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6:24 To what does the word mammon refer?

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6:24 To what does the word mammon refer?

Mammon refers to earthly riches – material possessions and wealth (cp Mt 6:19-34). Jesus teaches us here that Christians cannot allow the acquisition of material possessions and wealth to become their life-goal because it will eventually estrange them from God. Christians must ever be alert to the danger of being seduced from their allegiance to God by the allurements of riches and material possessions. We must guard against any preoccupation at all with material things lest they become more important to us than the things of God (cp Mt 13:3-9, 18-23).

This is called the parable of the sower. It perfectly describes what the end is for Christians serving mammon – caught up in the pursuit of wealth. The teaching in the parable centres on the different soils, which represents those who receive God’s word, and how they respond to it. The term deceitfulness of riches in Mt 6:22 means that wealth gives a false impression – a false sense of security – whether by appearance, statement or influence.

Choke, in the same verse means figuratively to overpower. What this teaches is that the false sense of security emanating from material possessions and wealth overpowers the word of God in Christians and prevents them bearing fruit for the kingdom. They have been seduced by their wealth from continuing in God’s service. Paul also teaches this (cp 1Ti 6:9-10).

Erred here also means seduced. Those who coveted after wealth erred from the faith. They were seduced by their wealth away from God. Paul’s perspective on wealth is the same as Jesus’. He teaches that the pursuit of wealth debases the mind, destroys Godly traits, and makes Christians selfish, proud, and avaricious, which all lead to destruction and perdition. Perdition refers to the state after death wherein exclusion from salvation is a realized fact, wherein man, instead of becoming what he might have been in God, is lost and ruined forever.

This is a warning for those inside the church, not those outside it – for believers, not unbelievers. Perdition here is the final destiny of Christians who determine to be rich. This is a grim warning to Christians against focusing upon earthly riches and serving mammon in this life, as opposed to serving God and storing up treasure for ourselves in heaven that will guarantee our eternal security in the next life (cp Lk 12:13-15). The word abundance here means more than is needed, surplus to needs. See also comments on Mt 19:23-26; Lk 12:13-15; 12:16-21; 1Ti 6:6-10,

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