuring them in V19 that as they gave so liberally to supply his needs, so God in return would also give liberally to supply theirs.

This illustrates the principle of God's law of sowing and reaping, which applies to every aspect of our Christian walk - to our financial support of the ministry; the giving of ourselves, our finances and our time to others; our moral behaviour, and our Christian service (cp Psa 126:6; Pr 3:9-10; 11:24-26; 19:17; 22:9; 28:27; Ec 11:1-4; Mal 3:10-12; 2Cor 9:6; Ga 6:6-8).

Christians must never delude themselves into believing they can reap kingdom benefits without first sowing into the kingdom (cp Lk 6:38).

Notice here that Jesus first said give, then He said, and it will be given unto you... this clarifies how giving and receiving go together in God's order. If we do not give we will not receive.

Yet many Christians expect to receive the kingdom benefits without giving anything into the kingdom. But how can God bless us with all the fullness of His blessings for giving, if we do not obey His command to give in the first place.

And how can His kingdom be extended if Christians withhold their financial support. Withholding from God is meanness, and the awful finality of meanness is the judgement of God on those who practice it (cp Mt 25:31-46). See also comments on Lk 6:38, 2Cor 9:6, Ga 6:7-8.

These Studies by Br Val Boyle may be downloaded and freely distributed but not sold for profit.
